Vivek Ramaswamy Breaks with GOP on Decriminalization of Hard Drugs – IOTW Report

Vivek Ramaswamy Breaks with GOP on Decriminalization of Hard Drugs


Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is breaking with his party when it comes to the drug epidemic gripping communities across the nation by supporting the decriminalization, and eventual legalization, of certain hard drugs.

While on the campaign trail in recent weeks, Ramaswamy frequently addressed the issue surrounding the war on drugs and the tragic prevalence of fentanyl deaths, and has offered what he’s called a “bold” willingness to cross boundaries to address the demand side of the drug market to prevent such tragedies.

“You don’t hear me talk about the war on drugs. I’m not a war on drugs person,” Ramaswamy said while appearing at a Free State Project event in New Hampshire in June.

At the event, Ramaswamy said he was “probably the only person in the modern history” of the Republican Party open to a conversation about providing “off ramps” for people to access certain hard drugs, such as “psychedelics, from ayahuasca to ketamine.”


18 Comments on Vivek Ramaswamy Breaks with GOP on Decriminalization of Hard Drugs

  1. I agree. I am for 100% decriminalization of use. It helps to remove the stigma, and allows people to seek help rather than hide it. That was the norm, until the 19-teens, about the same time The Fed was created. Lots of bad stuff in that decade. But the main point is that making something illegal has proven to be pointless. Those who want it/need it will find a way to get it – and they do now. I think decriminalization will not lead to increase in drug use.
    But… given that we have a century of systems in place, I think it would have to be a calculated step-back. Support systems need to be created (by private groups, and perhaps medical groups, not gov’t money). And the cartels need to continue to be criminalized.

  2. Do what you want with users, as long as they go to jail if they screw up anyone else’s life or otherwise break laws (INCLUDING stealing and pooping in public), and no one is penalized for defending themselves from one.

    As long as it comes with death penalty for drug dealers.

    That’s ONE thing the Talis got right.

    A drug dealer is a murderer for profit.

    Treat him accordingly.

  3. Decriminalization but NOT legalization. The supply side of this issue must not be allowed to legally advertise their product. They need to remain stigmatized as “drug pushers”.

  4. It’s a trap. You will be registered as a drug user and therefore relinquish your right to own firearms and who knows what else they could add to the list.
    We’re from the government and we’re here to help. Trust us.

  5. In 1972 I was popped with 1.2 grams of weed…that was about a joint, back then, like $1.50 worth. I was 14 & facing a felony…4 years in juvie, followed by another year in big boy prison. If not for some influential people that knew me stepping up with letters to the court, my life woulda been shit.
    Relativity is a funny thing…now weed is legal, yet I’m treated like a war criminal for being a smoker…seems I’m always on the outside of what’s acceptable.
    Any wonder I’m a cynical misanthrope?

  6. DAN;

    Dad’s Dad said same thing about Prohibition; only stronger! It was used to persecute “deplorables” his prime – but far from the only_ eg was Babe. Babe Ruth openly drank beer in the “dug out”. Like OJ he was not jailed.

    2 tiered law os not new.

    A very rich girl at Cal pointed this out 52 years ago. Said I will kill men and get away with it because my granddad is a very rich Dem! 3 years later she did just that! A bad jarhead F. Lee Baily got he off.

    In the case of Mary J GWB smoked but was not jailed. See Hearst above!

    This law would be good only of all had to obey. But Bush did not and was not jailed! So IMHO the law is not only bad; but very bad~!

    Like Ronny I believe “All men are equal”
    This law says “some are “more” equal”!

  7. I’m hung-up on his pronunciation:

    Ram Ass Whammy ?
    Rama Swami ?

    Do whatever you want with no harm. But offer any of that shit to my grand kids and I’ll sever your head from your body.

  8. I support decriminalization of drugs. Your body, your choice, right? Remove or reduce the incentive to commit drug-based crimes (production, possession, distribution, use, etc.). Vastly curtail the intrusions of government into every aspect of our lives. On the other hand, what you DON’T do is allow the druggies to take over your fucking cities, shit anywhere they please, shoot up in public (the way we don’t allow public intoxication), sprinkle used needles everywhere, and basically allow them to use their mental illness and bad lifestyle choices to ruin things for everyone else. You have the right to do whatever drugs you want, but I have the right not to have to put up with your bullshit if you do.

  9. Hard drugs should be provided free of charge one dose at a time in any dosage amount requested to anyone who wants it. In a year or two the drug problem would not exist.

  10. I have more time this afternoon so…

    Now that it is legal in Toronto, it is everywhere.
    10 years ago it was VERY RARE to see Choom floating out of a car window as it was driving down the road.
    Now, you drive to work in the morning and you smell it coming from cars in front of you. I’m on the roof of a building & I smell it. It is everywhere!

    Despite the restrictions is is MORE prevalent at school. 19 year olds hang out at coffee shops & sell it to the Youngers at lunch.

    These kids all have brain damage, anxiety, & are LAZY AS FUCK with FRIED BRAINS.

    DISASTER! Even the tax revenue has been abysmal since people still buy Street Shit for much less and the legal shops are BARELY SQUEEKING BY. IDGAF.

    Good Job Justine Turdette sparkle socks M*therF@cker


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