Is Anyone Else Rooting Against This Smug Alligator Handler? – IOTW Report

Is Anyone Else Rooting Against This Smug Alligator Handler?

Alright, I may not be rooting against him to die. But maybe lose a pinky.

19 Comments on Is Anyone Else Rooting Against This Smug Alligator Handler?

  1. Either way, you won’t catch ME in the water with a phookin alligator. Speaking of which, a good size one was spotted on the S. Edisto River about three miles from here last month….. Oh and the smug asshole? Don’t care if he loses a digit or not!

  2. He actually made me laugh listening to his BS. It only takes one time dude and you know that. You’re ever so confident like Titan’s Stockton Rush, and we know what happened to him.

  3. DaveVA at 11:01 am

    Moron. He will lose a hand eventually.

    Or they’ll find the gator with the guys foot hanging out of its mouth. Poor gator will die too, and all the gator did was eat breakfast. Sheesh! Talk about animal abuse!


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