It’s No Longer “The Ugly American” – It’s the Ugly Everyone – IOTW Report

It’s No Longer “The Ugly American” – It’s the Ugly Everyone

NY Post-

An estimated 1,200 people visit the fountain — where 20 million gallons of water flow daily — every hour, or about 10.5 million people a year.

The incident is the latest in which visitors to the Italian capital have been caught on video defacing and disrespecting its ancient landmarks.

In July, a 17-year-old Swiss girl carved her initials into a wall of the Colosseum.

“It is the first time I have managed to film an act of vandalism at the Colosseum but in six years I have seen dozens,” Italian tour guide David Battaglino, who captured her on video, told local media.

“There are also those who rip off parts of the wall. They even spat on me once for scolding a boy,” he said.

It was unclear if the teen faced legal consequences for her act. She could have faced up to five years behind bars and a fine of up to 15,000 euros — almost $17,000 — for damaging cultural property.

Her transgression came after Ivan Dimitrov, a 27-year-old Bulgarian-born fitness trainer living in Bristol, England, also was caught on video defacing the famed amphitheater.

Dimitrov allegedly used a key to etch “Ivan + Hayley 23” into the 2,000-year-old UNESCO World Heritage site — and later offered a bizarre apology to Mayor Roberto Gualtieri in which he begged for forgiveness and claimed he did not know how old the Colosseum, completed by Emperor Titus in AD 80, was when he scrawled on it.

“It is with deep embarrassment that only after what regrettably happened did I learn of the antiquity of the monument,” he wrote. “Through these lines, I would like to address my heartfelt and honest apologies to the Italians and to the whole world for the damage caused to an asset which, in fact, is the heritage of all humanity.”



We have “activists” throwing soup and paint and oil and dye on greats works of art.

We have shitstains doing donuts on golf course greens.

We have fat cows ruining a sand sculpture in Hawaii.

We have dirtbags toppling statues.

We have an idiot hitting golf balls into the grand canyon.

We have worthless pieces of shit burning down cities, flipping cars, smashing windows and looting in order to prove to disbelievers that their lives matter. (Boy, they showed us!)

Nobody gives a rat’s ass about anything that isn’t theirs.

18 Comments on It’s No Longer “The Ugly American” – It’s the Ugly Everyone

  1. the whole world is me, Me, ME!!! … yes, the ‘progressives’ have done a bang-up job, haven’t they?

    btw, “… was caught on video defacing the famed amphitheater.”
    it’s NOT an ‘ampitheater’




  3. Look up Tourons of Yellowstone.
    (Tourists+ Morons = Tourons)

    It’s a site on Insta devoted to the idiots who flock to the park. They walk up to Old Faithful to look inside and try to pet the fluffy cows. It’s maddening, disheartening and sad. W the actual F people!

  4. Illustr8r,
    As the joke goes, remove all the warning tags and labels, and let Darwin take his natural course to thin the herd.
    Oh, and have everyone sign a contract that they have no legal grounds to sue for anything that happens. Anything.

  5. “UNESCO World Heritage site” pretty much says it all about this non-elected, self-appointed “Owner/Possessor” and “Government” over all of humanity’s priceless and historical antiquities wherever they may be found, and by whomever has found them first, anywhere upon this Earth.

  6. Young poeple have been “Soros-ized”: raised without knowledge of history. So they scratch their names on ancient monuments, piss in antique fountains, spray-paint classic artworks, particupate in teating down statutes, and vote for “green” and “leftist” morons who will aid in killing them. Then there’s Soros’ son, who is ramping up the Soros poison even further.

  7. 2 Timothy, Ch 3:

    1 But know this, that in the last days [a]perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, [b]unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!


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