DeSantis Does Not Refute Election Statement That “All Those Theories That Were Put Out Proved To Be Untrue” – IOTW Report

DeSantis Does Not Refute Election Statement That “All Those Theories That Were Put Out Proved To Be Untrue”

DeSantis is trying to ride the fence and have it both ways, because he also blames Trump for the way the Left cheated. (Very odd.)

ht/ joe 6 pack

266 Comments on DeSantis Does Not Refute Election Statement That “All Those Theories That Were Put Out Proved To Be Untrue”

  1. Said last month DeS is a “Bush Republican”. El rusbo was 100% right in ’98 when he said “Bush Republicans are DEMOCRATS.”! True 25 years ago; true today!

  2. Does the idiot not understand that unless it’s all uncovered and those responsible arrested, tried, and executed for their treason, and all in-place corruption addressed, he will never be allowed to win either?

  3. Could someone dig up the transcript?
    I can’t seem to find where DeSantis said biden* won fair & square?

    BTW, EVERYTHING DeSantis said in this interview is the Gods Honest Truth.
    He’s not “straddling” any fence.
    He is commenting on how the election was unfairly contested and how some of that IS INDEED TRUMP’S FAULT.
    biden* is the fucking president.

  4. I wrote this the other day when Different Tim asked who won the pissing contest:
    It will stand for this thread as well.

    Well, my very first comment held up entirely.
    Took some slings & arrows yet NO ONE refuted it.
    No one could produce anything even remotely where Governor DeSantis said that “biden* won the 2020 election fair & square”
    Because of course he didn’t and of course I was right.
    DeSantis didn’t straddle any fence, he didn’t couch his words.
    He effectively said “hey you know that Kraken thing never really panned out now did it?”
    Which is true, many claims did not pan out.
    I wish they had, I think we all do.
    So disappointing.

    Therefore, Loco for the win…

    Ultimately we learned that the author wrote the lies to stir up some good old fashioned MAGA hatred for the governor.
    So the author of this tripe was the big loser and anyone who was foolish enough to believe him.

  5. Ron DeSantis could say….”I did not have sex with that woman” all the while having red lipstick on little Johnson DeSantis and Loco would say that he never said that he didn’t get a blowjob fair and square….You’re tiresome Loco…LOL….

  6. Did you click the white arrow inside the red box and actually watch this?
    I told you along time ago this guy lost MAGA from the git. He has NO chance. If they’re successful in keeping Trump from running Trump will make an endorsement and that’s whom 99.9% of MAGA will vote for. And it won’t be RDS. To much bad blood.

  7. “No one could produce anything even remotely where Governor DeSantis said that “biden* won the 2020 election fair & square”…..But he did say that whoever has their hand on the bible at the inauguration is the President…..Your semantics are bloodied and leaking in your urine soaked diaper….

    and yeah, I’ll hold my nose and vote R
    on DeSantis if that’s my only option. It’s the last vote of any consequence if Trump isn’t elected….

  8. “You guys are no better”

    I gotta say, the most malignant case of TDS the left has embraced over the years pales in comparison to the DDS exhibited here, truly stunning. None of it rational or born from the issues, no, it all comes down to one man not kissing the ring, bowing down, and proclaiming Orange Man king, that was his crime.

    It is amusing though, Willy and Brad enters the thread specifically to wind Loco up, then when he refutes the bullshit, they run away, wow.

  9. Loco, you know I like you,
    but here is exactly where DeSantis is screwing the pooch.

    The news lady says to him “you said all those election theories that were put out did not prove to be true.”

    He never says, “I didn’t say that.”

    He is simultaneously saying the guy who put his hand on the Bible is the winner, but also saying that it was Trump who put the policies in place to allow them to cheat.

    If everything was on the up and up, and all the election theories were proven to be false, why is he painting himself as the guy that won’t let them get away with stealing the election?

    Do you not see the disconnect, and how it is self-serving at every turn?

  10. I see the ruling from the court of appeals confirms the original ruling from the higher court.


    Counsels, the next applicant better have tits or someone’s getting disbarred.

  11. Fur, honest logical question from me regarding the quote below that you reference:
    “you said all those election theories that were put out did not prove to be true.”

    DID all those election theories prove to be true?
    Did most of them turn out true?
    Was the Kraken revealed?
    Rudy came up with quite a few bizarre claims after the election.

    Sorry & sadly many were just noise.
    Where is the proof votes were changed in the Dominion machines?
    I wanted proof as much as anything.
    The election was shit and DeSantis mentions about a half dozen things to this woman after she asked him that.

  12. Yes, much of it was crapola. But DeSantis doesn’t emphatically say, Biden put his hand on the Bible but he was not the fair and square winner, and this is why —-

    Then he could launch into his soliloquy of how he is going to plug the holes.

    He doesn’t do that.

    He is playing to one side who says the election was legit, and then trying to play to the other side who know damn well the numbers do not square with reality.

    He wants to be in two camps at once, and that is obvious. But by doing that he is implying that his concerns and gripes are legit, Trump’s were the stuff of unproven theories.

    It’s offensive. You’re not seeing it. It doesn’t make you wrong or a bad person. But I have the right to my opinion and I feel DeSantis is being a politician in the smarmiest way.

    I would still support him if he wins the nomination.

  13. Well Burr, we had an election and a winner was declared.
    Was it a coup?
    Saying biden* won should always include an asterisk or quote symbols.
    Going through semantics over and over is ridiculous.
    The majority of the country know it was a farce.
    The only people saying it was a free & fair election are the dems, and they know they are full of shit.

  14. sorry…..been hanging out with Cartman….

    The point is, you swell fellows seem to think we can have a coup and nothing will come of it.

    Nothing has. YET. I can assure you, however. Peperridge Farms remembers.

  15. Saying Biden is illegitimate or gained his position through a coup does not negate or lessen the damage to the country or the misery felt by the people. He controls the levers of power and as such decides the fate of that nation.

    This Trump vs. Desantis donnybrook is pointless since we all know who is going to get the nomination. The only question I have for the readers is if calamity befalls DJT and he is denied/unable to run, will you guys get behind our candidate or will you go mope in the corner, complaining that life is not fair?

  16. My point has been consistent since the last “DeSantis said” post a few days ago.
    DeSantis NEVER said, nor ever will say the “joe biden* won the 2020 election fair & square”
    That’s a hill I’ll die on and so far nobody has knocked me off that hill.
    The gratuitous, quantum leaping inferences are ridiculous.
    Like I have said, no worse than “fine people” from the left.

    Should DeSantis start saying “the Kraken” was legit, just to appease some MAGA voters?
    Hell no, he will either look stupid or like a liar, of which DeSantis is neither.

  17. You’re hinging on the “fair and square” and being pedantic about it. He said the guy who puts his hand on the Bible is the winner.

    So I submit the word ALL is the lynchpin. She says “you said ALL those theories that were put out did not prove to be true.”

    What are the DeSantis theories that the election was not fair and square that are true?

    If he doesn’t have any that were not already offered, and has no new theory of his own, he is saying what we are all saying he said. Biden won fair and square.

    Your turn.

  18. What person originally said that he said “he won fair and square”?

    You’re doing what fact checkers we don’t like do. You’re finding a misquote to hang your hat on, meanwhile you’re not addressing what he actually said. You’re defending what he didn’t say, and declaring the main premise “FALSE.”

    Great, he didn’t say “fair and square.” We alllllllllllllll concede that point. Now, let’s discuss what he did say and the points I have made.

  19. Please find me a transcript where DESANTIS, NOT A DUMB REPORTER say’s “ALL those theories turned out not to be true.”
    A true transcript, not like from that biased post the other day.
    Legit quotes.

    Once again it’s semantics anyway.
    All can mean they all did not, some did.

    The hand on the Bible is ultimately the minute the person sworn in is given the position of power. Ergo the winner.
    If or not the winner cheated is not referenced at that point.
    It is immaterial.
    He is president.
    Is he not? What alternative universe am I visiting tonight?

  20. He heard her say. “YOU SAID THIS.” And he didn’t say, “I never said that??”

    You’re dying on this hill.

    DeSantis is simultaneously saying ALLLLL the theories turned out not to be true.” But he’s the man to correct all the mistakes Trump made that allowed them to steal the election. That is exactly what is being implied.

    But, exit question. What is your reaction if he actually said what the reporter said he said. I don’t like arguing with people and when they are proven wrong they move the goalpost.

  21. Okay, FINE. That report overstepped what he said.

    Now let’s deal with what he did say. He did not correct that reporter after she quoted him and said let’s put this to bed.

    He put it to bed. Nighty night.

  22. “I don’t like arguing with people and when they are proven wrong they move the goalpost.”

    Hi, I’m Aaron Burr and I’d like to be your guide though this wonderful concept, the internet.

  23. Whenever a debate like this erupts I usually ask, what if what you’re saying he did not say, he said?

    Are you going to say, “I don’t care if he said it.”?

    Why would I be arguing ?

    If they say, “If he said that I will stand corrected and rethink my stance and be shocked and dismayed that he said such a thing.”

    Then it’s worth arguing about.

  24. I have heard DeSantis complain of the 2020 election irregularities as long as Trump has.
    He has warned of those issues since 2020 and moved for Florida to bolster their election laws so it will be difficult to cheat in the future.

    It is you guys trying to put words in his mouth.
    He is a smart man and he witnessed the chaos in 2020.
    He mentioned a half dozen problems right then and there to the reporter.

    Funny, you guys are never that semantic with Trump.
    He would never survive that standard.

    As for moving goal posts? WUT?
    Since my very first comment the other day I have been 100% consistent.
    DeSantis never said “biden* won the 2020 election fair & square.”
    He still has never said that.

  25. DeSantis goes on a rant about all the things Trump implemented that was “his fault,” and those things won’t happen on his watch.

    What are these things?

    He’s going to correct a legit election? I don’t understand what he is trying to say.

  26. Now you are simultaneously saying that DeSantis has been complaining about irregularities that need fixing, but all the theories Trump talked about were proven untrue.

    So what special irregularities does DeSantis speak of that do not fall under the umbrella of unproven theories?

  27. Fuggin’ John Rocker stats.

    That’s worth arguing about.



    I dunno’, the fudge am I gonna’ argue with someone for? Not like anyone ever changes their mind or even admits they might change their mind.

  28. From the Discern report:
    “RON DESANTIS ACKNOWLEDGED on Friday that many of the false claims promoted by former President Donald Trump in the aftermath of the 2020 election were “unsubstantiated.”

    Key word: MANY
    There were many that were unsubstantiated.
    If not, shit would be different.
    I’m not happy about it nor am I gloating.
    I’m being real about reality.
    Face it, after the election it was Lucy vs Charlie Brown and the football.
    I wanted to kiss Sidney Powell until I wanted to wring her neck for getting my hopes up.
    Kraken my ass!

  29. Joey, a/k/a the Big Guy, was NOT elected President!
    The 2020 election WAS STOLEN!
    I like Governor Desantis AS GOVERNOR. I voted for him to serve TWO TERMS.
    Hopefully, he will give up the silliness and salvage what he can of the second term as GOVERNOR.
    I would have gladly supported as a candidate for President in 2028.
    However, when he turned against President Trump (I don’t refer to him as “former”), he messed that up.

  30. You’re cherry picking weird claims.

    What irregularities is DeSantis talking about that Trump hasn’t already said?

    What is DeSantis going to save us from that has not already been discussed by Trump and his people?

  31. DeSantis fought with Fauci for the entire covid episode.
    Trump turned over far too much control to that little weasel.
    It’s an inconvenient truth to the MAGA crowd but it needs to be said.

    I remember an interview Trump gave in the Summer complaining about ballot harvesting.
    DeSantis would not let that shit happen in Florida, even though the Fauci crowd wanted people to vote any way they could due to covid.

    Trump has failures.
    It is what it is, sadly.

  32. @LocoBlancoSaltine:

    Here’s a real quote for you:
    Those that fail to remember or acknowledge history are doomed to repeat it…

    If you’re referring to historian George Santayana’s observation, what he actually wrote was

    Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

    If you’re going to demand accuracy from others about quotations, it would behoove you to be accurate yourself. Not to mention tell us whom you’re quoting.

  33. BTW, I am not choosing Trump over Desantis, or trying to bury DeSantis, or prop up Trump. I saw the argument and I think DeSantis is being a bit of an a-hole and trying to paint Trump and his people as crackpot loons for thinking the election was stolen, but at the same time he is saying he is going to be the gatekeeper on stolen elections. I find that fascinating. Sorry.

  34. Comment of the thread.
    “The point is, you swell fellows seem to think we can have a coup and nothing will come of it.

    Nothing has. YET. I can assure you, however. Peperridge Farms remembers.”

    MAGA wants revenge. Justifiably so. MAGAs pissed.

    So when I read comments like this,

    “8 years of RDS will do more for the country than 4 more of Trump and his revenge tour.”

    It’s clearly coming from someone who’s not invested into MAGA or the current conservative movement. Why debate them? Which in reality is not what happens because THEY never cement their positions.

  35. You still have not answered the question. What are the DeSantis unique theories of irregularities that we have not heard about since he;s announced all the previous theories have been proven to be untrue.

    That is my final question. I expect an answer.

  36. You would have to be loco to support a candidate who wa re-elected to serve a second term as Governor and immediately forsake the oath of office to desert the state and run as president.
    Obviously, he lied when he took the oath to serve for a second term.

  37. Really Fur?
    Come on man…
    “DeSantis is being a bit of an a-hole and trying to paint Trump and his people as crackpot loons for thinking the election was stolen”

    How the hell you arrived at that from this interview is beyond me.
    You have early symptoms of DDS. Early onset DDS to be exact.
    Doctor Loco is in…

  38. OK Fur, I promise I will research DeSantis comments and policy desires regarding the 2020 election and get back to you.

    I don’t expect an apology but they are substantial.
    It may take a bit, since I am busy jousting with at least a half dozen confederates here.
    Plus the fact I am a thorough SOB

  39. I am not derailing anything. This topic has lasted for days and spread itself across 6 different threads.

    This has gone far beyond a simple discussion of political minutia.

    Anyway I’m done. I’m painting swastikas on yo-yos so I have a full night ahead of me.

  40. I’m so glad we did not get Andrew Gillum or Charlie “flipflop” Crist in the last two Florida elections for Governor.
    Governor Desantis was a great first term Governor and could have been a good second term Governor. However, by jumping the gun, I doubt he can salvage the second term after this embarrassing attempt to run for president when he hasn’t completely the job or which we elected him.

  41. After reading the question I have to disagree with the premise.
    I will still post his position, but this is not true:
    “announced all the previous theories have been proven to be untrue.”
    When did he say all previous theories have been proven untrue?
    He never said that.
    you are putting words in his mouth so that is untenable.
    Once again it’s like defending the “fine people” with the left.

    Fur’s question:
    “What are the DeSantis unique theories of irregularities that we have not heard about since he;s announced all the previous theories have been proven to be untrue.”

  42. The reporter says to his face his quote, that “allllll those theories that were put out did not prove to be true” and he does not correct her. YOU ARE, though. lol.

    I can only go by what is being said. You’re deaf to it, apparently.

    And then he not-so-cleverly says the winner is the guy who puts his hand on the Bible. Which is a weak-ass way of being able to still say Biden may have won, but not legitimately. But, apparently, he has super super insight as to how Biden stole the election that is NOT an unproven theory. Why doesn’t he tell us how it was done? I find it amazing that you’re not seeing how he is trying to have it both ways. Well, you’re trying to have it both ways.

  43. @LocoBlancoSaltine:

    Uncle Al, you fell for the trap I set for two individuals that should not be named.
    That was a quote from ME.
    Hence, I did not attribute it to ANYONE.

    Loco, you sure are funny when you get like this!

  44. You are simply resistant to what is plainly obvious. He is trying to paint himself as above the Trump loons with their unproven election stealing theories in order to appeal to Anti-Trump Republicans, but at the same time he is saying there were “irregularities” so he won’t turn off people who know Biden stole it.

    Why wouldn’t he say “Trump is right? The election was stolen”? Why is he being mealy-mouthed?

  45. Last time-

    “What are the DeSantis unique theories of irregularities that we have not heard about since he’s announced all the previous theories have been proven to be untrue.”

    I’ll even allow you to replace the word “all” with “many.”

    What are DeSantis’ election-stealing theories that are unique to him and never said by Trump or his people?

  46. Loco the John S of 2015 and 2016.
    Blows up any post about P. Trump and Ron.
    It is not funny or fun.
    He had a chance to be President but it is now gone,he hitched his wagon to the wrong team. Bush, Rove.
    He is toast.

  47. First off, I didn’t expect Uncle Al to fall for my trap.
    That was set with Willys in mind.
    I reel him in often and he bites HARD!

    I wrote:
    Here’s a real quote for you:
    Those that fail to remember or acknowledge history are doomed to repeat it…

    I did not attribute it to anyone else, and did not put it in quotes.
    I said it and knew that someone would bite.
    Come on Al, you are better than that.

    Ultimately it is far closer to paraphrasing the original quote than anything where DeSantis says “biden* won the 2020 election fair & square”

    Both my quote and the original are very similar.
    DeSantis wasn’t even in the same hemisphere of what all you guys are claiming.

  48. “I wrote:
    Here’s a real quote for you:
    Those that fail to remember or acknowledge history are doomed to repeat it…

    I did not attribute it to anyone else, and did not put it in quotes.”

    Court finds Loco to be in contempt and guilty of being a dick weasel in this never ending thread.


    Next case.

    Outstanding work, Bailiff.

  49. Geoff, I forgot about John S.
    Good times!

    I know you are late to tonite’s broadcast but I was called out specifically.
    BTW, how did I “blow up” this thread?
    If I post my thoughts alone it will never reach 100 comments*.

    It takes two (or more) to tango.
    (There I go MISQUOTING again)

    *Unless it’s a iotw name that contest…

  50. Burr, I’m just getting started…
    Out of order, I show you out of order. You don’t know what out of order is, Mr. Trask. I’d show you, but I’m too old, I’m too tired, I’m too f***in’ blind. If I were the man I was five years ago, I’d take a FLAMETHROWER to this place! Out of order? Who the hell do you think you’re talkin’ to? I’ve been around, you know? There was a time I could see. And I have seen…

    And again Geoff, I defend Trump on so many posts here.
    I defend DeSantis from outright lies, slander and libel.
    Facts matter, I’m funny that way…

  51. You defend Desantis like you’re playing pocket pool every time his name comes up.


    Fuck. How about a hurricane down there? That usually shuts up Florida for a few weeks.

    Decision stands.

  52. Once again Fur, where do you get THIS premise?
    “What are DeSantis’ election-stealing theories that are unique to him and never said by Trump or his people?”
    Where the hell did THAT come from?
    I’m truly at a loss.
    What do you mean unique?
    He mentioned multiple 2020 issues to the reporter.
    Why does he have to come up with “unique” scenarios?

    The fact is you guys know he was referring to the Kraken & Rudy type shit.
    He wants to get to his agenda and not talk Trump 2020 24/7.
    Should he wear a shirt that says MAGA?
    No, he is being his own man and telling it like it is.
    2020 was not contested fairly and he mentions multiple legit reasons.
    Can’t do anything about it now.
    He is the man to send the White House in 2024
    He will still be governor until January 2027 if he loses to Trump.
    (Sorry Uncle AL, you can’t vote against him and for Scott as Senator next year)

  53. I’d like to thank myself for making this thread entertaining, and I’d like to remind the guild that no one cares about your petty lives so you better start writing some funny shit.

    Oh, and of course, thank Jesus for this wonderful award and recognition from my peers.

    Thank you all and have a wonderful night.

  54. “Bad grammar isn’t that a prerequisite to be a MAGAt!”

    Pretty fucking funny Moron. That’s a question and should end with one of these, ?. God you people are stupid.

  55. Of course we’re on strike. We’ll be on strike until we run out of money and want to eat. Just like the last strike.

    Some of us have a SAG card as a backup.

    So either way I’m eating.

    SUCK ON THAT YOU COKE BOTTLE WEARIN’ NERDS WHAT HAVE CROCS ON YOR FEETZ!!!!! Christ I hate my fellow writers so much.

  56. Big-Fur wrote:
    Why wouldn’t he (DeSantis) say “Trump is right? The election was stolen”? Why is he being mealy-mouthed?

    Because then he spends 30 minutes talking about TRUMP and ONLY TRUMP.
    Why take the 100% Trump position when you are running as an alternative?

    Seriously guys, this is NOT rocket science!
    Good grief!!!
    T H I N K
    Get out of your MAGA box…

  57. To clear something up here, I am not trying to encourage ANYONE to vote for DeSantis.
    I don’t GAF who you vote for.
    I simply want some legitimate honesty displayed on this site.
    If you irrationally hate the man, I’m here to say hold up, you are full of shit.

    Regardless, Trump has it veritably locked up.
    Destroying DeSantis with lies is counterproductive.

  58. “The Supreme Court concurs but considers the proclamation redundant as that ruling has been preceded by countless times in evidence exposed on the iowntheworld blog.”

    “Therefore the overruling double-jeopardy statute is enacted.
    Loco is free to continue…”

    *Thank you Trump for your Supreme appointments -Loco

  59. I need about a fifth….

    lookey here, Loco. You just spent 4 days and multiple threads getting everyone to whitewash your fence all Tom Sawyer style.

    Well played.

  60. Well Burr, I must say that is one of the best compliments I’ve ever had on this site.
    (And I once had a chick say something swell that one time)

    BTW, I don’t care what the others say about you at all.
    You are the man… (of many alias personas)

  61. Fur said the walls were closing in on you like a fat man in a chinese dressing room.

    Like Tattoo from Fantasy Island naked, greased up and shoved in a shoebox.

    Like Oprah trying to wear anything on her feet besides bear traps.

    Like Branson Missouri after 10…..closed.

    So yeah, you got griddle marks on your belly instead of muscles you fat fuck.

    Totally what Fur said.

    Unlike me. I’m just sitting here reading the Bible praying for your immortal soul.

  62. Another satisfied customer.
    I’m sorry my prominent six-pack and propensity to be the 100th post causes such consternation.
    However I don’t claim 5% body fat, that ridiculous declaration belongs to the biggest bullshitter ever to grace the pages of iowntheworld.

  63. And might I direct you to the fact that in 144 comments here and 115 on the post the other day, NONE of them refuted the fact the DeSantis NEVER said “biden* won the 2020 election fair & square”
    N O T A S I N G L E O N E !

    Say what you want but that is reality, the truth, 100% fact.
    Written in stone.
    Sorry not sorry.

  64. Burr, I do however like the statement:
    “Like Branson Missouri after 10…..closed.”

    Funny, same think in Key West and many Florida restaurants.
    I blame DeSantis!

    But obviously misattributed since this nigga don’t shut up that easy…


    No…no….calm down… technically I’m on hiatus. Just sign autographs and angle for a role in Gladiator 2. Revenge of the swords I think…

    Logo, I have no idea what the hell you people are arguing about. I never do. It’s a point of pride with me. Anything I got goin’ on is hella’ more interesting than whatever some political jackhole is in the news for.

    My narcissism is my pillowy weapon of freedom.

  66. Once again Fur, where do you get THIS premise?
    “What are DeSantis’ election-stealing theories that are unique to him and never said by Trump or his people?”
    Where the hell did THAT come from?
    I’m truly at a loss.
    What do you mean unique?
    He mentioned multiple 2020 issues to the reporter.
    Why does he have to come up with “unique” scenarios?>>>>>>>

    Where did I get this from? ME.

    It’s a pretty FUCKING SIMPLE premise and question.

    DeSantis is saying “the election stealing theories proffered by Trump were untrue.”


    You keep saying he spoke about irregularities since he used pimple cream. AND?
    So has Trump. And I am positive anything DeSantis has to say has already been said… by Trump.

    So what makes DeSantis so special in this regard?

    Why the need to sit there and act as if he is onto something no one else is onto, while simultaneously saying all the cheating that went on was Trump’s fault?

    If you cannot admit that he said “the theories of election stealing have been proven false,” while also saying it was on Trump’s watch that shenanigans by the left took place, I don’t know what to tell you.

  67. Below is what DeSantis said in that interview, verbatim.
    He talks about an unfair election.
    He never says biden* won fair & square.
    Does he list every single thing wrong with 2020?
    Of course not, nor should he be required to.
    He has a plan and is running for president, he is not Trump nor should he parrot the Trump line.
    I will ask again, should DeSantis say the Kraken was real to please stubborn MAGA folks?

    Partial transcript:
    “I’ve pointed this out from the very beginning, when they changed the rules for covid, I think that was wrong. Those changes were unconstitutional.
    When they do mass mail ballots I think that is wrong.
    When they do ballot harvesting it was wrong.
    Zuckerbucks were wrong.
    I think the FBI working with tech companies to censor the Hunter biden* story was wrong.
    And so I don’t think it was the perfect election.
    I remember afterward the media saying “this was the most secure election in history” how could it be the most secure election in history with all those mail-ballots going out at the same time?
    After the election they were talking about Maduro stealing votes from the voting machines and none of those theories proved to be true.
    Here is what I want Americans to think about, why do we have all those mail votes?
    Because Trump turned the country over to Fauci, they embraced lockdowns, they did the Cares Act which FUNDED mail-in ballots across the country.
    Donald Trump signed that bill that funded the mail ballots that all republicans have been concerned about.”

  68. BFH wrote:
    If you cannot admit that he said “the theories of election stealing have been proven false,”…

    I just watched the video again and even transcribed part of it.

    DeSantis DID NOT SAY “the theories of election stealing have been proven false”
    Not in the clip of the interview you posted.

    I’m in the Twilight Zone here…

  69. You don’t grasp concepts well, and you hold onto strawmen meaningless bullshit.


    End it. It is not the point. And if that is your point, GREAT. You win that point! Some blogger said DeSantis said Biden won “fair and square” when he didn’t. WHOOPEE…IT IS NOT THE POINT OF WHAT DeSANTIS DID SAY. So, drop that. You’re sounding like Menderman.

    You are amazing on how much you miss the point. Is it deliberate? I sure hope so.

    No one has asked DeSantis to list EVERY (your arguments rest on evoking hyperbole, that is not a great technique) theory. Again, this is fucking simple. A child should be able to understand this – De Santis has said that the theories put out by Trump about stolen elections have been found to be untrue. In contrast, DeSantis is saying there was election fraud. What are the frauds that he has uncovered that is not part of what he called unproven theories?

    Answer it without going off on tangents and evoking hyperbole and creating strawmen that no one is arguing.

  70. I remember afterward the media saying “this was the most secure election in history” how could it be the most secure election in history with all those mail-ballots going out at the same time?>>>>

    Okay, end it. This is unreal. You are unable or unwilling to admit the following:

    DeSantis —-> Trump theories of election fraud have been proven to be unfounded.

    Also DeSantis —-> Here, let me tell you my theories of where the election was stolen. (And then what he says is exactly what Trump and others have said.)

    I am done. This is ridiculous.

  71. OK Fur, I will go through these one by one.

    Q1) “De Santis has said that the theories put out by Trump about stolen elections have been found to be untrue.”
    A1) I find nothing wrong with this statement. There are lawsuits ongoing against Sidney Powell. Rudy had a new theory every week that got hopes up but were never PROVEN TO BE TRUE. Proven is a key word here.

    Q2) “In contrast, DeSantis is saying there was election fraud.
    A2) Yes, DeSantis mentions mail-in, harvesting Zuckerbucks, the FBI & Hunter, etc.
    It is not “in contrast,” he never said there was no fraud or the election was clean. DeSantis: “And so I don’t think it was the perfect election.”

    Q3) “What are the frauds that he has uncovered that is not part of what he called unproven theories?”
    A3) Once again he mentions mail-in, harvesting, covid rules, Cares act funding, Zuckerberg, FBI.
    He has mentioned several other issues and even moved for stronger election laws in Florida as a response to the shenanigans pulled in 2020.

    What am I missing here?
    I’m not being obtuse.
    This is what I have comprehended from the interview.

    Ultimately the media is trying to drive a wedge between Trump and DeSantis.
    They are succeeding with some people.

    It’s like they used to do with all Rs.
    When Trump would say something controversial they would RUN to the next republican and demand they comment or denounce it.
    The dems don’t get that treatment.
    Same thing here, they want DeSantis to start parroting the Kraken stuff because they know independents don’t want to hear that shit.

    DeSantis doesn’t want to spend entire interviews talking about Trump and relitigating an election he wasn’t in.

    Why is this hard to understand?

  72. Sigh*
    “DeSantis —-> Trump theories of election fraud have been proven to be unfounded.”

    He did not say all theories, nor does he list one by one and go through them individually. Nor should he have to.
    Hell, I know the election was bullshit yet I also know that that Kraken among many others did not pan out.

    The Kraken is supposed to be the smoking gun.
    The coup de gras.
    The proof positive.

    Question for you and everybody else.
    Did all of the stolen election theories pan out?

  73. What I gather through all of this is serious word parsing.
    A whole lot of scrutiny for only one reason, to denigrate the man.
    I wish people would just admit it.

    The reality is the man has declared the election was not fairly contested for years now.
    If DeSantis doesn’t listen closely because he happens to be formulating his answers he can miss certain adjectives from the reporter and not answer the way you want him to.
    His record is clear, he need not relitigate 2020.
    Why would he want to spend every single interview doing such?
    Let Trump keep ringing that bell.
    I have no problem with Trump saying the election was stolen.
    But then what?
    Ok, stolen, now what?

  74. Fur, do you remember Sidney Powell’s claim that Dominion voting machines changed millions of ballots from Trump to Biden? Could it be that this is what RDS was referring to in “Trump theories of election fraud have been proven to be unfounded”?

    Dominion got a nice $780 mil from Fox for airing these claims. Dominion is also suing Powell individually. Was it ever proven that Dominion changed millions of ballots from Trump to Biden, really?

    In reading the comments today (I bailed early last night) it appears to me that this disagreement all comes down to one thing; the Trump faithful want RDS to say the word “stolen” and he won’t do it. He will not Kari Lake himself. He has never said fair and square, has never even intimated that the election was proper and even provided a laundry list of things improper that need to change for the next one. But because he will not say that one word, he is dead to the faithful and will never measure up.

  75. Trump’s Lawyers came out and announced in no uncertain terms the Sidney Powell was not part of their legal team. In fact Sidney Powell fans gave Trump a bunch of grief about it.

    Try harder.

  76. Really?

    ““De Santis has said that the theories put out by Trump about stolen elections have been found to be untrue.”

    Did Trump file that law suit? Was he any part of it? You’re the one moving the goal posts.

  77. “Trump would never, on his own, say that Dominion machines changed votes, nope, never, not on your life;”

    Trump nor the Trump team were connected to Powell’s Law Suit. What you think Trump has or hasn’t said doesn’t change that fact.

  78. Brad, do you dispute the tweet I linked to? Was his account hacked (the same guy that hacked Joy Reid’s account, no doubt) or did DJT say all those things about faulty Dominion machines?

  79. Brad is like Dora in one of his favorite movies, you have to gently guide him back to the path, I will try.

    Fur’s big beef was this,”“Trump theories of election fraud have been proven to be unfounded”?

    It was suggested by both myself and Loco that Trump’s claim of Dominion changing votes just might be one of those “Trump theories” that was found to be unproven.

    It’s got nothing to do with Powell, Trump said it, or are you refuting that?

  80. I would also like to address why I keep bringing up “DeSantis never said biden* won the 2020 election Fair & square.”

    First of all, it was a huge contention in the last long “DeSantis said” thread.

    Secondly, of the first three comments on THIS thread, Willys and Brad erroneously tried to say that this interview proved that DeSantis said biden* won fair & square.
    Of course he did not…sigh*

    Anyway, I was called out specifically, I responded.
    Glad we could clear that up.

  81. It sure is. Isn’t BFH still waiting on your answer moron? Not to mention I’ve done the same to both of you and never got anything but moving the goal posts. You guys are not authentic. You’re just here to roll in the mud.

  82. And to think that 6 months ago Willy and Brad were at each other’s throats.

    Whoever is the next president, when a peace summit is needed, he would be wise to give Loco a call. Bringing warring factions together is a gift.

  83. Rich I wish I could take credit but it’s as simple as “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” philosophy that Brad wholeheartedly subscribes to.
    Results in some strange bedfellows.
    Soon enough they will be sparring and the “faggot” word will be tossed his way…

  84. “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”

    Hmmm, taking this idiom to it’s natural conclusion, the hags on The View, the MSM, the NEA, the race hustlers, and all those dopes on CNN and MSNBC are all Brad’s best buds because they hate RDS as much as he does.

    I wouldn’t expect that invitation to the next NYT’s black and tie soiree anytime soon, you may share their hatred of the governor, but to them, you are just a tool.

  85. Election theories that DeSantis says are still ways that the left could have cheated –

    harvesting, covid rules, Cares act funding, Zuckerberg, FBI.

    First of all, the same journalist that smiled at him when she read HIS QUOTE – “All Those Theories That Were Put Out Proved To Be Untrue” – would say the theories DeSantis is citing are also proven to be untrue. The left says they are all untrue, that there were no shenanigans.

    Secondly – Trump talked about every avenue that the left could have possibly cheated. So nothing DeSantis is saying is unique.

    Thirdly – DeSantis has chosen his words to make it seem like Trump (regarding election fraud) and his people are unhinged loons, while he is the reasonable guy.

    That is exactly what he is trying to do, and you know it, and it’s pure crap. He gave the left what they wanted, a sound bite where a prominent Republican says all those theories that were put out [by Trumpsters] were proven to be untrue.

    It matters little. You can argue all you want, savvy people are onto him, they know what he said and what he was trying to do. That is why his polling is only 13% ahead of me, and I’m not even running.

  86. Can I get a transcript or at least the time frame in which he said this?
    You know, from say 32 seconds in to 41? Whatever it may be?
    If someone produces a commercial with it, will it be his words or a reporter’s words?

    I’m ready to put my money up the DeSantis will win Iowa, way ahead of BFH.

  87. Well, this is what’s going on-

    Revolver- The DeSantis “reboot” is facing challenges in gaining momentum as Ron struggles to find a balance between satisfying his NeverTrump donors and retaining his MAGA supporters.

  88. This is where you have lost it.

    Did anyone hear DeSantis say “whoa whoa whoa,what????? I Never said that!”

    No, he did not refute a statement attributed to him. Is he a dumbbell? It’s funny how you have to come to his rescue. Are you his fixer? He just fired his campaign manager, today. Maybe you can get in there.

  89. The debate is two weeks from now.
    Let’s see how that goes.
    Pence just qualified. Sigh*

    June & July were months that nothing gets done except campaigning in Iowa.
    Trump was busy with legal battles. (New one drops next week)
    The other candidates spent much of their campaign time in Iowa.
    You know the Falcons had that Superbowl in the bag a few years back…

  90. It was not a direct quote, the reporter was paraphrasing and DeSantis is not pedantic because he wants to get to his agenda, not to talk Trump 24/7.

    Face it, DeSantis is getting a less fair trial here than Trump will in DC.
    Disingenuity run amok!

  91. You said you have a visible 6 pack. Dude, that’s called alcoholism. That’s all I said.

    Fur said you were a fat chinese fuck greased up and stuffed in a shoebox.

    Get your quotes straight.

  92. “The left says they are all untrue”

    They did initially, but not anymore. They now admit that the laptop was real, that it was Hunter’s, and that it had information on it that might have swayed voters if it was revealed before the election. They also admit, mostly through the Twitter Files, that social media pushed the dem agenda and censored the Republican agenda, that is also not in dispute.

    “So nothing DeSantis is saying is unique.”

    Where did he say that the irregularities he provided were unique? Trump, RDS, and every other candidate have all said that shenanigans ensued and was not transparent.

    “DeSantis has chosen his words to make it seem like Trump (regarding election fraud) and his people are unhinged loons, while he is the reasonable guy.”

    That is your interpretation, but I think it is a stretch. Did he say,” Trump theories of election fraud have been proven to be unfounded”, yes, but I already gave you one Trump theory, the Dominion machines that magically switched votes, as one that so far has not been proven. Should he have corrected the reporter when she said “ALL”?, sure, OK, but the goal, when on a hostile news network is to answer the questions honestly and not nitpick.

    “savvy people are onto him, they know what he said and what he was trying to do”.

    If you mean to get some separation between himself and Trump, then I would agree, he needs to do this. But he is certainly not the only candidate to do this. Pence, Haley, and Scott have all commented on the Dominion machine theory.

    And as for his bad polling, this is exactly what the Democrats want, hence all the indictments; charge Trump with bullshit allegations so the base will get fired up and will support him even more. The other candidates can’t get any oxygen, Trump wins the nomination in a landslide. Their playbook is so transparent, a blind man could see it.

  93. Just watched the beginning of the clip again, the reporter looks at HER notes and say’s “So you recently said…”
    She did not say it was a direct quote, she paraphrased.
    He got the gist of where she was going, and began formulating his response.
    She was close but he disabused her of her attempt to put words in his mouth.
    He listed multiple reasons on why the election of 2020 was problematic.

    That’s what I get from the interview.

  94. Not only does he acknowledge the quote was accurate, he expands on it, saying,”and I’ve pointed out in that SAME QUOTE…”

    He acknowledges the quote was accurate.

    Not good enough for ya?

    I know it’s difficult to admit you were wrong.

    But it gets worse. He analyzes why Trump lost. It was because he didn’t appeal to independents and those people voted for Biden.

  95. What you get from the interview is your feelings, not the facts.

    He acknowledges the quote is accurate when he says. “and I’ve pointed out in that ‘SAME QUOTE”

    Don’t be mad at me. Be mad at him. He’s the one that has obviously disappointed you because you fought tooth and nail to say. “YOU SHUT UP!!!! DeSANTIS NEVER SAID THAT!! TAKE IT BACK!!!”

    He said it. Why are you resisting?

  96. Burr, it’s a shame you are on strike since it seems folks want to write a script for both DeSantis & Loco here to recite.
    What would you have me say?
    What about DeSantis?

    How about “the Kraken is totally real and it’s spectacular, the 2020 election was stolen in every county in America, every single conspiracy theory was true, ALL Trump’s claims are 100% true & 100% provable, biden* actually got ZERO votes, MAGA FOREVER!!!”

  97. Rich Taylor
    Was the Dominion System corrupt? Was there a coup staged in 2020? I’ve asked this question before, repeatedly, and never got an answer from the Dutch Rudder Duo.
    So at the end of the day, through 210 comments, there are two people voting for RDS. Rich and Loco. The Dutch Rudder Duo. Have a ball boys.

  98. You want a punch up session for your script?

    O.K. first, ditch the kracken. No one knows what that is and it sounds like you have crazy pants on.

    Next, let this anthill go. Say something like, “Hey, you’re right, DeSantis is as flawed as any other candidate but he’s muh nigga, and here’s why.”

    DeSantis is a guinea and should stick to saying guinea things likes “Bop a dee -boop” and “ABONSTANZA!”

    Mainly because he’s Italian and no Eyetie is burying chef boyardee farts in the Presidents chair.

  99. So what are you saying Fur?
    That DeSantis says the election was fair & square?
    Is that what you get out of this interview?
    Or are we back on the “ALL” “Quote” routine?
    Even though he lists multiple reasons why it wasn’t a fair election.

  100. “How about “the Kraken is totally real and it’s spectacular, the 2020 election was stolen in every county in America, ”

    We already covered that dip shit. It had nothing to do with the Trump people. You’re getting pretty damn desperate here. Just tap out and go drink some more Tekillya.

  101. “Everyone HERE knows the Kraken and Sidney Powell.
    She had us going with false hopes.”


  102. No. Stick with one dragon to slay at a time. Your contention was that DeSantis never said “All Those Theories That Were Put Out Proved To Be Untrue.”

    You’re sticking with that after DeSantis points at her paper and says, ”and I’ve pointed out in that SAME QUOTE…”

    Stick to this. If you wander away people will see right through you.

  103. …….see, you have to ditch the kracken, it’s not on point.
    But this is good. A punch up session is supposed to expose flaws and make the script flow more easily.

    So, no kracken….bop a dee boop, and then move on.

    Are we ordering chinese for this? I was hoping to polish this turd and go do drugs but it looks like we may be pulling an all nighter.

  104. So Brad wants me to answer his question but he has never ever reciprocated, like ever ever ever. Hell, I tried to get him to answer one in this very thread, several times, and he ran away, as he is so prone to do.

    So what is an honorable man to do? turnabout fair play and tell him to suck a big hairy dick, or be the better man and answer his question?

    Do I think Dominion is Corrupt? Well, I certainly thought so initially given all the allegations. But since they have become fabulously rich suing those that said so, and as of today, nobody has compelled a court of any kind to recognize illegalities within the Dominion system, I will say, categorically and without reservation, beats the fuck out of me, I don’t know.

    And yes, I will vote for RDS in the primary but will vote GOP in the main, as i have done my whole life.

  105. ALL can mean ALL or that “some proved true but all of them did not.”
    It’s semantics.
    DeSantis then listed multiple issues with 2020, many of them decried by the Trump camp as well.
    Therefore he did not mean ALL in that context.
    How could he?
    He listed problems, otherwise he wouldn’t have said boo about 2020.
    Sounds like you guys are in a corner.

    BTW, did DeSantis LIST all the issues that did not pan out, like say The Kraken?
    And don’t call that a strawman, Rich posted a link to Trump parroting Sidney’s claims.
    Rudy had some nutty claims every single night on Hannity in Nov-Dec 2020, and he was Trump’s council.

  106. Your Strawman is when I ask you a pointed question you say, “So what are you saying Fur?
    That DeSantis says the election was fair & square?”

    That is a classic strawman.

    As for the hyperbole-
    What would you have me say?
    What about DeSantis?

    How about “the Kraken is totally real and it’s spectacular, the 2020 election was stolen in every county in America, every single conspiracy theory was true, ALL Trump’s claims are 100% true & 100% provable, biden* actually got ZERO votes, MAGA FOREVER!!!”

    That is hyperbole. You go to an absurdity that no one is claiming or saying, and you take down a hyperbolic strawman that no one has said.

    I am very versed in forensic linguistics, by the way.

    Those techniques do not work on me.

  107. Fur to be honest with you I lost track of where you were in this conversation and what you had alleged?
    no strawman there.

    I mean there are multiple people on this thread and I’m writing during a lot of it so keeping up, I ‘m still responding to past allegations.

  108. Brad, do you hear me complain about multiple people disagreeing with me?
    No, so why does having two with similar opinions threaten your worldview?
    I treat Rich and everyone as an individual with THEIR OWN OPINION.
    Yet you respond by calling us faggots.
    So take a seat jackass.

  109. Another “Brad” tactic in full display; posing a question or a comment directed at him, and he runs away, then when someone else responds to that very question or comment he will chime in, “Yeah, that’s what I was going to say, anybody with a brain could figure that out”. Like last week when I asked him the difference between TINVOWOOT and “all is lost”, he had nothing and disappeared, then when joe6 responded Brad pipes up with an affirmation.

    here is a tip, Brad, do your own thinking, and don’t piggyback off of others. You will feel better about yourself in the morning.

  110. You’re off point. And I don’t care what anyone else is saying, or interjecting, or how many plates you’re juggling with others.
    My contention was that DeSantis was being a slimy politician and playing both sides of the fence. You disagreed. I think when he says the election theories have all been proven untrue, he is appealing to the left and Never Trump. And then when he says I have some theories of my own of how the left pulled shenanigans, that is an effort to keep MAGA in his camp.

    We couldn’t even get past you acknowledging that DeSantis said the quote. I think we both know he did, and I explained why he did. And it explains why he is cratering in the polls, because there is no fucking way Joe Biden got those votes legitimately, and there is no fucking way when all the states he needed to win stop counting and every one of them found the votes needed.

    So, DeSantis uses weasel words, “The guy who puts his hand on the Bible won.”

    Fuck off, DeSantis.

    I am through with this thread.

    Carry on.

    And Loco, your comedy is top notch. You’re a witty and funny guy with the quips and such. Thank you for contributing.

  111. Yes, but most people here have full brains and can think for themselves.

    And you keep saying you are done, but still comment on my comments.

    I’ve said it before and will say it again, if you want to start acting like an adult and pledge to be respectful, I’m all for conversing with you. But I give what I get.

  112. See Logo? Fur is the producer of this show. Your segment is getting cut. It’s not even a ratings issue. You just drug out the plot line of a tertiary character. Tertiary, bro.

    Never go full tertiary.

  113. I thank you BFH.
    We disagree and both have strong opinions.
    You are so respected on this site when you chime in people take notice.
    I appreciate all you do and have for years.
    I think you know that.
    This site is unique as far as being able to speak my mind.
    Other sites I have been banned, censored, had post removed or the worst of all, had my posts EDITED.

    Most times I just come here to joke around and try to be clever.
    It stimulates my mind and find fellow travelers with similar interests.
    I hate nobody on this site, even though we skirmish from time to time.

    Of course some of these posts stir the passion in me.
    I have no delusions that I will change a single vote, nor do I really care.
    It appears Trump is in and I will support him.
    That doesn’t mean I won’t criticize him, and I will praise him when he does well.
    As I have done since he won the nom in 2016.

    Regards, Loco

  114. “I’ve said it before and will say it again, if you want to start acting like an adult and pledge to be respectful,”

    I wouldn’t walk across the street to piss on you if you were on fire Rich. I spotted your personality. I know what motivates you, I know why your here. So, no, I’ll never respect you. So once again, stay out of my fcking fox hole

  115. “Damn, there goes the feel-good kumbaya moment…”

    All you two do is insult me. And now you want to lock lips. I’m leaning more to an MMA cage fight. You reap what you sow. Nothings changed here has it?

  116. I’m just happy to be recurring character.

    It’s no fun producing or being on staff. All I have to do is walk on, hit my mark, read the cue card and I’m done. I haven’t even had to do product placement.

    Love this gig.

  117. Please look up secondary and tertiary characters.

    Scarface is the main character. Frank Lopez is a secondary character that Scarface shoots…and Earnie…the guy he doesn’t shoot but instead gives a job to…is a tertiary character.

    Use him and the guy in the clown mask and you have a spin off of scarface using only tertiary characters.

  118. Hey, anyone notice the chick that interviewed DeSantis is the same one that exposed how incoherent John Fetterman was?
    Her fellow MSM had her back when she was attacked.
    Just kidding, the BURRIED her ass.

    She is now trying to re-earn her liberal democrat shill bona fides and cunt card.
    Judging from this post, she is gonna do fine.
    The bitch is on her way back…

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