Douglas Murray on Reparations – IOTW Report

Douglas Murray on Reparations

Nothing more needs to be said.

26 Comments on Douglas Murray on Reparations

  1. As the brits would say, BRILLIANT.
    I would like to have heard (or maybe not) the response from the smirking black woman on that panel. Based on her smirk, I’m guessing she is the one being schooled here.

  2. “Common sense is really not so common.” – Voltaire
    “I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for any public office…” – H.L. Mencken

  3. Just give it to them. We’re at $33 Trillion right now. What does it matter at this point. It’ll act as another stimulus, it’s not like it’s going to sit in a bank account. They’ll just steal it otherwise. Let’s watch how fast trickle up economics works. 3 years tops….. Oh wait, we’ve already seen that since the coof.

  4. ecp, they had open hearings in San Francisco to determine the monetary value of reparations, they went from demanding 200 grand per individual all the way up to 100 million each.
    These are not serious people who would EVER be satisfied.

  5. Loco, how are you going to give 43 million blacks 40 acres and a mule each when there’s only 30,000 acres in San Fran? They need 1.72 billion acres, or 16.4 Californias. $100 million each looks like a deal in comparison. All that money will trickle to everyone else. It’s an opportunity versus a land grab from most of us. Besides, there’s only 8.5 million mules in the entire world, how are we going to make up that shortfall?

  6. Users, losers, abusers, grifters and the perpetually “hurt” will never be satisfied. They want something for nothing. Get ahold of the American Dream and get a job.
    But, sitting on your ass on the sidewalks of San Fran or other Democrat city collecting EBT cards and food from area Kitchens, shooting up drugs with government supplied needles, whining about what happened over 200 years ago and demanding reparations does nothing but allow those who generate and produce nothing to remain leeches drawing blood from US Taxpayers.

    At some point in the past, the leeches should have been removed from our National body. Feeding the bloodsuckers more is not the answer, we’ve seen the evidence since LBJ and the Great Society. Feeding leeches drws more leeches to the host. All we hear is “More, We Want More”.
    Decades of Reverse discrimination and Hundreds of $Billions spent; There is never enough for those who produce or create nothing, yet they yell and cry for more, more….

  7. The lottery is a great example of people not understanding money. If you gave them $10 million chances are it would be spent within a year or two. Poverty is not driven by a lack of money, but a mindset of poverty.
    If a group of people feels they deserve reparations let them get out their wallets and take care of it, no one stopping you.

  8. Everything he said is spot-on. Which is why the left has shifted the argument from “slave reparations” to “white privilege reparations “. This shit will never end. If you gave “them” everything they demand, they would soon be demanding more.

  9. the modern black should demand reparations from the Democrat party, all of whom have kept them on the government cheese plantation since at least LBJ and as far back as Woodrow Wilson.

  10. I think it’s about time to move on from reparations to repatriation.

    It’s only FAIR! Course, the honkies’ll pick up the costs …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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