Trump expected to skip debate and do interview with Tucker Carlson instead – IOTW Report

Trump expected to skip debate and do interview with Tucker Carlson instead

(CNN) — Former President Donald Trump is planning to skip the first Republican presidential debate on Wednesday and is instead expected to sit for an interview with former Fox News Host Tucker Carlson, multiple sources familiar with his plans tell CNN.

Over the last 24 hours, Trump has increasingly been informing those close to him that he has made his decision, and will not be on the debate stage next week.

The timing for the Carlson interview has yet to be determined, the sources said, but it is expected to air around the same time as the debate. The New York Times first reported the details of the Carlson interview.

CNN previously reported that Trump was not expected to participate in the debate and that his campaign had engaged in conversations with Carlson about a potential interview as counterprogramming for the event.

Trump’s advisers continue to add the caveat, however, that the former president could ultimately change his mind and decide at the 11th hour that he wants to attend the debate. more

44 Comments on Trump expected to skip debate and do interview with Tucker Carlson instead

  1. I wonder if Tucker will be tougher on Trump than the other candidates and celebs he’s interviewed.
    He does leave some controversial things out if he doesn’t want to go there.
    He didn’t ask the Capitol Cop about Ashley Babbit.
    He didn’t push Ramaswamey on his statement that he would pardon the entire Biden family or that he repeats that ol’ RINO line of working across the aisle.
    He didn’t really push Tim Scott.
    We’ll see.
    Why should Trump do the Fox debate?
    They’ve stabbed him in the back so often there isn’t room for more knives.

  2. Good! Ronny hater Paul R. is on the Fox board. It was set up to “Bush” wick Don.

    The NEGATIVE SOUND BITES would be shown on the other MSM Fall 2024; Justas Mitch’s were last Fall.
    Remember 15 years ago Fox backed GWB and pushed RomneyCare – pushed it hard!

  3. What do you think people will watch?
    Libtards will watch To be offended
    Conservatives will watch just to see the shots he takes a Joe Bribe’Em.

  4. Is dat so, Donny won’t sign the pledge, by ALL means doesn’t want to debate Christy. Donny’s only loyalty is is to Donny! When it all collapses Donny will take as many as he can.

  5. If the other contenders are no match for Trump, why must he schedule some counter-programming?
    What happened to dragon-slayer Trump?
    Go to the debate and make your case.
    Otherwise, just let them have their night.
    One or several of them may factor into his future…

  6. Some questions I hope Tucker asks Trump;

    1)If you are fortunate enough to get the nomination, you will be running against someone you already lost to, by 7 million votes. You claim you were robbed in that election, how do you plan to un-rob this one?

    2) Your first indictment trial starts in March. This assumes Fani Willis will not get her way and start her trial in January. Once these start you will be in court somewhere or another every weekday until the election. How confident are you that you can obtain continuances in all your cases until after the election, and if not, how can you effectively campaign while seated behind a desk in a courtroom?

    3) The latest polls show that 25% of registered Republicans say they will not vote for you and 54% of ALL registered likely voters say they will not vote for you under any circumstances. How do you plan on changing their minds?

  7. I for one will watch the debate.
    I wish I could put all my hope on one man who the entire system aims to put in prison.
    I cannot.
    I hope it works out well for the “all eggs in one basket”, “only hopers” “Only Trumpers” “Nobody else is worthy” crowd.

  8. For the Republican party to live on, oh it will, a decision has to be made. The question is what life do we want? Or to fold up everything & go down with the ship. The latter will take oh so much longer. My father was a Republican, this is not the party in my father’s day. Donny destroyed it & now & I have left it as an Independent.

  9. @Anonymous

    The main reason I think you are a fake, a Daily Kos minor leaguer, is that you can’t (won’t) acknowledge the great things Trump did while in office.

    Trust me, I totally understand the Never-Trump attitude. I’ve certainly cataloged most of his shortcomings right here and get that he rubs many people the wrong way but even Independents can not deny the prosperity the country benefited from when he was in office to the abject misery we are all experiencing now.

    If you are not a Biden stooge or a prog stooge for that matter……….prove it.

  10. You guys do realize that a whole lot of voters Trump needs to win in the general will actually watch the debates, right?

    Or perhaps you don’t?
    That is quite the bubble you occupy.
    Us against the world!
    “We can win without all those pesky voters who aren’t 100% true believers.”
    Good grief!

  11. Why should I watch the debate and waste my time. I can find anything I need to know here or somewhere else in a few seconds. Besides the networks try and grab the steering wheel of what people think by sabotage on one candidate and biased on others. They are dead to me.

  12. Thus Anonymous dude claims to be independent to escape any tie to Biden, but that’s how he’ll vote, guaranteed. The low IQ of the basement buddies remains a risk.

    Trump bad, Biden good.

    It’s amazing how dumb this country has become since the inauguration of their Black Messiah.

  13. I’m thinking the day after this bullshit FOX ambush that Trump subverted, Trumps poll numbers will rise even higher, Vivick will kick RDS’s ass, and Fat Boy will expose himself for what he is. A tool for the RNC.
    AA is 100% correct, we are not in the same party anymore.

  14. Trumps answered every single question, three times, that anybody could ever think to ask of him. We know his answers. The loyal trust him and have heard it all before. No reason to show up at the RNC ambush. The current poll number you’re seeing represents the number of MAGA voters. These guys know it and are just jousting for a VP spot. Ron already said no way, so fuck him. Personally I’d look outside this field.

  15. “Ramaswamy received 15 percent support, while DeSantis received just 12 percent in the RNC debate qualifying poll”

    Bwaahhaaaaa. Ronda, WTF Ronda. Are you a dead loser? Bwaaahhaaa.



  16. He needs to ask/corner him on the death shots. Does he acknowledge what is really happening or is he still pretending. We have not reached “peak death” yet with these shots. Autoimmune disease will kill millions over the next several years.

  17. “Your guy will be on a timeclock until his mugshot.”

    Then you have nothing to worry about. You’ve won. Maybe now you’ll shut up. Everyone get use to it, the latest Chinese tool, RDS is now President. Way to go Loco for once in your miserable life you were right. Kinda wondering who voted for him? MAGA sure as hell wouldn’t. Damn another stolen election. Your topping the Richter scale out at max stupid.

  18. I know. I’m stupid. Not a smart guy like you. Looks like you got it pegged. RDS is our new Pres. What a relief huh. Now you can stop being obnoxious.
    Not sure who voted for the Chinese tool. But hey, you called it

  19. I can’t help but think RDS would be a major let down like bush. I know that the romneys and McCain’s want to keep their grift going until the very end. There’s no sense is trying to keep a party alive nobody cares about them. The world at large is on the cusp of a new dark age and Trump is enemy number 1 that’s all I need to know.

  20. Here is quite the dichotomy for you Brad:
    You, as chairman of MAGA Inc. say that MAGA won’t vote for DeSantis.
    Let’s say Trump wins the Primary.
    Very likely at this point. Totally conceded by me.
    Suppose they put Trump in federal prison next Summer?
    The RNC has to scramble since several states remove Trump from the 2024 ballot.
    They give DeSantis, who was the #2 vote getter in the primary, the nod.

    MAGA stays home, the dems win, Trump stays in prison.
    Are you guys that petty that you won’t vote for a guy who already declared he will pardon Trump?

  21. George, why would DeSantis change his stripes once he became president?
    The most conservative governor since Ronald Reagan and he’s going to flip?

    Make it make sense!
    We really do deserve to lose with that kind of thinking…

    The dems don’t play that game and those motherfuckers are in charge and will remain in charge!

  22. “The most conservative governor since Ronald Reagan and he’s going to flip?”

    According to your dumb ass. He’s a fraud. A Bush tool. A Karl Rove wanna be, with an aggressive wife pushing him past his limits. Your opinion means little. It’s certainly not well informed. Mr. Cruz 2.0. How’d that work out. And don’t even fucking say ” well. my girl friend Teddy is still in office and Donald isn’t” That because Trump threatens these people much more than your ex girl friend ever could.
    You know whom to vote for by who’s drawing the most fire. Id say that’s Trump hands down and I pray for the man nightly.

  23. “DeSantis is actually a better governor than Reagan”

    You need to check yourself into rehab. What an absolute fool. Your new boy friend wouldn’t make a zit on Reagan’s butt.

  24. hate to say it Reagan wasn’t so great. RDS was so much better and virile as governor 12 months ago than now I mean it’s concerning because it betrays maybe a bit of two facedness maybe easily influenced also? I agree with brad here RDS sets off my rovian radar a little bit.

  25. @ DaveVA at 10:45 pm,

    It seems to me that in the very early stages of the dempanic that PDJT portrayed it as the seasonal flu and was roundly attacked.. I believe his “advisors” urged him to support operation warp speed. Doesn’t mean the “advisors” weren’t in on the graft and corruption, but as such does not necessarily indict PDJT.

  26. At this point I question the need for a “debate”. Trump is so far ahead in the pols because most of America can see what the democRATs have done to the nation and most of America knows Trump’s position and what he would do, so why risk the slings and arrows of a biased network fiasco?

  27. OK, Trump doesn’t need to debate.
    It’s beneath him. He’s way ahead in the “polls.”
    Then why does he need to “counter” program the Republican debate?
    It’s like a toddler taking his toy away “you can’t play with my ball”

    What is he afraid of?
    Nobody watches Fox News anymore. Right?
    And don’t get him started on Bret Baier!

    Wait, what’s that?
    Trump did a sit down interview with *checks notes* Bret Baier just a few weeks ago…

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