Woman sues Popeyes after she was beaten for asking employees to correct order – IOTW Report

Woman sues Popeyes after she was beaten for asking employees to correct order

BPR: An Atlanta woman is suing a popular fast-food restaurant, accusing employees of violently attacking her when she attempted to have her order corrected while at the drive-thru window at a local Popeyes location.

The alleged incident went down last September at the Popeyes fried chicken store located on Cleveland Avenue in Atlanta when Denetra Dawson stopped to pick up dinner for her kids. After noticing that her order was wrong, she went to the drive-thru to have it fixed when things took a turn for the worse and the situation dramatically escalated, leaving her with a large portion of her hair torn out.

“I simply went to get food for my kids,” Dawson said of the incident that left her bruised and battered after she was allegedly attacked by three workers. “Why me? I didn’t even think I was going to make it back to my kids.” more

35 Comments on Woman sues Popeyes after she was beaten for asking employees to correct order

  1. Why didn’t they fix her order and tell her to park – walking the order out when it’s done? Easy way to keep the line moving…

    Last time I was at a Popeye’s, they took an hour to make our ordee for 3 people. And the food was worse than KFC crap.

    Not sure how they can stay in business…

  2. What Would Popeye Do?

    pull yo’ hair out yo’ head, beeee itch!

    cuh cuck ca, cuh cuck ca … cuh cuck ca

    at least there’s that big Be-Ouncey concert at Fed-Ex tonight! … wonder how many hair weaves get pulled out tonight! …. beeeee itch!

  3. Popeye’s mystery dinner theater
    order a bucket of chicken. Watch someone kick the bucket and test your eyewitness skills as you try to identify the killer to the police.

  4. I’m guessing she was an absolute shitbird bitch when she approached the window for the second time. The employees were ‘dissed’ and acted as their culture demands.

  5. Popeyes needs a separate waiting area to serve customers with an issue. “Please move your car to the designated beatings area and employees will haul ass on your ass as soon as possible. Thank you for choosing Popeye’s.”

    “If our spicy chicken doesn’t make your eyes pop, our employees will.”

  6. In the ATL you have to read the neighborhood of where a Popeyes or Waffle house is. If your in South Atlanta it is daylight hours only and go fully armed. If you are in an area that is growing like most of the counties outside the perimeter there is less concern.

  7. Brad.

    You Too! I thought it was just me who noticed it. Talk about having it rammed down your throat. I’d rather be sucked out of an airplane window than buy or use some products

  8. Is this SOP for Popeye’s complaints?
    Were the Popeye’s employees instructed to attack those whose orders were incorrect and had the temerity to point it out?

    If it is, the suit is fine; if it isn’t, the suit is frivolous.
    A case of assault and battery that happened to occur at Popeye’s – not CAUSED by Popeye’s.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I was unfortunate enough to have a near 2 hr. layover at ATL today.
    I thought Dallas/FTW was huge; this place has it’s own train & probably zip code.
    The Popeye’s had the longest line going out of it of any food place in the concourse, by a wide margin.

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