Gingrich Says We Are in Constitutional Crisis With Trump Indictments – IOTW Report

Gingrich Says We Are in Constitutional Crisis With Trump Indictments

‘We are drifting towards the greatest constitutional crisis since the 1850s. This indictment is a desperate effort by a corrupt machine to destroy their most dangerous opponent, in a way which obliterates the Constitution.” – Newt Gingrich

23 Comments on Gingrich Says We Are in Constitutional Crisis With Trump Indictments

  1. the problem is we have a federal government that our forefathers did not agree to, and by extension, we don’t agree to. break it up and hang the main characters and jail the rest in labor camps

  2. Newt could have downsized goverment and clipped its leathery wings when he was Speaker and the Republicans held all of goverment, but he chose not to as the power of Government was too sweet to let go.

    Now here we are.

    He’s right, but he could have stopped it, and chose not to.

    It is fitting then that he too reaps the bitter harvest for the seeds that he let grow.

    Too bad the rest of us will pay along with him.

    …the affairs of Man are cyclical. History repeats because the devil is not creative, but his old tricks keep working every time he gets a new generation that rejects the lessons of their fathers. That is why God handed down the Fifth Commandment, to instruct the young to learn from the old.

    But it is the doom of Men that they forget.

    …unless the Lord returns, the cycle will continue, the pendulum will swing the other way, and the power will shift back to the right, but too far which will engender a shift back to the left. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, its as old as history and as predictable as the tides.

    But millions, perhaps billions, will die as it swings.

    As they always do. The only difference as Time marches on is that Man gets better weapons to kill more with faster. They have a good start with the vaxxxine murders that have and are taking place, but Baal likes his sacrifices bloodier than that, hence the millions of murdered infants that soon also will not be enough.

    But the only thing that will break the cycle is if the Lord returns. Even then, satan will rule by proxy for a time, in fulfillment of Scripture. The world must die before it can be reborn, and the labor pains will be terrible.

    There is no hope in Men. All you can do is be prayed up and ready to go, defending yourself to the last against accepting the seal of satan. Fight on by all means, perhaps another cycle will start and the wheel can be forced the other way for a time.

    But Man will fail again regardless.

    Just the way it is.

    And ever shall be.

  3. People are too lazy to do more than listen to 2 min sound bites and then they think they’re fully informed.
    The media propaganda machine has more power than ever.
    The judiciary has become corrupt.
    The politicians are more interested in filling their bank accounts for a cozy retirement than they are in doing the right thing.
    The people calling for an end to lobbyists inside the Capital and big money in elections have a point but for those things to end politicians have to refuse to take the money and gifts.
    They aren’t about to do that.

  4. As with other 3rd world governments, you arrest your political opponent.
    Not much can be done now since the DEMMONcrats have taken over the USA.
    As sad as I can say it, Trump needs to flee the USA to a Christian country before he is jailed for life or most likely worse.

  5. Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk.

    We’re way past a resolution through talk. Action is what it’s going to take.

    Forget your congressperson, forget your senator. Forget the DOJ, the FBI, the military, forget the courts. It’s on us now. We the people.

  6. Welcome too the New Communism of the 21st Century… and judging by the absolute lawlessness of this government we’re deep into it and getting deeper. Remember it only took little more than a day to put up the initial Berlin Wall. Think how quickly they will turn on the Digital Wall once the pieces are in place. Any arguments about election fraud will be dealt with harshly and quickly. We got ONE shot at trying to reverse this in 2024!

  7. And we know for sure now that all the lies we were told for years was total BS. All about the oath keepers, about how the military would always support the constitution, not the party in power, all the big talk about how Trump had this all planned and was waiting for the right minute to step in. Every word, Barbara Streisand.

  8. We are one incident away from bloody mass violence on a national scale. When EVERYONE knows the elections of 20 and 22 were complete BS, its hard to simply sit by and watch what the guilty are doing to those who simply question the evidence of wrongdoing. There can be NO America going forward with this kind of political behavior and those being victimized know it (and frankly there should NOT be a single national entity anymore). And those cheering on the government crime spree seem to think that someone will be there to protect them. They won’t, and everyone knows from the political signs, who is on which side of this.

  9. Here’s my thing with ex-politicians, you helped get us where we’re at today, so I honestly could care less what you have to say now. Nobody for decades sent anyone to D.C. to grow government, 30 to 40 years ago even democrat voters didn’t send anyone to grow government.

  10. Anony…indeed they are endeavoring that process. The Russian Revolution tentatively began in 1905, a period BLM-isk run-up to the Bolshevik’s real deal in 1917.

    86 years later, after monolithic corruption, soup-to-nuts police state, mass murder of genocidal scale, planned famines, and world-wide terrorism incubation, the walls finally collapsed on that Evil Empire.

    I am less optimistic, however, than simply hopeful, that every citizen of this erstwhile Republic WTFU and realize they are the 3rd monkey at the foot of the Ark’s entry ramp, and gets seriously busy!! It’s started raining months ago.


  11. We crossed the rubicon years ago. Nothing can be done. Far too much power is held by unelected leftists. Too many aren’t paying attention, are oblivious to the seriousness of our situation or are riding on the gubmint free train. Patriotism is dead for the masses and special interests. It will end when the states decide they’ve had enough. Not before.

  12. I just got back from a trip and one of the two “conservative” Seattle radio station was on the radio in the commuter van. The worthless cocksucker that “identifies” as conservative was referring to the singer of the song Rich Men North of Richmond as Oliver Anthony as “complaining” and went on to mock and ridicule him by making sport of his name.

    This is an indication that the Republican establishment is 100% aware that they are just as big a part of the problem as are Democrats and have sent down word to their mouth pieces.

    Irrespective of all else, Donald Trump gets it. Not only does he get it, he is on a mission to do something about this shit and that is what all of the indictments is about and you can bet your ass the Republican establishment is in just hunky dory with them.


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