Maui Fire: No Alarm, No Water – IOTW Report

Maui Fire: No Alarm, No Water

A Maui resident has told several news outlets “the water shut off” while he and other members of the Maui community were battling fires.

Ross Hart, a resident of Maui, stated while he was battling fires with his hose alongside neighbors and firefighters, the water shut off.

Hart told the New York Times, “You can’t fight fire when you don’t have water… Just throwing dirt on it doesn’t cut it.” more here

30 Comments on Maui Fire: No Alarm, No Water

  1. This was a cabal planned disaster, the billionaire class of global elites want control of this prime real estate and had to drive out the entrenched native population that refused to give way to the cabal.

    Take that you peons, we will just burn you out. Watch what happens now, Uncle Suger will rebuild a commie utopia for Oprah and Bezos to Lord over…

  2. There are other ways to control wildfires without water, as I’m sure Brad’s smoke jumper son and former wildlands firefighter Aaron Burr could tell us.

    …but there’s an OCEAN of water there! Drop a hard suction hose in it, or in ANY of the pools people have, and use THAT. Tanker shuttle, whatever, seems like you could have worked SOMETHING out. Yes, sand and salt water probably aren’t good for fire pumps but you can deal with that AFTER the fire is out.

  3. When do the vigilantes let loose? Does anyone think that those who lost e4verything are going to stand around and look at the rich people’s mansion who were saved? Crime is rampant, they’re down 100 officers, people ar5e shell shocked. Wait until reality sets in. The conspiracy theories started on day 1. It wasn’t intentional. That’s what was said about the Paradise fire – it was a downed power line just like Hawaii. Perfect storm like here, winds, low humidity, hot and dry. We’re all in a drought including Hawaii. It’s sad that people lost everything like here, circumstances are the same. This is going to be fun to watch, load up on popcorn. They’re a liberal State and the folks who voted for them will reap what they sow.

  4. On another Hawaiian island, I’ll never forget, the government burned out the peace loving residents of Taylor camp and the Hawaiian locals supported the government action.

    Later on I owned property on another Hawaiian Island and I have never experienced racial prejudice in any other USA state such as was constantly thrown my way by the Hawaiians. Hawaii is a USA state, remember.

    These Hawaiians are the descendents of the people who ate Captian Cook. Where are my reparations?

    All out of fucxs to give to the native Hawaiians.

  5. The Big Guy said he’s giving each resident who got burned out $700.
    So generous.

    The likes of Oprah and company are already making offers on the properties.
    Apparently the state govt is offering to buy it up too.

    It all sounds very fishy.

  6. This particular news bit disappeared from the The Liberty Daily yesterday AM, about one hour after I copied this Link, which was around the fourth Link-line down from the top of the Web page. Still no where to be found today, either. Just tested it and it still comes up.

    Guess it was considered some more dis-information that did not link it to Climate Vomit.

  7. I wonder if they regret voting for democrats. Hawaii is solid democrat. Democrat voters fail to understand, or maybe they do, that first responders in democrat states and cities are not created to save lives. They are created to create more government jobs and to buy votes. Democrats lie and people die.

  8. ecp AT 10:22 AM
    “If Maui wants aid and support, maybe they can sell their property to Ukraine.”

    SELL it? Pedo may just TAKE it and GIVE it to them.

    …and through them, to his fellow Party members like Oprah,, always with 10% for himself…

  9. Cmn¢¢guy at 8:49 am

    Just more proof, they don’t care how many die.

    They’re giddy over the prospect of 1,000 dead bodies that won’t be polluting any longer. They know that there’s 1,000 more to take their place.

  10. Goldenfoxx AT 11:16 AM
    “Cmn¢¢guy at 8:49 am

    Just more proof, they don’t care how many die.

    They’re giddy over the prospect of 1,000 dead bodies that won’t be polluting any longer. They know that there’s 1,000 more to take their place.”

    …and 1,000 more Democrat voats guaranteed for all eternity.

  11. ^^^thats a REALLY good point. Seems like the Navy probably has a fireboat or two in the vincinty as well, at some harbor or another on a nearby island, seeing as how they’ve had ship fires there before…

  12. Like Puerto Ricans, Hawaiians resent the USA.
    If Western Civilization hadn’t stopped them, not too many decades ago, they’d still be practicing cannibalism.

    Red China can steal Oprah’s and Bezos’ idyllic resort homes. meh

  13. I live on Oahu. The fire happened real fast to the point the city was surrounded by fire within an hour once it broke down the hill. There was not really any time to setup firefighting in the city regardless due to the 30+ mph winds. There are videos of the power lines snapping and still being hot in the tall and DRY grass. HI govt is incompetent. They failed in many ways and the Repub Org here are all corrupt and not here to get anyone elected or even help. So not much choice.

    The recovery is a mess. Alot of help and little is organized. Little to no communication by HI Emergency Mgmt. They have daily brief but no info or reality. The first 48-72 that is normal, but it has been a week. They are just out of their depth and leadership ability. It also will take months to confirm lives lost (charred to ashes) and no rebuild will happen until then. But no one is willing to state that and emphasize expectations and reality beyond vague promise and requests for “politeness” as we deal with tragedy

  14. quad

    Thanks for the update. I’ve been watching updates from some of the victims that are posting on Instagram. They are saying FEMA is there and not allowing badly needed food and water supplies into the area. There’s also a couple peeps saying expect the body count to go over 1,000. Tulsi Gabbard is with a crew of vets bringing in water via the ocean. Dropping it off on the beach. What a mess.

  15. I read today the Coast Guard was pulling survivors out of the ocean and people in power didn’t like that at all, they wanted them dead and the land.
    In right on cue, Biden signed an executive order to put the Coast Guard under homeland security.


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