No Charges Sought For Sikhs in 7-11 Stick Beating – IOTW Report

No Charges Sought For Sikhs in 7-11 Stick Beating


Prosecutors with the San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office announced Tuesday that they will not pursue charges against two Stockton 7-Eleven employees who were seen in a viral video assaulting a robbery suspect with a stick.

“The Stockton 7-11 Store Clerks are not and have never been suspects of the San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office,” San Joaquin County District Attorney Ron Freitas said in a statement. “Any investigation going forward is to hold accountable the individual who threatened and attempted to rob them.”

Police received reports at 3:41 a.m. on July 28 from a 7-Eleven employee that a suspect had entered the business, went behind the counter, and threatened to shoot the employee if he intervened. 

The 7-Eleven is located on South Center Street across from the Stockton Police Department headquarters.

The suspect, identified by police as 42-year-old Tyrone Frazier, took several packs of cigarettes and other items and placed them in a large garbage bag before fleeing. 


16 Comments on No Charges Sought For Sikhs in 7-11 Stick Beating

  1. That’s not the best neighborhood. I had a friend who retired from the Police Dept. who came back to fill in part time was run down and killed in a crosswalk at the station. Another friend and off duty cop gassing up his boat at the same area accosted by thugs for money until he pulled his weapon and had them escorted across the street to the station. I sure don’t miss Stockton, that’s for damn sure.

  2. CBS’s headline sucks–they didn’t assault the would-be thief, they defended their property and meted out some well-deserved justice. If this happened more often, maybe there would be less retail theft in the country.

  3. Many decades ago, Stockton was the last section of I-5 to be completed in California. You had to get off the freeway and drive thru town a few miles before you could get back on the freeway and continue your trip. The city was dodgy then (late 70s, early 80’s and it hasn’t gotten any better. We told the kids to
    Keep the windows up, don’t make eye contact, and pray we don’t break down.


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