Taint the Rainbow – IOTW Report

Taint the Rainbow

Liberty Daily

The latest brand to go fully woke is Skittles. The candy company, whose tagline is “Taste the Rainbow,” has advanced even further than than they’ve ever gone in the past with their LGBTQIA+ supremacy embrace by not only bowing to the trans-agenda, but also throwing race into the mix for good measure.

“Black Trans Lives Matter,” reads the packaging on their limited edition “Pride Packs.” The slogan, inspired (forced?) through their longtime partnership with GLAAD, is the most infuriating push they’ve made over the years. According to Daily Mail More

Skittles is marketed by Wrigley and ultimately owned by Mars, Inc. Here

15 Comments on Taint the Rainbow

  1. That crap is nasty to begin with, and my kids are past that stage (I think anyway…)

    Hopefully a boycott would hurt them, but I am no able to participate.

    I couldn’t participate in the Bud Light boycott either – as it has always been pisswater, so there’s that.

    What’s next – Blue Bunny? Don’t eat that either.

    I just hope Culver’s or Papa Murphy’s doesn’t get threatened by the apparently rich Woke mob.

  2. I don’t buy anything with perverted advertising on it. Campbells soup was one of the first about 15+ years ago to support gay marriage. Never ate it again unless I got it for free and that was rare. We could’ve put a stop to this madness then but, tolerance or something.

  3. Didn’t a black kid get killed when he purchased some Skittles? IIRC a Mexican security guard killed Trayvon, the kid who didn’t do nuffin but get gunned down eating Skittles – as the story goes. Like Butt Light, don’t get caught eating BLM Skittles.

  4. I don’t eat skittles, although I have had my grandkids to buy them for them before their mom told me they aren’t allowed to eat skittles because they’re full of bad shit. So something else I guess I can’t really boycott.

    More people have got to start standing up fighting back, I get why more don’t. I have just gotten a first hand experience of what they do. A man sent me a message at first and told me to watch out for the rainbow brigade, that they’ll come after your family, your job, your business and are relentless. They put you out into their world and let everyone know who you are, who you’re married to, who your kids are, who your grandkids are, where you work, what your business name is, where your kids go to school, where you live. He didn’t lie.
    I have to admit it shook me up for half a day, but I decided if we don’t fight for children and now they have made our children the number one target, then who will?

  5. The entire Mars company is woke. I won’t eat what was my favorite candy bar for 30 years – Snickers, or any other Mars product.

    It’s a small sacrifice to make, but I’ll do what I can.

  6. Corporate America are a bunch of gutless, Godless maggots who worship Mammon.
    They don’t GAF about humans, or perverts, for that matter, they just follow the bottom line.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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