America’s Wealthy Produce More Than Their Fair Share of Greenhouse Gases – IOTW Report

America’s Wealthy Produce More Than Their Fair Share of Greenhouse Gases

Just the News

New research published in PLOS Climate this week found that, of greenhouse gas (GHG) emitted in the United States, 40% of it comes from the 10% of richest households in the country. More

10 Comments on America’s Wealthy Produce More Than Their Fair Share of Greenhouse Gases

  1. Ah, more class warfare, the left is so predictable.

    I wonder, who do you think has a larger carbon footprint, Bill Gates or Warren Buffet?

    Going one step further, I would posit that rich libs produce more than double the greenhouse gas emissions to their conservative brothers, mostly emitted from their pieholes them yammering about how they care about the planet so much.

  2. There is a meme out there saying that Kerry’s private jet emits as much CO2 as 949 pizza ovens.

    This is why they have to shut down the pizza ovens: Kerry deserves his jet.

  3. I second the class warfare nonsense bs-flag. As well as support the CO2 hysterics being a bunch of frightened women or simple opportunists. Perhaps both (I’m looking at you Greta).


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