Man Bashing is Absurd – IOTW Report

Man Bashing is Absurd

26 Comments on Man Bashing is Absurd

  1. It’s way more than absurd. It’s totally deranged.

    If some women would only STOP TO THINK.

    (I wonder how many times Sally Jessy and Cher changed the oil in their cars or even know that it needs changing.)

    I just read a Babylonbee piece about a new online service who will dispatch someone (probably a man) to open pickle jars for you. haha!

  2. There is an ever-large (and growing) community of men who have decided that the modern woman is way more trouble than they are worth and have made a conscious effort to detach. This detachment can take on many forms; passport bros- men going abroad to countries in South East Asia or South America in the pursuit of more feminine more self-aware women, men opting out of marriage completely and will either spin plates or get a significant other outside of the legal constraints of marriage which as an institution is hostile to men, and men just going celibate and working on their own personal growth and career expansion.

    No, it does not bode well for the future of our society, but women have brought it on themselves.

  3. Divide and Conquer.
    The Turks first conscripted Armenian men into the Armed Forces; then shifted them into Labor Battalions; then murdered them. The Armenian Genocide was thus more easily accomplished by marching, starving, raping, and murdering women, children, and old men.
    There’s a reason for everything – and not necessarily a pleasant one.
    The country, the culture, our civilization itself is being dismembered.

    The ragheads aren’t teaching their sons to suck each others’ dicks.
    I doubt very much that the chinks are, either.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Rich – “…No, it does not bode well for the future of our society, but women have brought it on themselves…”

    While I agree with that statement, I would add that our foreign adversaries (China and Russia) also play a part in emasculating our country. Makes it much easier to defeat an army of faggots and trannies.

  5. I hate feminism.

    Hate is a strong word, and I mean it in the most vile way possible. I hate evil and they are evil.

    They have worked from the beginning to destroy men and the family. They hate what God created. They are evil.

  6. Marxist doctine corrupted the societal role of men in the Western culture. Many men stepped away from their God given roles as leaders in communities and families.
    No nation can grow properly or defend itself filled with weak, feminized men and dysfunctional women attempting to replace men. The roles/purposes of men and women are not interchangeable. Marxism, a Satanic strategy effectively taken a toll on every aspect of society and destroyed lives.
    Despite all that man has done to self destruct, turning people, particularly Americans back to God is still the only “reset” that matters and will stop this disaster.

  7. I was thinking about this subject the other day on the way to practice at the gun range I go to which is located an hour away on a highway on top of the coastal mountain here. It’s a winding road with a 45-50 mph speed limit and very little shoulder. County workers have been working ALL summer in the heat trimming back weeds and encroaching shrubbery, poison oak, trimming trees, etc. they have one way traffic in several locations as the work on each side of the highway. They were there when I drove by at 0900 hrs and just packing up when I drove by on the way home at 1600 hrs. People speed like idiots here, it’s hot, dirt and debris flying everywhere and I noticed there were no wymmins working THAT job. I wanted to tell them how much I appreciate that work they do. There ARE women who appreciate men; I think we are mostly conservative women.

  8. Lots of women get irritated when men do the “mansplaining” thing.

    I’m a guy and I know what mansplaining is all about, ladies. I’ll explain it to you.

    Men don’t do that from disliking women. It’s like puffing out the chest like a rooster does. It’s proclaimiong their understanding of something they think the ladies don’t understand very well. They want to be seen as strong and knowledgable…the masters of every situation.

    There, I’ve cleared it up for you. 😊

  9. Ladies, True mansplaining is not limited to targeting women.

    Tim Buktu AT 5:38 PM is not completely right.

    But I can’t tell you why because mansplain laws prohibit me from letting women know our secrets.

    I’ll have to address Tim Buktu AT 5:38 PM during a lodge meeting. Ours is the local He-Man Womun Haters Club

  10. “Do you think men are important?”
    Well, duh!
    Besides all the occupations listed, how about as #1, being a FATHER to you little shits, otherwise you wouldn’t even be here to ask that stupid question.

  11. Rich T 1:52pm
    That movement is (or was….may have evolved) called MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way).
    They’re not gay, it’s just (as you have said) that they have no use for the typical, big city, self centered, selfish, third generation feminist.
    Oh, for “hawt”, intelligent, women who “know their place” (yet aren’t slavish/servile – they know that man & woman are a matched pair), besides SE Asia and South America, there’s east Europe (Ukraine especially now – who sez nothing good comes out of a war zone?).

  12. It has been noted that the overwhelming proportion of migrants are men between 18-35. Discounting those who might be gay or trans, where are they going to find mates?

    Perhaps they could find them in Ukraine where the war is decimating the ranks of young men?

  13. Subsidized single parent(mother)hood to buy votes for democrats with taxpayer dollars… it weaponized and incentivized failed relationships. Made it more than just okay to bash men, it made it a big part of our economy. As it escalated it increased self-hate and despair for the idiotic women who went along with it and they can’t admit responsibility when they’ve been fed the pablum that they’re a victim.

    The vile filth my mother was encouraged to say in court about my dad to try to get more alimony and child support was astonishing, and it plays out thousands of times a day for other families.

    I’ve told my daughter’s young male teammates to look for Queens that you can trust to build a Kingdom with, not Princesses that expect rescuing from their own weaknesses.

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