California could resort to using electric cars to charge its struggling power grid – IOTW Report

California could resort to using electric cars to charge its struggling power grid

Pacific Gas and Electric Company says to think of it as a “backup” energy source, like a generator.

JTN: The state of California, which has struggled to reconcile its aggressive “green energy” agenda against its unreliable and blackout-prone power grid, may have an admittedly “unconventional” solution thanks to a proposal from Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E): Using electric cars to charge the power grid.

PG&E, which provides power for around 16 million California residents, sees “great potential” for EVs to act as power grid backup generators. “The grid needs those electric vehicles. We need to make it available, and it can be a huge resource,” he added, per The Orange County Register.

Just the News contacted PG&E for more details. A spokesman responded by lauding the supposed benefits of “bidirectional charging.” more

25 Comments on California could resort to using electric cars to charge its struggling power grid

  1. Am I dense? I just don’t get the math or ‘logic’ or whatever.

    The grid charges the fictional millions of EV vehicles is a minus (I think). Then it saps the life back out of the batteries (they haven’t driven ANYWHERE?)- then recharges them ad Infinitum?

    I guess it is like during the severe drought CA awarded COCA COLA for the donation of their syrup barrels to any household who wanted them for use as ( hold on, this is rich) RAIN BARRELS!!!

    My 7 year old grandson asked me if there was rain for the barrels to catch, was there still a drought?


  2. That ought to give them a minute or two of “reserve” power.

    They’re batteries, not generators. You morons.

    If stupid hurt, these people would be rolling around on the ground in agony.

  3. …and this is also like going to the gas station and not knowing if the gas pump is going to fill or empty your tank at any given time. May be a nasty surprise when its time for the shoft workers to leave for work, and in CA rush hour traffic, too…

  4. SNS AT 8:11 AM
    “…and this is also like going to the gas station and not knowing if the gas pump is going to fill or empty your tank at any given time. May be a nasty surprise when its time for the SHIFT workers…”

    …great spelling. Anyway the power company seems to be under the impression that everyone goes to work ONLY in the morning so its OK to drain their batteries later in the day, which is weird since electric generation is kind of a 24 hour business itself so they should know better…

  5. Sometimes, the solution is right under our noses. First, we charge the cars using power from the grid, then we charge the grid using the power from the cars. Sheer genius! Them government folks sure are some smart fellers.

  6. Don’t forget boys and girls every time you transform electricity / energy there is substantial loss in the transfer.
    But hey, the laws of thermodynamics don’t reply to these people.
    And did it ever occur to them that people that buy battery cars are not buying them so that other people can suck the juice out of them but maybe they want it to drive when they want to drive?.

  7. Clearly Planned & Laid Out in Ontario 5-6 years ago by our Former Liberal Premier when they were trying to Ban Natural Gas from New construction.

  8. First, as Dadof4 noted all of the cars’ full batteries would amount to a blip – and then their owners would have no transportation, and no air conditioning.
    Second, 99% noncompliance. Liberals want OTHERS to suffer, not themselves.

  9. Y’All are missing the bit about payment. You pay to charge your fancy electric car. They draining at peak, and you pay to charge again. Now… Do they pay you the peak rate when they drain it, or the rate you paid to charge it? What happens when a new “peak” develops at 3am as owners struggle to get their cars charged to go to work?

    California doesn’t have an open electricity market like Texas. I can go look at the “market rate” on ERCOT’s web page and make an decision to plug my fancy golf cart in and let them drain it, knowing the $$ will cover both the recharge and the wear & tear on the battery. Without that info, how will owners even know if they’re being scammed?


  10. Batteries are like a loaf of bread, Every charge/discharge cycle is like removing a slice from the loaf. This hair-brained scheme will only accelerate the destruction of batteries.
    Destroy coal power plants, destroy gas power plants, destroy nuclear power plants, destroy hydro power plants… The only conclusion that can be arrived at is: The Left is on an unholy mission to DESTROY THE WEST!

  11. Side note- they are BV’s not EV,s
    If they were true electric you would never unplug them like other appliances.
    This country is on the titanic, instead of slowing down and steering around huge obstacles they are poking more holes on the side of the ship. Don’t forget to rearrange those deck chairs.


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