Bias Confirmation – IOTW Report

Bias Confirmation

14 Comments on Bias Confirmation

  1. O.T. Some of the loveliest women I have ever known had scars on their faces…

  2. I always told my kids what you look for is what you’ll find.
    One of their teachers told them to tape a piece of paper on their desk and write down everything others did that offended them.
    My son was very annoyed at this. I told him to write down things that he liked that he saw in others.
    His teacher was pi**ed.
    I told the teacher to wait until he actually had kids and then come back to me.
    That happened when my boys were in 4th grade.
    They’re almost 34 now.
    This I’m offended culture has been pushed for years.
    This video is a great example of that.
    You need to know who you are in Christ. In God’s eyes.

  3. It’s not only easy to play victim, it’s profitable in many ways.

    #1 is not having to be accountable. “It’s not my fault I did what I did when no one was looking or even near me.” The better the story, the more slack you get. I’ve seen serial cheaters use the victim card saying they were abused as a child so they are damaged goods and can’t help themselves. This applies all the way down to traffic excuses for lateness.

    I know someone I call a professional victim. She will always seek to take advantage of a situation by playing victim. Even committing fraud because she thinks no one is the wiser. Quite satisfying when she gets exposed.

    Stay away from perpetual victims! They are playing anyone and everyone. It’s like fishing, they hope you nibble on what they’re offering today.

  4. The female human is pretty easy to manipulate due to their greatest concern being identified as not down with the current thing and thereby not in with the in crowd. As it was in the beginning…


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