Which Driver Are You? – IOTW Report

Which Driver Are You?

36 Comments on Which Driver Are You?

  1. The last 2 cars are over the double yellow and so ALREADY in an illegal position.

    There was NO car behind the last blue car, the one that got hit. While she was an asshole there was NO reason to not wait for her to go by as well.

    And its pretty arrogant to block traffic like the black car did anyway. If its that hard turn RIGHT and go find a traffic light to turn around at instead of trying to force everyone else to bend to your will. The accident report and repair shop time will take MUCH longer to do than THAT would have taken.

    Judgement: Black car’s fault.

  2. I agree with SNS.
    Some of these guys who get these huge trucks become bullies behind the wheel.
    A lot can’t even keep in their own lane or the speed below race car.

    Again, SNS’ analysis is right.

  3. I suffer from acute road rage. I follow a$$holes all over till they park, then get the ice pick out and free the air in all the tires from the side walls so I can settle down. I feel relieved instantly.

  4. Ask a cop and a judge. They will both say it’s the Hummer driver. And not just because he’s driving a Hummer! 🙂
    Right and wrong and not always the same as what the law says. But in this case the Hummer could easily have slotted behind the last car. Or… he could have turned right, done it safely, and saved several thousand dollars and lots of hassle. That’s really what made him wrong – he created a dangerous situation unnecessarily.

  5. I saw two idiots in motor vehicles. The Humvee driver was in the wrong as he didn’t have a clear opening to merge into traffic. The car driver though could have let him merge and avoided becoming a co-idiot.

  6. I put in around 3 to 4k a month in my “retirement” gig and another 1 to 2k in my weekend bike rides.
    I see stupid, dangerous stuff. Clearly, a majority of drivers should not be on the road.

  7. What TN Tuxedo said. Let ‘em by. There’s a not so slim chance you’ll pass them up the road, and they’re upside down, or in a ditch, or in front of a cop car. Although maybe not the “upside down” part. When I was ten, a guy passed us on I-85 in heavy traffic, in a white pickup, weaving madly through the lines of cars.

    No sooner than my dad had muttered “Go on, jerk”, the truck veered into the grass median, flipped, vaulted into the air and landed upside down in the opposite lanes. As we passed, we saw the driver, who had been thrown from the truck, raise up on on side and then slump back down on the pavement. We later read that he had died at the scene.

    Needless to say, there was no satisfaction in his comeuppance. Just lessons learned the harsh way by a kid: You can’t fight traffic, and wear a seatbelt.

    The thing that is really stuck in mind, after more than fifty years, is those wildly swinging tailgate chains as he swerved back and forth in front of us.

  8. I am like neither driver.

    But the camera shows the hummer is wrong!

    He crosses way too many double yellow lines, PLUS, he/she/it/t/l/b/g/o/b/b/i/l/y/-/g/o/o/k created an urgency does not require the lady to yield.

    I think that the Hummer pilot, (he/she/it/t/l/b/g/o/b/b/i/l/y/-/g/o/o/k ), probably broke the law making a left turn from a driveway, I presume.

    Oh wait, forgive me, elitists. My brain-washing propaganda, slipped.

    The privileged driver (he/she/it/t/l/b/g/o/b/b/i/l/y/-/g/o/o/k) of the hummer is ALWAYS RIGHT.

    The lady should have jumped out of her car, fallen to her knees, and further prostrated herself and begged for forgiveness from (he/she/it/t/l/b/g/o/b/b/i/l/y/-/g/o/o/k).

  9. New Jersey tags? Go figure…
    Simple Drivers Ed. test question – The truck had the legal obligation to yield to whatever traffic is in the street.
    From a politeness, courtesy point of view I would like to see the five seconds of video just prior to the start of this. Who was there first? The other should give the courtesy to let that person pass.

  10. Guy in the truck was a butthole for forcing his way in. He could have waited 2 sec for her to go by. I don’t blame here for closing the gap when she saw him pull out, I would’ve done it too.
    But she will be at fault for trying to come around and jump back in front. She could’ve just maintained her gap to the car in front and let the jerk hit her.
    So ultimately she is at fault now, but the dude was a real jerk trying to force his way in, instead of waiting for here to go by.

  11. Neither. Blue car has right of way. Black car must make right turn and find a place to make a legal u-turn. The striping implies that there is an uncrossable island there for a reason. I hope the smug driver of the black car soiled his diaper when the cop cited him for an illegal left turn and crossing a double yellow line. Yes, I am a legalist and I play by the rules.

  12. The black vehicle, he pulled out into traffic, he didn’t have the right of way. Now if I was in a little car like her I would have let him in, but he should have been the one ticketed.

  13. I’m neither of those. I’m the guy with a dashcam 100 yards away laughing my ass of at these two fools and then graciously volunteering to each to @stay behind and show the police my footage to back up their claim.”

    Then when the cop looks at my footage, I say, “Can you believe these two clowns?”

  14. Asshole driver are everywhere. I was driving on a state highway last week when a car pulled out in front of me and proceeded to drive 35 in a 60, so I passed him. This apparently pissed him off because he came flying up on my ass and stayed there until we came to a roundabout.
    And don’t *even* get me started on roundabouts.

  15. FYI – The double yellow line means NO CROSSING (PASSING or OVERTAKING) while in the lanes the lines are defining. At an intersection where a turn lane evolves in a median it also means to stay out of the median until reaching the turn lane. That has no affect on someone turning into the street from a driveway or parking lot.

  16. The prick in the truck is at fault.

    The woman is established in her lane of travel, even though she (and the car in front of her) is technically not in the turn lane yet (notice the yellow lines/lane markers). This does not give the prick in the truck clearance, which he clearly does not have, or justification for pulling out across traffic. The prick in the truck is crossing lanes and entering her lane of travel.

    The prick in the truck seemed to be relying on the courtesy of the woman to allow him into traffic. She didn’t, and now he wants it to be her fault, which it isn’t. And “it’s all on camera.” There was no one behind the woman and he could merely have waited, but he didn’t, because he’s a prick in a truck. Did we establish that it’s all on camera?

    However, his liability adjuster will attempt to claim “comparative negligence” and put some percentage of liability on the woman, and this would be wrong. The burden is on the prick in the truck who is crossing lanes of traffic, entering the lane of travel of another vehicle.

    Which driver am I, neither. I would have seen the prick in the truck pulling out and simply allowed him to go on ahead.

  17. He committed a traffic violation and she wisely avoided an accident, but then chose to aggressively re-engage and cause the accident. He’s still an asshole but that’s not a violation.

  18. The woman should have considered the laws OF PHYSICS.
    Yield to vehicles MORE MASSIVE than yours.
    Hawaiian drives would have let the Hummer in, because we drive with aloha.

  19. After decades of experience, I have come to the realization that most people have absolutely no friggin’ idea how to drive. What possible harm would it have done that bitch to let the guy in? And why on earth would the guy pull out when he clearly had no place to go? You just can’t fix stupid, and it’s stupid that makes all of our insurance rates skyrocket.

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