DeSantis Says Unless You Kiss Trump’s Rear You’re Labeled a RINO – IOTW Report

DeSantis Says Unless You Kiss Trump’s Rear You’re Labeled a RINO

Florida Politics-

In an interview with the Florida StandardRon DeSantis is ripping Donald Trump backers as privileging personality over conservative purity.

“If all we are is listless vessels that are just supposed to follow, you know, whatever happens to come down the pike on Truth Social every morning, that’s not going to be a durable movement,” DeSantis said.

The Governor also rejects claims that he and others who buck the cult of “personality” around the former President are “RINOs.”

“And so you could be the most conservative person since sliced bread. Unless you’re kissing his rear end, they will somehow call you a RINO. So it’s been totally detached from principle in what you actually believe and results. And it’s more about, you know, just what faction you happen to do,” DeSantis said.

The Governor continued to describe what he perceives as hypocrisy.

“There will be people who are huge Trump supporters like in Congress who have, like, incredibly liberal left-wing records that’s really just atrocious and yet they’re viewed by some of these folks as, like, really, really good. Then you have other people, you know, like a Congressman Chip Roy who’s endorsed me, Congressman Thomas Massie,” he said.

“These guys have records of principle, fighting the swamp that are second to none, and yet they will be attacked by some of these people and called RINOs.”

The Governor’s remarks prompted a quick response from Trump’s camp, in the form of a statement demanding DeSantis apologize.

“To Hillary Clinton, Trump supporters are ‘deplorables.’ To Ron DeSantis, they are ‘listless vessels.’ The truth is, Trump supporters are patriots,” said Karoline Leavitt, spokeswoman for Make America Great Again Inc.

156 Comments on DeSantis Says Unless You Kiss Trump’s Rear You’re Labeled a RINO

  1. FRD If he had half a brain he would of made it known he was very interested in the VP job and rode into the Presidency on the MAGA coattail’s four years later Too bad.

  2. Unless you’re kissing [Trump’s] rear end, they will somehow call you a RINO.

    That’s just silly. It’s entirely possible to kiss President Trump’s rear end and still be a RINO.

  3. We don’t expect people to kiss Trump’s rear, but if you do not have strong words against what is happening you are definitely a RINO. “Promise them anything but behave like a Democrat once elected.”

    I do not understand how leftists line up to throw mud at Trump then have conservatives say that we must find someone other than Trump because he has mud on him. Do they really think the left’s behavior is going to stop once they push Trump out of the way? If anything, it will just embolden them. If Trump is pushed out of the way and should DeSantis be elected, I can guarantee that DeSantis will be impeached and once he is out of office (for whatever reason) he will be indicted for something. It is not a question of if, it is a question of when.

    If DeSantis cannot see that then he is not up for the job of being President.

  4. DeSantis proves, on a regular basis, that he’s just not that bright.

    Even dummy W remarked once that if Hillary sat her fat ass down in the Oval Office she wouldn’t have a clue how to deal with all that she would face.

  5. Since he brought up “…faction you happen to do” and doesn’t like being called a RINO, then how about Uniparty, Ron? Uniparty? Okay! Uniparty, it is!

    Sometimes it’s best to just let them keep talking. Eventually they’ll make their point clear because the harder they try to explain away the truth they end up revealing it and demonstrate their foolishness in the process. I hope this won’t be the last we’ll hear from the governor on the subject because he’s been so entertaining.

    So far he’s missed his mark on the pivot. It’s supposed to occur after the primaries. This is campaigning 101, and they fluffed it.

  6. Boy, did this guy squander his opportunity. All he had to do is continue with the job he was doing in Florida and sit back and bide his time and there is a good chance he would be President in 2028. Between ambition and his coziness with the Bush machine… I’m over him.

  7. If DeSantis became the GOP nominee I wouldn’t hesitate to vote for him. We all have to make sure the Dem doesn’t win, above all. But he clearly won’t be, at least not in 2024.
    I liked pretty much everything about the guy until he started campaigning. As I have said before, I think he did like Cruz in 2015/16 and followed Trump into the gutter. But that’s home turf for Trump. Trump does and says a lot of things that really annoy me. But I still think he’s the only one who can right the ship as president, at least this election.

  8. No, not wanting to put America First across the board is what makes them RINOs. If they honestly believe it’s about Trump then they are the ones obsessed with him. Stop talking about Trump and tell me how YOU are going to put America First & then I might believe there is no RINO there.

    Weird how it works out that RINOs think & talk like lefties always going on about the thing they claim to dislike.

  9. Fact Check: True
    People prove that here every single day.
    Every single one who doesn’t toe the line and kiss Trump’s ass is a RINO.
    SO pathetic.

    Trump against the world without allies = 4 more years of democrat rule.
    I get why he is paranoid but DAMN!

    “Fairwell and adieu to ye fair Spanish ladies
    Fairwell and adieu to ye ladies of Spain…”

  10. DeSantis and others seem to be operating under the premise that everything is normal.

    It’s not.

    Trump backers believe Trump is the president and that the election was stolen.

    It was.

    Those are the two camps. You either think everything is normal political routine or you think we’re living under a coup.

    Seems pretty straight forward.

  11. “Those are the two camps. You either think everything is normal political routine or you know we’re living under a coup.”

    Just a slight change – for clarity.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Loco – “…Bwahahaha!…”

    I would MUCH rather have Trump the outsider, than DeSantis the polished corporate suit.

    We’ll see who has the last laugh.

  13. “DeSantis and others seem to be operating under the premise that everything is normal.”

    This kind of statement means you haven’t been paying attention.
    You get your DeSantis news from a few select individuals here.
    Ignorance is indeed bliss…

  14. I just can’t wait for Trump to win so he can bring back Omarosa
    And Scaramucci
    And reup Wray
    And Sessions or Bill Barr
    And talk Milley into not retiring
    And give Fauci another medal

    President Apprentice

    You Only Trumpers are fucking clowns

  15. Loco, you are very cocksure about your predictions, but I still would much rather take my chances on a Trump Republican nomination. It has considerable risk, but I see shades of Trey Gowdy and Lindsay Graham in your boy. Hell, even my own senator, Marsha Blackburn.

  16. Stirrin’ I will vote for Trump if he is the nominee.
    It seems many here won’t vote for DeSantis if he is.
    That’s fine.
    We likely lose to the dems and deserve to.
    When they attack each other it’s just “shots across the bow”
    Our guys try and sink each others battleships.

    BTW, there is nothing to compare RDS to those two you mentioned.
    Like I said, he has a record.
    I never saw Gowdy or Graham go after Woke Inc, Disney, BLM, teachers unions, drag queen story hour, LGBTQ Mafia, defund the police, illegal immigration, taxes, tolls, Soros DA’s, 1619 Project, Fauci, biden*, WEF, CDC, DOJ, EPA, etc.

  17. Venturaguy, you apparently are discounting the fact that Trump was a complete outsider, and that EVERY DC establishment politician and bureaucrat wanted him destroyed. Those same people were giving hem advice and feedback on who to appoint and what policy decisions to make. It’s it’s a miracle that he accomplished as much as he did. He’s wiser to the ways this time. I’m willing to take that chance.

  18. I hope you are right Stirrin’
    I suspect you may be, they just won’t admit it through their raw, irrational hatred of an outstanding, record proving conservative because he is seen as a threat to what they perceive as their only hope.

    The doctor is in…

  19. Everything IS binary:
    Particle/Wave (heh heh).

    “Gray” areas are just spatterings of black and white.
    If we could do infinite samples we would find a binary Universe.

    None of this has anything to do with Trump/DeSantis, by the way, it has to do with existence. There was only one perfect man and anyone expecting perfection out of either Trump or DeSantis (or any other politician) is a fool.

    We can debate all we want but the electoral process is corrupt – PERIOD.
    The Retarded Pedophile, Fetterman, that thing in Arizona, didn’t “win” elections – the elections were stolen and every single gov’t participant is striving to maintain the illusion because admitting the facts would demand drastic consequences. Nobody wants a war – except overseas where the politicians and their cronies can make money off of the taxpayers through a more indirect corruption – but certainly no one wants one here.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  20. “DeSantis and others seem to be operating under the premise that everything is normal.”

    This kind of statement means you haven’t been paying attention.

    Yeah, I’m pretty fuckin’ stupid. A well known fact.

  21. The narrative has been blown out of the water, or didn’t you catch that Burr?
    Like I said before, you are a legend here or was it in your own mind?
    We are not worthy…
    Please explain your sentient nuance as we rubes will never understand.
    Good grief!

  22. Fact 1, DRS, or anybody else for that matter, can’t win the office with out the support of MAGA.

    Fact 2, They’re never going to get MAGA’s support, unless Trump can’t run and endorses someone.

    Fact 3, It would be a cold day in hell before Trump endorse RDS.

    Period, end of story.

    Burr, apparently everyone here is pretty stupid. Except for motor mouth.

  23. LocoBlancoSaltine said this on 8/9/23..”.DeSantis is just getting warmed up.”…..

    I’ll save the rest of Loco’s quote until a more opportune time, should be this week…The Bailiff abides…

    AT 9:32 PM
    Loco Blanco Saltine typed…..”Trump also needs to realize he’s no longer president controlling the airspace so I bet when the FAA fines that pilot $100 Grand that will put an end to that shit right there.
    Of course they could also do a surprise inspection on Trump aircraft and ground his fleet.
    My guess is DeSantis would get the last laugh about that.”….

    The quotes are ripening in my sock drawer and they age about as well as this quote above….The Bailiff abides…

  24. I like trump but in defense of LBS Desantis does have a pretty good record as governor but he’s cooled so much since his presidential campaign started I just don’t like or trust that a whole lot. It also seems rather selfishly and hopelessly ambitious to challenge trump who’s obviously the guy we want.

  25. Sorry anon, your ignorance is showing.
    Karl Rove was hired by Trump in 2020.

    MAGA alone won’t win shit.
    Three losing cycles in Georgia.
    PA, give me a break.
    What about the 2022 red wave?

    One of the few waves happened in Florida with a 20 point DeSantis victory…

    MAGA alone is a democrat’s WET DREAM.

  26. Candidate Ron DeSantis Says MAGA Supporters Are “listless vessels” Who “follow whatever comes down the pike on Truth Social”…

    Sounds a lot like that whole “Basket of Deplorables” the Hill Bag tried to put us in. Divisive techniques like this are intented to polarize the electorate… not too much different than what democRATz do every day!

  27. Willys has become my unpaid stenographer.
    I don’t believe Trump will be doing any more fly-bys in the future.
    One more government agency simply wouldn’t fit up his butt.
    I’m saying that with sympathy…
    He is the most persecuted man in modern times.

  28. TRF, that is a parsed lie/ massaged quote meant to stir up hatred and divide.
    It seems to be working like a charm on the ill informed.
    Plenty of those folks around…
    If DeSantis is so bad, why do they have to lie, parse his words, misquote him, partially quote him, and make shit up out of whole cloth?

  29. Loco…I’m just rminding you of the stupid shit you type that you later deny typing…..My sock drawer is over flowing with more out of your enchilada hole added every day….

    If Trump did a flyover in Des Moines it was because the FAA approved his 757’s flight path….schmuck…

  30. CNN ran partial clips for the sole purpose of division.
    It works on some.

    What DeSantis said was 100% true:
    “A movement can’t be about the personality of one individual, the movement has got to be about what you are trying to achieve on behalf of the American people, and that’s got to be based in principle.
    Because if you are not rooted in principle, if all we are is listless vessels that’s just supposed to follow whatever comes down the pike on Truth Social every morning, that’s not going to be a durable movement.”

    – Yep, a movement based solely on one man’s whims or “tweets” is political suicide

  31. “– Yep, a movement based solely on one man’s whims or “tweets” is political suicide”

    To funny. Blinded by the light is correct. I assume by one mans whims he mean established policy. Which RDS has none of. He’s your typical bureaucrat. Live long public employee. In other words this goof reads agenda 47 and interprets it to one mans whims. RDS hasn’t documented any policy yet because his donors haven’t told him what they are.

  32. “I don’t know if Charlie’s silence here is right or wrong, I’m not a judge or jury. But I can tell you this, he won’t sell anybody out to buy his future!
    And that my friends is called integrity.
    That’s called courage.
    Now that’s the stuff leaders should be made of.
    He has chosen the right path…it’s a path made of principle.”

  33. Trump pals around with idiots like Laura Loomer.
    That lunatic attacked Casey DeSantis saying she “faked her cancer.”
    “That’s a bold strategy Cotton…”

    Tells me he hasn’t learned a thing.
    Trump will desperately need women’s vote in the general.
    How many women have survived or know a breast cancer survivor?
    This shit won’t play with them.
    They will not only not vote for Trump, they will actively and enthusiastically vote AGAINST him.

    MAGA has become Make American Gals Angry

  34. “Trump pals around with idiots like Laura Loomer.”

    That’s pretty desperate. Now you’re just spewing bull shit like a Rain-bird sprinkler.

    Trump pals around with Tucker too. Tuckers seen the light. You don’t get Trump because you’re old school GOP. You don’t even think the election was stolen.

  35. Former President Donald Trump is getting blasted from both sides of the aisle for palling around with conservative provocateur Laura Loomer at his golf club over the weekend.

    Loomer posted a video and a handful of photos of herself and Trump, the Republican presidential front-runner, at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, during the LIV golf tournament.

    “It’s great to have you, and you’ve been really very special,” Trump said. “You work hard, and you are a very opinionated lady. I have to tell you that, and in my opinion, I like that. And I appreciate all of your support, and everybody appreciates your support. Thank you.”

    “Thank you so much for inviting me to sit with you today,” Loomer responded. “You’re the best. I love you.”

    I can post the link, it’s from six days ago:

  36. Funny that I hear a whole lot of handwringing “guilt by association” against DeSantis, yet whatever nutjob du jure Trump surrounds himself with is no big deal.

    I can’t tell the difference between MSNBC and some of the shit said here.

  37. Trump accomplished more than all the living Presidents before him – combined!
    The hardest working president that loves his country, loves ALL Americans and did all he can while in office FOR America.
    An unprecedented President that was up against pure evil, corruption and the political bullshit machine.
    Trump2024 or BUST!
    ALL OTHERS are just the same old bullshit politics as usual vying for political power that will eventually cave to political corruption.
    Trump screws them ALL while leading the United States into prosperity. He did it once, he can do it again WITH EXPERIENCE!

  38. “You make it too easy Brad…

    You know what your doing when you right shit like that pal? You’re jacking off. That’s about what it amounts to.

    Blasted from both sides of the aisle. Who cares? Both side of the aisle are our enemies. And MAGA out numbers them all.

  39. Desantis got beat down by Disney I’m mean come on now Trump would’ve shattered Disney in the same spot. Look to say personality ought not to have any importance is absurd: Trump is enormously popular and by no means does some off the cuff comment alienate people. Nobody will think “trump said something I don’t like so I won’t vote for him” that’s sounds more like something a cnn suit would parrot.

    Trump destroyed Hillary (they cheated then too just not enough) and probably crushed Biden even more so trumps wildly popular and always will be that’s what I see and that’s what’s the polls show.

  40. “Desantis got beat down by Disney”

    OK, now we KNOW some people live in an alternative universe!
    It’s well documented by now, hell even the most anti-DeSantis sycophant won’t try that line of bullshit.

    Disney’s Vatican status is O V E R!
    Man, some people get their news from MSNBC!

  41. My point has remained consistent.
    Trump needs help to win in 2024.
    Burning all bridges, shitting all over allies, sidling up to nutjobs, alienating middle of the road voters & women, never taking blame for mistakes = 4 more years of democrat rule.

    We will deserve it with the idiotic attitudes expressed here.

  42. “Trump would’ve shattered Disney”
    O M G !

    Trump blasted DeSantis for having the gall to stand up to big corp like Disney.
    Trump would have let Disney slide up his ass with zero lubricant.
    Covid proved that.
    Motherfucking Fauci made 300 million dollars during Trump’s term.
    Pfizer ruled the roost.
    Trump gave up his presidency to Big Corp.
    When the said jump, Trump said “How high?”

    “Trump would have blah blah blah…”
    Give me A FUCKING BREAK!
    He already proved he would not!

  43. Again to stay out of the Desantis vs Trump debate, a bunch of us were sitting around talking last night at the races. One man I think hit the nail on the head when another said he didn’t understand why they keep indicting Trump as his poll numbers go up with every new indictment. This man said he expects it go like this, Trump wins the primary, loses the election again when they steal votes again after they have their new covid pandemic that they’re already talking about. Now they’ve let the entire country know we can and will destroy you and there isn’t a damn thing you will do about it. The country moves farther left, free speech is no longer free and can and will get you thrown in jail or murdered by the FBI. People will see it and see what they do to Trump and will be too scared to even say anything.

    Bleak picture, but it’s not hard to see it happening.

  44. “Because Trump endorsed him”
    Well I’m sure PA Senator Dr. Oz agrees, since he won as well in 2022.


    You already played that card and got your ass kicked. You want to do it again

  45. Fack it, DeSantis improved by nearly 20 points between elections of 2018 & 2022 is the way he governed.

    Face it, the Trump endorsement ain’t what it used to be.
    In fact, if you sidle with Trump the left has made it a point to try and put you in jail.
    Trump had absolutely NOTHING to do with DeSantis winning big in 2022.
    BTW, please show me a link where Trump did campaign appearances with DeSantis in 2021-2022.

    The facts are, DeSantis raised funds for Trump 2020 and helped deliver Florida for Trump in 2020.

    F A C T S

  46. Loco, if your purpose is to convince or persuade, it is useless, their minds are made up. Now, if it’s to humiliate certain clueless individuals, enjoy.

    The democrats, the master tacticians that they are, drew up their battle plan 6 months ago. And everything is falling right into place. Trump will sail to the nomination, crushing everyone in his wake (with their help of course), and the MAGA crowd will celebrate like this is all their own doing. Of course, Trump will be unable to campaign, spending just about every day next year sitting behind a desk in some dusty courtroom. And when the election happens, he will not lose by 7 million votes this time, he will lose by 17 million. You see, MAGA just don’t understand, you can’t win with 25% (I’m being generous) of the electorate, and that’s all they are. It’s them against the world, they don’t need anyone else. Of course, they will lose, and the Dems don’t even need to cheat this time.

    And all we will have left is the collective,”We was robbed, again”.

    Sadly, I see no way of avoiding that ugly scenario.

    On a lighter note, how is Las Vegas holding up under Hillary?

  47. “Face it, the Trump endorsement ain’t what it used to be.”

    That’s good. Because RDS will never get it again. Shouldn’t matter right. He doesn’t need it and therefore doesn’t need MAGA. You are a fool.

  48. Rich
    Agreed 100%
    Of course I don’t care how folks here vote.
    I know they are entrenched and ready to go down with S.S. Trump.
    I say that since they shit all over those that can help.

    Hillary has been good to Vegas.
    We get actual rain just a few times a year.
    It has been moderately “rainy” for three days now.
    Which is still like 1″ per day at the most.
    Vegas is not really flat, it’s hilly in spots.
    Poor planning makes a light rain flood some areas.
    If we ever got a real rain storm it would fuck a lot of shit up.
    Raining and hazy now.
    power is still on…

  49. OK George, but that means a larger tent than MAGA alone.
    Nobody could win with MAGA alone.
    DeSantis won blue counties in FLA for a reason.
    He reached out to parents, blue collar, legal immigrants, etc.
    He didn’t say fuck you democrats and independents, he said “look at all this crazy shit the dems want”

  50. Loco, you have a tendency to emphasize what you want to emphasize. I didn’t say MAGA will win on its own. I said Trump and America would win. In my mind MAGA represents the core group of millions of Trump supporters, of which I consider myself to be one. With the millions of us Make America Great Again supporters in place I believe we will convince millions more to get on board.

  51. And I would still like a MAGA adherent here to answer the 3 questions I posed on the Tucker interviewing Trump, thread. How about you, joe6? You are an honest broker, care to give it a go?

  52. This is the part I love. Where idiot number one and idiot number two start conversing back and fourth on an open forum pretending nobody else is around. It’s like grade school shit. To funny.

  53. joe6, here ya go;

    “Some questions I hope Tucker asks Trump;

    1)If you are fortunate enough to get the nomination, you will be running against someone you already lost to, by 7 million votes. You claim you were robbed in that election, how do you plan to un-rob this one?

    2) Your first indictment trial starts in March. This assumes Fani Willis will not get her way and start her trial in January. Once these start you will be in court somewhere or another every weekday until the election. How confident are you that you can obtain continuances in all your cases until after the election, and if not, how can you effectively campaign while seated behind a desk in a courtroom?

    3) The latest polls show that 25% of registered Republicans say they will not vote for you and 54% of ALL registered likely voters say they will not vote for you under any circumstances. How do you plan on changing their minds?”

    Loco asked the usual suspect to respond, he weenied out, like we all knew he would, not intellectually equipped for any honest debate.

    Tomorrow would be fine, thanks.

  54. OK Brad, no doubt DeSantis won big in 2022 with some MAGA support.
    That’s the dirty little secret here.
    A shit ton of MAGA want to win, they will vote for DeSantis.
    They look at you as an asshole.
    You speak for 0.0000000000000000001% of MAGA

  55. Rich, I can’t assume to answer for Trump, only Trump or those close to him can do so. Those are fine questions but I’m not in a position to answer for Trump on those. Do I think any of those questions will cause Trump any discomfort or unease? NO.

  56. “A shit ton of MAGA want to win, they will vote for DeSantis.
    They look at you as an asshole.
    You speak for 0.0000000000000000001% of MAGA”

    You’re a total fucking moron. This is before RDS crossed Trump. These people follow Trump, not RDS. They voted for RDS because Trump asked them too. AND YOU STILL AVOIDED ANSWERING THE QUESTION. Answer the GD question.

  57. Like joe6, I’m about ready to bail as well. I like to keep to my schedule, 9 to 10 reading, then lights out, I will revisit in the morning. Don’t be too hard on you know who.

  58. Joe6, I too think Trump can field these without breaking a sweat. But, given my position that the odds are drastically stacked against him, I am more discerning now in his responses and more inclined to,”Sorry, that dog won’t hunt”.

  59. @ Rich…….1)If you are fortunate enough to get the nomination, you will be running against someone you already lost to, by 7 million votes. You claim you were robbed in that election, how do you plan to un-rob this one?”…

    Do you think that Biden truly had 7 million legitimate more votes then Trump?…

  60. “Do you think that Biden truly had 7 million legitimate more votes then Trump?…”

    Asked and answered, at least half a dozen times here. I will give you the short version because my book is calling to me. No, I don’t think that is a legitimate count. Do I think the election was rigged? Yes, for all the reasons already alluded to. Do I think it was “stolen”? Probably not, despite all the crazy accusations about Dominion voting machines.

    Good night, all.

  61. Willys, republicans lose the popular vote all the time now.
    Rich never said anything about legitimate votes.
    You seem to want to put words in my mouth, DeSantis’s mouth, and now Rich’s mouth.
    Are you a screen writer?
    I hear Alec Baldwin is looking for a new gig…

  62. Brad…..Man O Man….if they do that’s their whole problem….they can’t understand the MAGA movement….

    Question Brad…..I’m going to the grocery store tomorrow. Should I work out beforehand so the grocery bagger compliments me on that?……

  63. OK Rich…….”Asked and answered, at least half a dozen times here. I will give you the short version because my book is calling to me. No, I don’t think that is a legitimate count. Do I think the election was rigged? Yes, for all the reasons already alluded to. Do I think it was “stolen”? Probably not, despite all the crazy accusations about Dominion voting machines.”…..

    Please tell me the difference between rigged and stolen?….

  64. Willys, Brad will say workout all day every day.
    He hasn’t mastered the intensity issue and figured out you can get the same results NOT spending every day in the gym.
    But hey, he enjoys going to the gym all the time so good for him.
    Please though folks, it’s not necessary unless you really like going to the gym.

  65. OOOOhhh Ooohh OOOhhh call on me teacher!

    Rigged = Trump funded* (yes, he did) covid rules regarding voting that allowed harvesting, no signatures, no diligence, etc that meant a free for all in voting.

    Stolen = a conspiracy to CHANGE existing votes via tabulating machines or other peripherals.

    You are welcome…

  66. Great Loco……Now your doing Arnold Horshek imitations….LOL… ” OOOhhh call on me teacher!

    Rigged = Trump funded* (yes, he did) covid rules regarding voting that allowed harvesting, no signatures, no diligence, etc that meant a free for all in voting.
    Stolen = a conspiracy to CHANGE existing votes via tabulating machines or other peripherals.

    You are welcome…”

  67. Look, I’m willing to call a truce.
    As long as we all agree that any movement that revolves around one single person is called a cult.
    Let’s not be Jonestown and put down the Flavor-aide.

    Trump needs allies even if some here believe otherwise…

  68. Damn it!
    There I go again.
    This time I’ve REALLY done it!
    I’ve upset an anonymous troll.
    Someone who can’t be bothered to take the 0.007 femto-seconds to create an iotw identity wants me to shut up.

    Well, as anyone can tell you, that tactics works on me like a charm.
    Tell me to shush and I always abide…

  69. And yet here comes a sensible anon to save the day…

    FYI, any post that unfairly bashes DeSantis with lies, inuendo, misinformation, partial out of context quotes, etc. will likely have one or two Loco comments.

    Avoid the thread if you are a snowflake or can’t stand your worldview challenged with factual information.

  70. “Do you think that Biden truly had 7 million legitimate more votes then Trump?…”

    Asked and answered, at least half a dozen times here. I will give you the short version because my book is calling to me. No, I don’t think that is a legitimate count. Do I think the election was rigged? Yes, for all the reasons already alluded to. Do I think it was “stolen”? Probably not, despite all the crazy accusations about Dominion voting machines. OOOOhhh Ooohh OOOhhh call on me teacher!

    Rigged = Trump funded* (yes, he did) covid rules regarding voting that allowed harvesting, no signatures, no diligence, etc that meant a free for all in voting.

    Stolen = a conspiracy to CHANGE existing votes via tabulating machines or other peripherals.

  71. Look everybody, some anon took quotes from me & Rich? I suppose, and put them together.
    Presumably to prove a point???

    I sure hope this anon posts his proof that the election was indeed “stolen.”
    I’m waiting…

    See, anon, you may be from China or another hell-hole country, but in the good old US of A we require PROOF for a conviction.
    Surely you can provide proof?
    I’m going to need that Kraken OK…

  72. Just because he is posting as “anon” does not mean he really is “anon”, as we have seen in the past. In fact, the style, vapid mundane drivel, looks suspiciously familiar to me.


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