He Didn’t See The Cones? – IOTW Report

He Didn’t See The Cones?

The IQ of some of the people in my neighborhood …

h/t Dadof4

19 Comments on He Didn’t See The Cones?

  1. I suspect DUI was involved.

    Of course my oldest asked if it was hard to get the cement out of my treads.

    I told him if I had done that the tracks would have gone all the way through. None of this half-a** stuff.

  2. “Thought that myself, in addition to wondering whether the cones had been set up clearly to begin with”

    I had passed by right after it was poured. At that time, it was well coned. Better than this photo. I’m wondering if someone pranked the scene and moved some cones to the curb. If DUI, none of that matters.

    Wonder how much deterrent they’ll use after jack hammering and re-pouring. Actual blockade saw horses with flashing lights?

  3. It happens three times every week all through the summer season in the city I work for. The street crew leaves guys on fresh concrete repair projects to refinish the surface after extracting the perp’s vehicle

  4. Looks like he forgot to scratch out his initials and the date in the wet concrete. Without that, nobody will ever remember him. He missed his opportunity for everlasting fame.


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