Joe Biden: Failure-in-Chief – IOTW Report

Joe Biden: Failure-in-Chief

What a piece of shit.

30 Comments on Joe Biden: Failure-in-Chief

  1. Think about it.
    That asshole couldn’t run a gas station, car wash, liquor store, or any business whatsoever.
    He couldn’t manage the cash register.
    You would not trust him to water your lawn properly.
    Not a person on earth has any faith that the old fuck can accomplish a simple task.

    Yet he is somehow president*?

    Not only the incompetence, it’s the destructivity is what we have to deal with now.

  2. If I were any of the thirteen or their family I would prefer him to ignore as opposed to exploit the tragedy, which is all any Democrat or Republican establishment politician is capable of. If there is a single one of them capable of sincerity one any level it is a well kept secret.

  3. Anybody who raised 2 kids that have the kinds of mental problems his kids have is not a trustworthy leader in any way. So how has he been so “sucessful” in politics?

  4. Joe went home to Delaware on vacation during the fall of Afghanistan. By now it’s obvious to even the most casual observer that Biden* isn’t in charge of anything.

  5. I attempted to find a word that would express my disdain for Joe Biden.
    Vile, Disgusting, Foul, Wicked, Loathsome, Offensive, EVIL and Sickening all appeared too mild.

    I hold NO Respect for this poor excuse for a Human, let alone as, a man, President or Commander in Chief.

    If the Joint Chiefs respected those they command they would resign in total embarrassment for the disrespect Biden showed the Fallen and their families.
    However, The Joint Chiefs have shown they are a poor excuse as Military Leaders. They have showered shame over all former and present Veterans and their Families by their failure.

    By their actions and non-actions they tell us our sacrifices as young men and women who fight the Military Industrial complex and the Old men’s Military Leaders, carrying out the political orders of an idiot, are insignificant pawns of a Political Theater.

  6. The putrifying stinking flesh that is KKKJoe Biden trafficks in human misery then bribes, chains, and enslaves people slyly, mainly targeting blaks, for self-profit. Only the unpolluted will survive.

  7. He’s actually a great success – if you’re China, Soros, or Obama. Remember: This really is Obama’s third term. Biden is a completley compromised traitor.

  8. ^^^^^^^
    Exactly right. That’s their ace in the hole and it’s foolproof. It worked at least once before* and they’ll have had years to refine it come November of next year.

    * I’m pretty confident that it’s been utilized for many elections and (cough) not just by the Democrats.

    I shake my head in dismay when I hear or read about how Trump is going to be our next President.

  9. The Pedo’s lead lawyer just jumped ship, he was lead counsel to that garbage sack of shit for a decade and just cut bait with JRB Ware…

    The cabal is going to gut the dirty demented cunt soon and the rats are jumping ship

    Manchelle is just around the bend.

  10. Whatever the Retarded Pedophile Usurper is – he ain’t a failure.
    An evil traitor? Yep.
    A corrupt politician? Yep.
    A failure? Not by any stretch of the imagination – YOU should be such a failure!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Anonymous 8:22 PM,
    This thread has nothing to do with “Donny.”
    You suffer from an obsession.
    You need help.

    Unrequited love can lead to all kinds of bad things; dandruff, insomnia, depression, alcoholism, stinky feet, bad breath, and obnoxiousness.
    There should be some mental health providers in your area – look them up.
    Try not to wait too long.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Regardless of the results of the election our country as we know it is ruined. There will be mayhem created by the commies if President Trump wins and the patriotic citizens of the USA will realize they have lost everything if President Trump loses.

  13. LasVegasBrad AT 3:04 PM
    “Unless anything is actually DONE to fix our fake voting system, this is all useless whining. Wife refuses to ever vote again; Can’t blame her.”

    That’s OK, I already have her down for voating 100% Democrat in ’24 for her convenience! Always glad to help!

    I’ll be happy to help swi…I mean, count YOUR voat too! Cheers!


  14. Greed and avarice defines Joe. This is what drives him personally. Absolutely nothing he’s done while president has benefitted the citizens of this country. Everything he’s done (his handlers / string pullers) has been detrimental to America – everything. He’s managed to crash the economy, cost jobs, destroyed people’s lives, allowed invasion on the southern border, comforted our enemies while alienating our allies, insulted the majority of America’s citizens, criminally enriched himself and his family and the list goes on. Of course he’s being told what to do but lacks the moral character to refuse. How those, including Joe, who are responsible for this destruction can live with themselves is beyond belief. The big question is; To What End? Either they’re all sadistic or simply evil personified. It cannot go on much longer before the complete collapse of this nation. Sadly, they’re so entrenched there appears to be little hope.

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