ATVs Do Donuts on Golf Green – IOTW Report

ATVs Do Donuts on Golf Green

Many people in the comments are saying GOOD! BRAVO!

-You’re upset about someone disturbing your fun at the rich people playground and genuinely thought the majority of people would be on your side?

-somewhat bothered by how far I had to scroll down in the replies to find a functioning brain. Give it up, give these guys the trophy for having real fun, not just platting a tiny ball around while talking up BIZNESS and schmoozing clients.

-Wow, golfers take up every green space in every city to put an overly wasteful “sport” propped up by wealthy people, and are experiencing negative reactions to that. Never seen soccer, basketball, AmFootball, baseball, etc. players mad at their fields being used for other uses

-I see a few dudes using the property in a way that is much cooler than a bunch of stuck-up, shirt-tucking ball-chasers could ever do.

-Y’all are pathetic. Golf courses are a crime against the public. A massive waste of space exclusively for boring people

-Nah, mate, your sport is wasteful and golf courses should be turned into parks. There are miniature golf places for you to get that jones.

-i hope your little hobby becomes less and less profitable and all those fields are used for something useful like a hotdog stand or a 7/11

-I’ll cry for a lot of things before I cry for a ruined gold course. Drive to a different one if there’s a problem? There are hundreds of courses in America.

-It’s. Grass. Y’all take the most boring game in the history of sports way too seriously.

-Nothing of value was lost. Everything was gained. They look cool af.

-This is so good. The only good thing to ever happen on that green. Hopefully this turns into a trend at every gold course in the world.

-anybody who makes country club losers mad like this rules

-I wish they could ruin the golf course more. I wish there were four times as many of them


I submit that this is the leftist mindset in a nutshell ^^^^^^^^^^

28 Comments on ATVs Do Donuts on Golf Green

  1. Nothing a 12-ga with #6 bird shot can’t fix. It’s a given that these lefties would react a bit differently if those donuts were being done in their front yards.

  2. We’re not rich and we play golf.
    Golf courses preserve green spaces.
    Past City Councils have tried the little 9 hole golf course in our town to build “affordable”, aka low income, housing.
    Thankfully they failed. Besides the golf course is the only city run enterprise that makes money.

    The ignorant libs who think that destruction of property is funny probably don’t do anything half physical for fun.

    Playing 18 up at Bath, ME today!

  3. We used to live in a golf course community. Had to replace 15 windows and redo the siding on the house. The environmental concerns were myriad as 3 courses were around the county water reservoir. So many chemicals, no birds, no insects, no life of any kind. Collected 3 Army duffel bags of balls from my yard one August. Started firing back with a 9 iron. The screaming was priceless. At night, I’d walk my Collies on the course. One would consistently poo in the cup.

  4. Jim^^^

    was the golf course there when you bought the home? If so, QUIT YOUR BITCHING!!! what did you expect? Not everyone who plays the game plays it well and even those that do spray a tee shot or two occasionally.

    Sorry, no sympathy here.

    Irate Nate, are you volunteering or negotiating for a job? :):)

  5. Same for people doing donuts on public streets with their cars, often on busy streets on a Saturday. Take everything away and sue them for all of the financial damage they cause, including lost time.

  6. I grew up playing golf. We were barely middle class. Far from “rich”. I enjoyed getting out with my Dad and brother. I was good enough not to lose balls. Brother was good enough to enter a few tournaments. These guys should be arrested and fined for 100% of the repairs plus have their machines blown up.

  7. They do it on The Mall in DC. This stuff has been going on regularly for years, mostly on *urban* streets at first. The question isn’t “why” they do it; these jerks have no respect for any law and they know they won’t be punished for nonviolent offenses. And off-road vehicles meant for rural areas have trickled down to city streets.

    The question is “how” they do it. Are ATVs and dirt-bikes now accoutrements of drug gangs? Are these things bought with drug money? Are they stolen from suburban driveways? If these clowns are trenching up suburban golf courses, how do they get there? Do they live there, just down your street? Do they trailer them out from town behind the Escalade? Do they calmly park by the fairway, wreak havoc and then laughingly load up and leave, while residents gawk and video?

    And is this what we can expect to see in our national parks as a result of our woke, progressive government’s efforts to make black people feel comfortable and entitled in the woods? All I can say is you’d better enjoy the parks you pay for now, because they’re about to get trashed. I mean, even more than they have been trashed by illegals.

  8. After two summers being a caddy, I would rather see golf courses turned into public hunting preserves.
    I agree it is an activity that takes skill and practice but it seems mind-numbingly boring to me.
    They damaged private property, charge them!

  9. I was a caddie at a 27-hole private country club for several years.

    “Nothing of value was lost.”, “It’s just grass.”

    Less pricey at public courses, but when you’re on the private level, and waaaay back in the 1990s, those greens cost $1 million EACH to build, and $75,000 per year to maintain.

    It was a BIG DEAL when a cutter sprung a leak and dropped gasoline on the green. It took half the summer to heal and most of that time the green was closed.

    When I repaired a ball mark, the person I was caddying for would check my work. What I got paid depended mostly on how I performed around the greens.

    Greens are incredibly important and expensive to the game.

    How would these assholes like it if someone came into their home and did donuts in their living room? It’s JUST LIKE THAT because members treated greens like their home and everyone who worked there was to respect them as such.

    Anyway, the course was closed on Mondays, but open to caddies to free play, I started off shooting in the 100s and got good enough to consistently shoot in the low 80s. The game is awesome. Those who don’t play, sit down and let the rest of us enjoy. Go wreck your own home.

    Oh, and it’s not just a rich person’s game. The most golf I played was when I was barely making enough to pay rent. I will concede it’s boring to watch on TeeVee, but I encourage you to attend a Championship or US Open. I did that in 2003 at Olympia Fields in Illinois.. It was fascinating.

  10. Someone in each group should have a decent drone so could follow them, get tag numbers, house numbers and if nothing else Dox and otherwise harass the heck out of them

  11. Hmmm… someone commented they played more golf when they could barely afford rent… me too. Golf is pretty exclusive because of the cost and the time it takes. As a weed smoking unemployment leeching yute I played several rounds a week.. at the municipals and low end courses. After I got my act mostly into one sack the time became the problem. Money? I could play any course man has devised but time? No.

    Golf is, in its way, a leftist game. Poor folk got the time and can scrape up the money, rich folk got the dough and the time. The middle? Screw them.

  12. …THIS is how golf was invented.

    “Golfimbul was a king of the Orcs of Mount Gram

    Golfimbul led a band of Orcs in an invasion of the Shire in T.A. 2747. Bandobras Took met Golfimbul in the Northfarthing of the Shire and defeated him in the Battle of Greenfields. During the battle Bandobras, who was large enough to ride a horse, charged at Golfimbul and knocked off his head with a club. Golfimbul’s head flew through the air for 100 yards and went down a rabbit hole. It is said that this is how the game of golf was invented.”

  13. I don’t like golf, so I don’t play it. But I know hundreds of people that love it. Good on them. They aren’t hurting me. One of the coolest things I eve got to do was stand on the 9th hole at St.Andrews with my golf nut great nephew. He wanted to be where Tiger Woods won the British Open. Didn’t mean much to e, but it meant the world to him. Leave courses and golfers alone.


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