Woman Has Hardcore Covid Paranoia – IOTW Report

Woman Has Hardcore Covid Paranoia

But wants to see Barbie.

32 Comments on Woman Has Hardcore Covid Paranoia

  1. I think I need to get “tested” because she wasn’t wearing a mask while I listened to her. Hanging on to their insanity, so sad. I’d be curious to know how many fellow travelers show up.

  2. It’s quite surprising that someone with that degree of cognitive and emotional impairment can be reasonably articulate about her delusions and obsession.

    “We’re not fucking around here, folks.” Yes. Yes, you are.

  3. Buy a ticket.
    Enter the theater and go directly to where she is sitting.
    Pull down your mask to your chin, just like slo-joe.
    Sneeze straight up into the air the loudest you can muster, spraying saliva everywhere.
    Walk out.

  4. Please – Don’t Laugh.
    This is the level of intelligence in and around Portland, Oregon.
    These people have been slowly, quietly, unobtrusively accumulating over the past 25/30 years;
    prior to that time Portland was comparatively normal – more or less.
    Instead – Please have pity on them – Send food!

  5. Interesting how a woman that has taken directive hook line and sinker from men spewing misinformation propaganda got her so tied up over the coof wants to go see a movie that is nothing but pure misandry propaganda.

  6. Sad to see such brainwashed fear.

    Yesterday I was sitting in a window seat eating lunch at an establishment. A man drove up, put on a mask, got out, came in and picked up his order and left.
    I noticed his license plate…..



  7. 3 years! She made me safe for 3 years! She didn’t breathe on me, she didn’t do a Karen on me, she avoided me at the store, life was good for me the past 3 years without her on the loose. She’s one of those when I see coming my way, I find a place to escape to.

  8. CJ at 1:04 pm

    Too obese and mentally ill to have a guy interested in her, so wants to watch a feminist movie…how fitting.

    And a movie that hates men! I can see how mentally ill women would be attracted to such a movie.

  9. The real pandemic – the vast number of mentally ill people unveiled by Covid madness.
    This neurotic, paranoid Porklander, trusts a cloth/fiber composite mask to stop a bioweapon virus. A virus that can breach the kind of mask she wants everyone to wear, many times over.

    Mask or no mask this lunatic is constantly exposed to Covid and after three years has not gotten sick – to her disappointment.

    Also, she’s in denial of the real and present danger of dying from the effects of obesity. It’s more than possible that will take her out, not Covid unless she got the poison jab.

    Hope her cult following of Covidians have fun watching a movie with more indoctrinated socialist propaganda. The same which has them irrationally freaked out about Covid.


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