NASCAR Driver Likes a Meme With Saint George Floyd and His Career is Over – IOTW Report

NASCAR Driver Likes a Meme With Saint George Floyd and His Career is Over

30 Comments on NASCAR Driver Likes a Meme With Saint George Floyd and His Career is Over

  1. Cars with tubular frames, sheet metal bodies, identical engines and stickers to make them have the appearance of a particular manufacturers vehicle yet every car is the same.
    I miss the old days when a Chevy raced against a Ford and a Mopar.

  2. When Dodge and Plymouth were dominating with the hemi and wing cars Nascar stepped in and started with restrictor plates and tried to make things fair which destroyed what Nascar was.
    They should have stayed out of it. Ford and Chevy could have engineered their way through it.
    They were also worried about speeds that were being attained and outlawed wings but now they’re actually faster.

  3. THIS was George Floyd’s killer.

    “WCS causes chest and abdominal muscle rigidity leading to ineffective spontaneous ventilation and difficult assisted ventilation with elevated airway pressures
    Risk factors for WCS include concomitant use of medications that modify dopamine levels, extremes of age, high cumulative doses of fentanyl, rapid IV administration, critical illness, and use of lipophilic opioids
    Management of WCS in the non-intubated patient includes discontinuation of the opioid (with or without naloxone reversal) and supportive ventilatory care
    Management of WCS in the intubated patient includes discontinuation of the opioid, replacement of the opioid with a non-lipophilic version such as hydromorphone or morphine, addition of a non-depolarizing paralytic infusion for at least 24 hours, and supportive ventilatory care
    Waiting at least 24 hours after cessation of fentanyl to attempt extubation in a WCS patient is recommended”

    …simply put, his massive overdose likely caused his chest muscles to make CPR extremely difficult and spontaneous breathing impossible.

    Until his muscles become flaccid from anoxia, that is.

    Which we would then characterize as “dead”.

    …there’s a REASON why even LOW doses of Fentanyl are termed “lethal” doses.

    George simply FA’d and FO’d.

    Whoch is where it should have and WOULD have ended, had not Democrats wanted to use the opportunity to destroy the country and kill its citizens for their own selfish power desires.

    No one killed George Floyd but George Floyd.

    But the Communists used him as a convenient lie to kill many, many more.

    Because that’s what they DO.

  4. In other sporting news:

    The USA women are out of the World Cup.
    Green haired lesbo America-hating bitch Megan Rapinoe missed a penalty kick that would have ultimately won the game.


    Team diversity was beaten by Sweden.
    Ironically, Rapinoe has said she is fine with trans-women in sports and the final Swedish player that kicked the winner looks like a dude.
    May very well BE A DUDE!

    Karma is a Rapinoe!

  5. So, what exactly is wrong with that meme? I guess a pic on a crab is worse than a pic on a pig. Times sure have changed. I hunted the meme down and “liked” it. 🙂

  6. LBS,

    Re: Dyke Ball Kicking Team(on so many levels)

    That was the FIRST thing I searched when I woke up this morning in Canuckistan.

    Now we know why they wanted to receive a portion of the MEN’S EARNINGS.

    They should have Carried The American Flag rather than the new Pedo Flag

  7. geoff the aardvark AT 8:50 AM
    “LBS, yay Swedes, I’m glad to hear that the overrated US Women’s soccer team lost in the finals.”

    …that’s nothing. Wait ’till you see how the overrated US Feminist Transmilitary performs in WWIII.

  8. Kcir AT 9:14 AM

    “Re: Dyke Ball Kicking Team(on so many levels)

    They should have Carried The American Flag rather than the new Pedo Flag”

    …I for one am GLAD they did not carry the US flag.

    They are representatives of no nation I recognize or want any part in, and they CERTAINLY do not represent ME.

  9. @JDHasty, I miss the days when average Joe was able to go to a dealership, buy a car, rip out the interior, install a fuel cell and a roll cage, modify the engine to Nascar rules and compete against the manufacturers cars without having million dollar sponsorships.
    Thats what Nascar used to be.

  10. As I understand it, Gragson signed some kind of conduct agreement with the Legacy Motor Club that he allegedly violated, although merely liking a meme seems a petty reason to be fired. And career criminal George Floyd died from a combination of alcohol and fentynal, along with a lifetime of hypertension and heart problems.


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