Heh. – IOTW Report


50 Comments on Heh.

  1. It may well be that some countries don’t want the kneel down, kiss-ass, obey every word we dictate, eat shit, don’t ask questions and submit totally to our rules type of money that democrat leaders offer.

  2. …I’m also curious why Pedo cares which bunch of Nigers runs the joint. Do the new guyz not pony up his 10?

    I’m only surprised he didn’t tell them “If you don’t do what I say, you’re not Black”. Be avout his speed.

    …too bad Hilz, The Butcher of Benghazi, doesn’t have her old job back. They could have paid her to do something ’bout them cankles…

  3. There’s a “your mama’s so fat” joke in there just waiting to come out….wait. Try this one out. To my knowledge, it’s new.

    You’re mama’s so fat, African countries are concerned.

    Tip you waitress 😉

  4. “…I’m also curious why Pedo cares which bunch of Nigers runs the joint. Do the new guyz not pony up his 10?”

    Cause the Ruskies ans Chicoms are over there stirring shit up. In reality, this is another step closer towards WWIII.

    This actually has some parallels to WWII.

  5. If only Zelensky has this much honor, that fool doesn’t care how many Ukrainians die.

    Incidentally, We are now training Ukraine pilots in our F-16’s. What is the over/under for a shooting war with Russia before the election?

    “This business will get out of control, it will get out of control and we will be lucky to live through it”


  6. “Incidentally, We are now training Ukraine pilots in our F-16’s”

    Putin destroyed the last airbase capable of launching fighters inside the Uke yesterday. Google it.

  7. Hmmm…where else can a currently socialist-lead African nation get the funds to support their tyrannical dictatorship other than from the Xiden Administration?
    Well, let’s see…China and Russia, in partnership are more than willing to fill that financial void. They’ve done it before and will again – become the proud owners of a black African nation brimming with natural resources at bargain bin prices.

  8. JB_Honeydew

    You’re free to use any search engine you want, but that’s the truth. We, the military, knew by the time they got these peasants their private pilots license it would be to late. What a joke.

  9. nuland is and has been running the ukraine criminal enterprise since at least 2014
    she’s got to be an extra evil wretched hag to be in charge of the #1 money laundering, human-child-sex-organ trafficking organization world wide

  10. @Brad

    Always on the offense, even when someone is being clearly sarcastic. Kinda sad, pathetic even. Ah well, to each their own. Good day and blessings to you, sir.

  11. But it would still be two on two, just lined up in a row. Unless of course you’re talking about some Erector Set type of thing where you’re building reach extenders and such. And those pieces were sharp. Nah, too many sharp edges and exposed veins to be safe.

  12. JB_Honeydew

    Didn’t mean to insult you bro. Lately I’ve been attacked a lot. Especially by the Dutch Rudder Duo. I do feel like I’m on the offensive. And quite honestly that’s not why I come here.

  13. Maybe the new world war they will end it soon by just blowing up government headquarters, not sure where that’s at in all countries, but it would solve a lot of problems for us if they blew up D.C.

    I am so tired of what the government has done and is continuing to do to our county. I’m tired of leftists, queers, men in dresses, mutilating our children, gun grabbers, tree huggers, animal rights activists, vegans, doctors, hospitals, teachers, schools, pedophiles, environmentalists.

  14. Don’t need to fund a diet program for Nuland.
    Just divert the money elsewhere, let her go hungry. (or would it be “hangry”?)

  15. “Brad, I honestly can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. It sucks to be old and know a different time.’

    I totally agree, and can certainly relate. They need us around. So I want you to start focusing on exercise and your health. I just saw what you did in your home town. I’m good at the health thing for older peeps. If you’re interested hit BFH up for my contact and I will help you out to that end.

  16. Apparently this witch has been around for 30 years screwin things up for Repub and Dem administrations.

    She should be our ambassador to Golden Coral. Don’t which costs more, clothing or feeding her.

  17. I bet Hilry and Vickie smell similar…yesterday’s sour wine, cabbage and a faint odor of the cat box. Somehow lint and cat hair on the stretch pants and sweater fit in there too.

  18. Brad, trust me I get lots of exercise. I live on a farm with lots of bails of hay, 50lb sacks of feed and always building and repairing fences.

    My thing with my local community honestly has left me a little mentally exhausted. Viewing this crap from afar is a lot easier than dealing with it up close and personal. I never thought I’d be taking on veterans or drag queens. lol I will honestly say I don’t know how people like Matt Walsh who has the entire trans community after him does it. I might not always agree with him, but I have respect for what he does.
    I’ve received many messages from the drag queens, everything from they hope my kids and grandkids come out as gay or trans to they hate me and would like to shoot me. I just asked that one how he was going to shoot me when queers hate and are scared of guns, then he blocked me. lol

    I did though receive a good message from a biker gang vet who told me veteran bikers from all over the country were going to show up and protest. I guess now they’re going to Michigan to an American Legion where they’re having a drag show.

  19. True Brad. The dictator comrades on the commie block don’t miss a beat. They’re taking whatever territory they want. Xiden let’s them run amok. Pres. Trump would have stopped them already.

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