Bradley Cooper Wears a Prosthetic “Jew Nose” in Biopic and Gets Heat For It – IOTW Report

Bradley Cooper Wears a Prosthetic “Jew Nose” in Biopic and Gets Heat For It

In an effort to look more like his character, Bradley Cooper put on a fake nose to play Leonard Bernstein in what looks like a shnoz fe… er shnooze… snooze-fest of a movie. (Maybe not. It looks pretty good, I just liked the wordplay.)


Critics say prosthesis used in Leonard Bernstein biopic is antisemitic.

On Tuesday, Netflix dropped a trailer for Maestro, a biopic about West Side Story conductor and composer Leonard Bernstein that’s headed to theaters on Nov. 22 and to the streaming platform the following month. Netflix plugs the film as a “towering and fearless love story” and “a love letter to life and art,” but all of that is now being overshadowed by the appearance of star Bradley Cooper in the title role. What stood out to viewers: the fake nose worn by Cooper, who also co-wrote, produced, and directed the film, per NBC News.

Outcry immediately emerged from those who called the use of the prosthesis antisemitic and an example of “Jewface,” as Bernstein was Jewish; Cooper is not. “I saw Bradley [C]ooper play the elephant man with no prosthetics on broadway. But then he plays a Jew and decides he needs a huge nose?” one detractor wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, adding that blame couldn’t be passed up the film’s ladder, as Cooper is also the director of Maestro.

The Media Diversity Institute notes the image of “a large, hooked nose” tied to Jewish people is one “so deeply imbedded in modern culture, that most do not acknowledge that it is actually a deeply antisemitic stereotype.” The site says Jewish people weren’t shown as having overly large noses until the 1930s, when Nazi propaganda took hold and made it a “common trope.” In an Instagram post, British actor Tracy-Ann Oberman says Cillian Murphy didn’t wear a phony proboscis for his role as Jewish theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, and neither did Tom Conti as his Jewish colleague Albert Einstein.


It certainly isn’t Mickey Rooney as a “Chinaman.”

22 Comments on Bradley Cooper Wears a Prosthetic “Jew Nose” in Biopic and Gets Heat For It

  1. Well, Jim Cavezal did the same thing when he played a Jew (Jesus). And have you seen the promos for “Golda”? Look what they did to Helen Miren to make her look like a Jew . This is all so stupid. They made Bradley Cooper look like Bernstein, who happened to be a Jew.

  2. Of course someone’s panties are in a knot.

    What do you think the Vegas odds would be for/against someone’s panties getting twisted?

    I’m thinking 100% chance. Just spit balling.

  3. The whole problem with the nose is it is obviously fake. Might as well have included the glasses with the pop-out eyes.

    I see move makeup artists’ job as making things look realistic. Even the skin color seems off.

  4. Holly shit, I wish this was our biggest problem in America.

    We are intentionally being bombarded with stupid, useless, unnecessary, worthless distractions…..Fuck it all.

    Get on board or fuck-off.

  5. Thinking out Loud, or Lousy, as the case may be: what if they hired a Jewish actor that does not have the semitic nose? Would there be an outcry like: He doesn’t look Jewish enough?

  6. I don’t think the nose looks fake, and so what. I am not jewish but people thought I was growing up. Later a jewish neighbor told me it was because of my nose. I am just surprised net flicks didn’t use a black, lesbian trans man to play the part of Bernstein.

  7. Grew up in the 50s & 60s and remember being assigned by my teachers to watch Leonard Bernstein’s Young People’s Concerts . Am not a Jew & loved those concerts and Mr. Bernstein. Never noticed his schnoz & have always loved his music & the NY Philharmonic .


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