Tim Pool & Bennie Johnson Offer $5k Each For the Identification of This Douchebag – IOTW Report

Tim Pool & Bennie Johnson Offer $5k Each For the Identification of This Douchebag

38 Comments on Tim Pool & Bennie Johnson Offer $5k Each For the Identification of This Douchebag

  1. someone knows this loser….can you imagine being that Demented to take this kind of time and 2 trips to vandalize a sign? Sad part is he likely lives in a Soros City so he would never be prosecuted…..

  2. Trespassing with intent to commit arson.
    What a fucking coward.
    Typical cowardly pussy.

    Who dafuq wears a faggoty bicycle costume at 4:20 AM?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. That’s Why most Mountain Bikers Hate Roadies.

    They dress like Gay Comic Book Heros and suck car exhaust as they try to maintain ultra low body weight so they can fit into their Prom Dresses on the weekend.

  4. Put the sign back up and wait with the night vision scoped rifle.
    Or electrify it.
    Or make it so that when he lights it, it explodes.
    Or place a bear trap in front of it.
    Or sharpened nails pointing up – covered in dog shit.
    Or specially-located fish hooks.

    Just a few ideas …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. 20 comments in and nobody has commented on the breech of flag etiquette. I thought you were supposed to bring your American flag in at night or, if it’s left outside it has to be properly illuminated.

  6. Criminal Trespass and Arson. Arson carries harsh penalties. Or, one could exercise the legal principle of “self-help” with a redneck twist. This is a damn coward. Most likely a connoisseur of large tube steak.

  7. As someone who makes a living off of trail cam information, After the first arson, I would have set up a few cameras watching the direction he came and went. The purpose being to determine his residence. The profile we were shown, may be enough.

    The determining factor in the usefulness of a video record is actual ID of the suspect. Underneath that, what undeniable truth are you recording? Careful… The actual truth might not favor you…

    I have several recordings of theft from my properties. Some with clear face images.

    Doesn’t matter if you don’t have a viable suspect to compare it with. I’m better off recording all the license plates that stop within a driveway or two of my property.

    Yeah, even I am not that anal.

    Back to the start: put cameras on the path until certain of identification. Then execute whatever plan works best to stop the problem. The cops being involved should happen from the onset, with video updates as they happen. Especially any that show him running home to a certain house every time.

  8. If he is habitual about his timing, a bb gun from the bushes could be fun and effective.

    I have waited for squirrels to try my customers’ roofs. Usually the hour before dawn and from my truck.

    Been years since I’ve had the po-po called on me. Pure luck on that. It happens. My pellet rifle is scary looking, and even when I hide it well, I’m the odd guy in the neighborhood drawing eyes/scrutiny.

    Truly, I have a license to do this. I would love to have heard what the Karens have said, over the years, when they witnessed me shaking hands with the cop and going on with my day.

    Caught me?!! Lol! No. Sorry I scared you, though. Would love to talk to you about it.

  9. @ Dadof4 AT 5:09 PM

    Bigger kid down the street used to take my nephew’s bicycle and then ride in the cul de sac taunting him. I put a bowling pin in the newspaper box and coached my nephew to just stand next to it with his back to the nasty little shit. Let him keep getting closer and closer and don’t do anything whatsoever. Then when he gets real close after he makes a pass slip the bowling pin out and hide it in font of you and wait. Then just as he speeds by take a step his way and swing it into his face.

    The next day when I got home my brother in law was raging. He ask me if I had completely lost my mind. Said my nephew knocked the kid down the street out cold and could have killed him and said you taught him.

    The lesson I was teaching the lad is: An asshole on a bicycle is delivering energy to the scene that can be used for good or bad purpose. Let’s see if we can figure a way it can be harnessed and used for good.

  10. If you have security cameras and it’s the second or third time this queer destroyed personal property, why wasn’t he confronted by someone who could act as security? A wimp like this could easily be apprehended as he commits trespassing and arson. He’s not armed. A citizen’s arrest would be no problem. Detain him and call the police.

  11. After identification, if the law doesn’t persecute, at least you know who the flaming asshole is to go after him yourself.

  12. Rich Taylor,

    I’m Breaking Flag Etiquette with my F@CK TURDEAU flag because I leave it out front 24/7.
    I like the way the flag blows in the wind, triggers the motion sensor and Back lights it Beautifully.

  13. The distinctive tat on the inside of the right forearm is visible at the very end. He’ll get doxxed. For his sake, he’ll be safer in prison than if someone extracts their own justice.

  14. ‘Nuff Said!

    There’s already enough chronic Democratic moronic embolisms on this planet that can be totally convinced that Trump has already won the 2024 election long before the REAL election actually took place…b-b-b-but,… OHHH NOOO!! I should have thought enough to have connected the garden hose to the water main which is attached upstream before the pressure valve inside the basement). Oh, well! There’s plenty of GOOD TIMES many months before all that!!!! AAAAAH HAH, HAH, HAH, HAH!!! SIGH…..!


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