Green Hypocrisy in Full Swing: 16 Million Trees Axed for Wind Farms in Hypocritical Eco-Crusade in Scotland – IOTW Report

Green Hypocrisy in Full Swing: 16 Million Trees Axed for Wind Farms in Hypocritical Eco-Crusade in Scotland

GP: Scottish National Party (SNP) ministers have admitted to felling close to 16 million trees to make room for wind farms on public land after the Scottish government plans to get all of its power from renewable energy this year.

Mairi Gougeon, the Rural Affairs Secretary, conceded that around 15.7 million trees have been cleared since 2000 from areas presently managed by Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS). The figures equate to over 1,700 trees felled daily, in what critics have described as a hypocritical eco-crusade.

Despite this, Gougeon insisted on a planning presumption in favour of protecting woodland, expecting wind farm developers to undertake “compensatory planting elsewhere.”

However, Scottish Tory MSP Liam Kerr expressed astonishment at the figures, citing worries voiced by “communities all over the country.” MORE

8 Comments on Green Hypocrisy in Full Swing: 16 Million Trees Axed for Wind Farms in Hypocritical Eco-Crusade in Scotland

  1. @PHenry — Good to see you’re looking ahead.

    It occurs to me that those bat-chomping bird-slicing eco-crucifixes that do such a terrific job slicing birds might also be useful for slicing necks.

  2. I lived in western Scotland (Dunoon) in the early 80’s. Scotland isn’t exactly forested like North Idaho or western Montana. A whole lotta barren hills. They don’t have a surplus of trees to sacrifice to the Great God Gore.

  3. @Nidaho

    I toured through Scotland in the mid-1970’s. The hills to the north of Loch Ness had lots of fir trees, but I thought they looked planted, and not naturally occurring. Whatever, they provided a beautiful background for the lake. I hope it wasn’t those trees they cut down.

  4. As much as I can’t stand Michael Moore he deals a lot with this type of environmentalism is his movie “Planet of The Humans” which for some reason (!!!) was not promoted by MSM AFTER they saw it.

    Most of the Co-Generation Electrical are Fuelled by TREES. Sickening

    I was FREE on Y-tube during Peak COOF PROPAGANDA, but if half of it is true, then Oil & Gas are our only hope.

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