Who is DeSantis’ New Campaign Manager James Uthmeier? – IOTW Report

Who is DeSantis’ New Campaign Manager James Uthmeier?

National File-

The hiring of Uthmeier falls right into line with the hirings of other globalists who’ve been hitched to the DeSantis campaign.

When Anti-Trump and pro Impeachment US Senator Ben Sasse left the US Senate, it was Uthmeier (then DeSantis’s chief of staff and now his campaign manager) who pushed for Sasse to become the new President of Univeristy of Florida, which had to be approved by the Florida Board of Governors.

As the Governor’s official Governor’s office chief of staff, James Uthmeier helped raise over $423,042 for DeSantis’s presidential campaign in the hours after Ron’s May 24 launch by pressuring lobbyists, telling them they wouldn’t get access to the Governor anymore unless they donated to DeSantis. That is highly illegal.

More here.

Sasse has a horrific history of attacking Donald Trump with lies. Sasse called Republican Senators who objected on January 6th “dumb asses.” Sasse voted to impeach Trump and then announced his retirement. Shortly after his retirement announcement, Sasse was hired to become the University of Florida’s president.

So Ron DeSantis’ top guy hired a pro-Trump impeachment Senator to run Florida’s largest university. The writing is clearly on the wall; Team DeSantis has been planning to use J6 against Trump for quite some time.

Key DeSantis advisor Paul Ryan should be extremely pleased with DeSantis’ latest hire. With each hire, DeSantis shows his true globalist colors.


113 Comments on Who is DeSantis’ New Campaign Manager James Uthmeier?

  1. Who is Uthmeier? Who cares? DeSantis isn’t going anywhere, and I believe he is starting to realize what a mistake he made by jumping into to the presidential race – especially after promising he wouldn’t.

  2. Is Paul Ryan a key advisor to DeSantis: NO, not any kind of advisor
    Has Paul Ryan endorsed Ron DeSantis for president: NO

    Do you people like being lied to in order to feel better?
    I hate when they do it to Trump, yet you guys like it evidently.
    “Lie to me harder daddy!”

  3. DeSantis is just getting warmed up.
    When he trounces everyone in the debate in two weeks he will have clear sailing.
    He will likely win Iowa and then Trump will go on a run and win the nomination.

    Obviously though, he has Only-Trumpers quaking in their boots.

  4. Here is legit info on Uthmeer:

    Uthmeier is considered the most influential of DeSantis’ three chiefs of staff and led the governor’s office during much of the time when DeSantis became a post-pandemic political star. DeSantis’ first two chiefs of staff were longtime operative-types, while Uthmeier is seen as further right on the political spectrum and a better fit for DeSantis, who is championing a policy portfolio directed, in large part, to those on the Republican Party’s right flank.
    As DeSantis has focused on bigger picture messaging and a likely 2024 presidential bid, Uthmeier has been given wide-ranging authority to oversee the administration’s day-to-day activities. Prior to serving as chief of staff, Uthmeier was DeSantis’ general counsel. He also served as senior adviser to former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.

  5. So you agree he ain’t going nowhere in this presidential go around.

    DJT has a 25 point lead in Iowa. The fact is the more people can view RDS’s wooden Indian delivery, the faster they run.

  6. Man, you guys are REALLY reaching.
    The MSM and libs fought tooth and nail against the appointment of Sasse as University of Florida president.

    I suppose fear of DeSantis makes for some strange bedfellows…
    Enjoy your new leftist buddies!

  7. I see anon is busy moving some goal posts…

    Damn that DeSantis, being the very first sitting governor EVER to run for higher office.

    BTW, I was told it was common knowledge before the 2022 gov election he would run?
    Oh, and he won by 20 points so that kind of puts that narrative to bed.
    Thanks for playing…

  8. DeSantis signed off on Ben Sasse’s appointment as president of the University of Florida.

    Ben Sasse is Liz Cheney.
    DeSantis rewarded Sasse.

    I wouldn’t piss on Ben Sasse if he was on fire.

  9. LocoBlancoSaltine said this on 8/9/23..”.DeSantis is just getting warmed up.
    When he trounces everyone in the debate in two weeks he will have clear sailing.
    He will likely win Iowa and then Trump will go on a run and win the nomination.”… DeSantis won’t win Iowa. He will drop out of the race after stabbing Trump in the back long enough to cost him the Presidency….Rino job accomplished…

    I’ll save this comment so you can shove it into any enchilada hole you shall choose….

  10. Big picture, DJT goes on Podcasts, interviews, what have you. He spend a certain amount of time talking about his persecution. Most of the time he talks policy and what needs to be done to fix this mess we are in. Every time I see RDS’s mouth open it always about Trump. Doe’s the man have any documented policies other than I’m better than Trump?

  11. Yes, desert the people who voted you to serve as governor.
    Just like GWB, as I recall.

    I’m not against Desantis as Governor. He just needs to finish the job.
    Is he still collecting salary as Governor?

  12. Remember the heated post from Monday-Tuesday?

    The little MSM chickie asked DeSantis about the 2020 election with such zeal, it must have hit her G-spot. I bet her panties were moist.
    She could not wait to drop that on him.
    Why? Because it was a WIN-WIN for the MSM.
    They absolutely HATE Trump & DeSantis.
    Both are worse than Hitler, right?

    If DeSantis said “yes the election was stolen” they would have painted him as a conspiracy kook and then said “but Trump lost all his court challenges.”
    Even though that is BS since most if not all were never adjudicated due to “standing” or some other technicality.

    If DeSantis said “no, the election wasn’t stolen” then the narrative becomes “see you Trumpers, biden* won fair & square” which is sadly the win the MSM achieved.

    We’ve seen this game so many times.
    It won’t be the last.
    Divide & conquer.

    It sucks to see some on our side participating though. *Sigh

  13. Well Brad, Trump needs to get his message out.
    All I see is ALL-CAPS rants that are screen-shot and posted to Twitter.

    DeSantis has had plenty to say when he isn’t having to answer for Trump & 2020.

    Anon, of course DeSantis is drawing a salary from Florida.
    He will until January of 2027, as he should.
    Unless of course something happens to Trump.
    Then the entire country will be paying his salary, what 400 grand a year?

    Sometimes governing is hard and people get appointed that you don’t like.
    I get that.
    Trump appointed Christopher Wray to head the FBI.

  14. “DeSantis has had plenty to say when he isn’t having to answer for Trump & 2020.”

    I see, so it’s Trumps fault RDS’s poll number are sinking like the Titanic. Freaken Trump wrecked RDS too. LOL

  15. ^^ Well, the ads are stacked against Trump winning and have been for several years now….Somehting like election fraud or as the Judge of all Judgments call it a coup….The Bailiff listens and the Bailiff abides….

    DeSantis running against him and not backing him 100% is why he can’t and won’t say that Biden won the Presidency fair and square….DeSantis doesn’t abide….

  16. Still in the #2 slot against the veritable incumbent that was already president.
    Pretty good if you ask me.
    Trump SHOULD be running away with it.
    He has it locked, unless HE implodes like a submersible over the Titanic.

    The debates will help but DeSantis is insurance at this point.
    If Trump drops, we won’t end up with a Nikki, a designated R-POC, or a Pence that will guarantee lose to the dems.

  17. Loco

    You’re an idiot. Let’s put this in context. I asked if the man had any policies of his own, yo answer back “he’s in second place”. So you didn’t answer anything relevant to my question. So NO, no one asked you. You lack any logic. That explains a lot.

  18. Here’s where the Dutch Rudder Duo converse between themselves as if no one can read what they type in a sorry effort to convince us poor innocent by standards of just how smart they are.
    I think I’ll go schedule a root canal. I don’t need one, but even that would be more enjoyable than watching this pathetic shit.
    RDS can’t win. He needs MAGA and all he does is piss MAGA off. He needs easily 75 to 80% of MAGA. No chance. He’s wasting his time and other people money.

  19. I have posted positive things about Governor Desantis on how he has been a great first term Governor and has the potential for being great second term Governor if he quits this silly pipe dream.
    By the way, some posts show Ramaswami passing Desantis in polls.

  20. Governor Desantis got a sweetheart deal from the legislature where he didn’t have to resign to run.
    If he were really confident, wouldn’t he do the honorable thing and resign to spend full time on hid candidacy?

  21. Tell me anon, would YOU have resigned?
    No of course you wouldn’t.
    Most states don’t have that stupid rule and it was suspended for Charlie & Jeb.
    What’s that? You didn’t know?

    The millions who voted for him are fine with it.
    They either end up keeping him or he becomes their president.

  22. As one of those millions who voted to re-elect Governor Desantis for his second term, I’m NOT fine with him deserting his primary job to pursue his Quixotic quest.

    If, the highly improbable situation occurs where Governor Desantis were to become the nominee, I would vot for him in the general election.

  23. Governor Desantis
    Beautiful family – reminiscent of the Kennedy family
    Military experience – JAG , but not the combat veteran (photo-op posing with M16 in front of HUMV.
    Governor- good experience as an executive officer for a large stat – one term plus a few months
    Congressional experience- not exactly a badge of honor

    NOTE: It doesn’t matter how qualified he may be, as a Republican, he will be raked over the coals by he left wing media. They’ve already got a lot of ammunition with the people he’s upset. If you think they’ve been hard on him before, just think of how it would be in the highly improbable event he were the nominee.

  24. “If you think they’ve been hard on him before, just think of how it would be in the highly improbable event he were the nominee.”

    Like they do every Republican presidential nominee, and you don’t think he doesn’t know that? At least then he would only have one side going after him, instead of now where he has both.

    “JAG , but not the combat veteran (photo-op posing with M16 in front of HUMV.”

    So his military service is meh because he was not shot at? I was in the military and was not shot at, which doesn’t make it any less meaningful. And I give him even more props because he was a smart guy in Harvard that could have stayed there, got his degree and made a good living in private practice. but he put it all on hold because he felt the need to serve his country. Don’t denigrate it.

    And you Anon types need a number system so we can tell you apart.

  25. “I was in the military and was not shot at, which doesn’t make it any less meaningful”

    I agree. But how many times did you dress up in full kit and act like Rambo? The guys a typical politicians. Fuck him.

  26. I was a dog handler, attached to a military police company in Panama for most of my short stint. I have photos of me and my dog, me holding an M-16, even some of me climbing out of an attack helicopter before they took off (with me securely on the ground). It does not make me acting Rambo.

    Before he was JAG he had to go through basic and become proficient in military weapons. This is just a picture of him in his uniform, nothing more.

  27. Loco

    It’s no big mystery why some peeps here think you’re licking each others miniature balls. Are you guys that stupid. Look back at some of your posts when you two are slobbering all over each other. I mean really, wtf did you expect?
    Yes, and get a room.

  28. For those in Florida: How do you feel about DeSantis now since he started running for President?

    His choice to run feels like bad timing and the wrong year to do it. Why not 2028? Then, after reading Sundance’s posts about him on CT…oof!

    I had high hopes because of what he’s done in FL. But, is he actually being molded into the next Jeb!2.0?!

  29. Everyone I know personally who live in Florida are fine with it.
    They consider it a Win-Win either way.
    47th President Ron DeSantis or Florida Governor Ron DeSantis until January, 2027.

    It was no secret he was going to run prior to the election.
    He won by 20 points, granted it was against that slug Charlie Christ but still.
    He carried a lot a blue counties that Trump could never come close to touching.

    Jeb 2,0?
    Did Jeb take on Woke inc, Disney, the teachers unions, BLM, DEI, WEF, Fauci, the biden* admin, defund the police, drag queens, the 1619 project, teaching 6 year olds blow jobs, Soros prosecutors, over-prices toll roads, tax incentives for child birth, China, globalists, the CDC, etc?


  30. I also served in the USAF, retiring from the USAFR based upon 20 years of combined active and reserve service. I was never exposed to any combat.
    I’m not the one who has a photo posing in combat uniform with an M16 in front of HUMV.
    If I had photos posing in front of an F15 in full flight suit when I had never had that experience, that would be stolen valor.
    Maybe some of his buddies set him up for a photo, but that doesn’t seem to reflect what most JAG officers do. A more appropriate photo would be of him at a desk.

  31. From his wiki page;

    “During his military career, DeSantis was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, and the Iraq Campaign Medal”

    Now, can we stop shitting on his military career?

  32. “Brad and Anonymous need to get a room.”

    You really don’t get it do you? You need to lose your man card and go get that pedicure with your rich wife. You shouldn’t be hanging out here. You’ve lost your point of relevance.

  33. Gee, first I lose your respect, like I valued that more than navel lint from Lizzo, and now I’ve lost my point of relevance.

    Just remember, it was you that wanted to continue this rancor, not me. So the next time, probably tomorrow, that you post something monumentally stupid and I call you on it, it is not me embarrassing you, it is you embarrassing yourself.

  34. Cliff Notes for readers:
    So far in this thread…

    1) Paul Ryan is a DeSantis advisor- Not True
    2) DeSantis is a globalist- Not True
    3) DeSantis promised not to run for president- Not True
    4) Trump won California in 2020- He did not
    5) Brad asked me a question and then lied and said he did not
    6) Sure DeSantis is far right rock-ribbed conservative but if somehow he would get elected running as such, he will do a complete 180 once elected even though there is absolutely ZERO evidence of this claim.
    7) No other governor has ever held office while running for President- Jimmy Carter, GW Bush and 6 others would like a word.
    8) Stole Valor

    *You are here… what’s next guys?
    Ooooh I know, the 12 indictments against Trump that are coming from Atlanta soon have not been denounced by DeSantis yet…

  35. “Yeah, “sounds pretty stupid, doesn’t it?”

    Actually, I’m not done yet, if you’re going to equate me answering another poster ONE TIME compared to what you and that other faggot do, you have fcking huge rocks in your head. You’ve made it official, you’re an idiot. In fact a petty idiot. Now go get that pedicure.

  36. “Faggot”……….I knew it, he just couldn’t help himself.

    Brad talks about licking each other’s miniature balls, whacking pee-pee’s, and slapping naked asses, you don’t need to be Carl Jung to diagnose latent homosexual tendencies. It’s OK, this isn’t Iraq, nobody will throw you off a building. It’s OK to come out.

    Loco is younger than me, I bet if you ask him nicely he will send you an 8 by 10 for your spank bank, him and his 6 pack.

  37. You two assholes are starting to remind me of half the Village People. Keep typing assholes. In case you haven’t noticed it, this communities about had enough of the Dutch Rudder Duo.

  38. I guess I need to add a number to Brad’s rules for posting.
    10) Doxing

    Tell me Brad, why are you such a snowflake who lacks confidence?
    All your boasting of your gym exploits and how much you lift?
    Yet you feel threatened by dissenting opinions?
    One makes you agitated but TWO makes you nuts.
    How dare TWO people disagree with Brad!
    And no, I’m not going to go there talking about p-envy, I’m better than that.
    There must be a reason?

    Dr. Loco is in

  39. I will fix Doc Loco. A child mentally, that has lived his entire adult life alone for one reason. Nobody can stand his obnoxious ass. One dumb muther focker. But the total dick thing gets in the way.
    It’s going to be a tough lesson.but I’m here to help.

  40. Dude, the only place you think you can even survive is on line. I’d bet money you’re a virgin. Unless you paid for it. I mean really, what sane women would get involved in your depressing shit? Do you own or rent? LOL

  41. “Brad, do you have any insults that don’t involve sex?
    I mean the 8th grade must have been a long time ago…”

    So you’re a FEM BOY. That actually ties everything together.

  42. Seek help Brad.
    Seriously, seek help.
    I hope some loved one can provide an intervention.
    You get far too hyped up with this shit.
    It’s not real. It’s dialog.
    It can be passionate but should also be fun here.
    Seek help.
    Not joking.

  43. Good for you.
    Remember, I don’t hate you.
    You do not make my hate list.
    You aren’t even on deck.
    I suppose I should be flattered to be part of your hate list.

    Tell me, you hate me more than Rich right?
    I would be heartbroken to know I’m not public enemy #1…

  44. See, that is where the disconnect lies.
    We stand for a whole lot of the same things.
    Hell, I thumb-up your posts when I agree.
    I argue or offer a differing opinion when I disagree.
    I call balls & strikes.
    I defend lies against a damn good man if whose accomplishments were Trump’s you would be shouting them from the rooftops.
    You know that.
    Oh well, tomorrow is a new day with a new DeSantis bashing post…

  45. ” Rich, whole new ball game. I’ll settle that with Rich.”

    So how do you plan to “settle” with me? By upping your game, presenting better arguments, improved powers of persuasion? Or did you have something more primitive in mind? Specifics, please.

    And one last time, if you are willing to put this rancor behind us, I’m up for that.

  46. I think everyone should know when to end it and when it’s getting a bit out of control.

    Remember that we are all on the same side. It could be a bit like Catholic versus Protestant, but still Christian.

    Isn’t that war a bit stupid?

    So, keep it all in perspective. And you can’t let slights and insults and jabs upset you too much because it can only be as “hurtful” as words on a blog can make you feel.

    No one knows too much about anyone else that can allow them to “dig deep.”

    I doubt anyone would “beat up” anyone (if they met them) because they said some things in the comments.


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