Carlson Interviews President Trump on Twitter (8:55pm ET) – IOTW Report

Carlson Interviews President Trump on Twitter (8:55pm ET)

Watch Tucker Carlson interview President Donald J. Trump HERE.

158 Comments on Carlson Interviews President Trump on Twitter (8:55pm ET)

  1. I guess no one is watching the debate and all are watching Tucker. I’ll youtube Tucker later tonight or tomorrow but the debate is getting good. They are going after each other, mostly fails.

  2. It’s DeSantis and the Seven Dorks.
    Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

    Fat Boy vs Trump & Vivek
    Pence vs Vivek
    Asa vs Trump
    Nikki is a woman dontcha know?
    There is a black dude on stage being ignored, Shame on those White supremacist.

    Actually Pence is standing up pretty aggressively.
    Did I mention Nikki is a woman of color?

  3. Loco, it doesn’t matter if anyone attacks Trump. Everyone of these guys are 3rd stringers. They aren’t even a close 2nd stringer. The fact that the elephant party can’t get behind the concept of Make America Great Again tells you everything you need to know.

  4. I take your word for it. Why in the living fuck would we send US Spec Ops guys south of the border to blow up drug labs when we can do it with a network of drones and not endanger any American Lives. Nobodies mentioned completing the wall that wouldn’t take that much effort. They’re all hyperventilating. Pence just mentioned what monumental shit he’s seen while VP but failed to mention who made that possible. None of these people should get close to any leadership roles. And the Indians gone down in flames tonight. He’s a loser.

  5. I will say this. There’s seven people up there acting like giddy seven year old girls. RDS doesn’t seem to be buying into it. That doesn’t mean I’m voting for the guy. The rest of these assholes need to get off the stage and take the first one out of town. Asa Hutchinson has no testicles.

  6. The only place I can find with a quick search on the fox debate on YouTube is syndicated by a leftist.

    They’ve written off Trump, entirely, not even concerned with him.

    They’ve selected DeS as their enemy, but feel Vivek will win overall because he’s “slick.” LOL.

    I just started the stream, after watching the LION.

    TRUMP 2024 bitches.

    Oh, I loved Trump’s response to Tucker about civil war and tying it to J6 at the end. Perfect summary to where we are today.

  7. There is one man on the stage with the courage of his convictions.
    He’s not rich.
    He hasn’t padded his bank account.
    He won re-election by 20 points in a purple state that voted twice for Obama.
    He is one of few on stage not addressed by “former”
    He has a loving, beautiful family.
    He is the only one there for all the right reasons.
    His name is Ron DeSantis

    God Bless America

  8. Loco, OK, you have a valid point. DeSantis should not be considered a 3rd stringer I’ll grant you that. Especially considering the group he’s on stage with. However, I don’t see any of these guys laying out their vision to Make America Great Again. I think if you asked anyone of them to say those words they would gag on it.

  9. Fuck sake. I’m like a half hour into the fox debate.

    They aren’t even trying to win republican votes. They are fighting over looking PC to democrats. Climate change this, biden that, blah blah. Doug Burgum said the only rational thing about energy. Sorry, take that back, Vivek was out there admitting climate change is a hoax and he was unanimously BOO’d. We’re DOOM’d.

  10. “This is a clown show.”

    Can’t argue with that one bit.

    I went into this for the entertainment value but felt it was my civic duty to stay informed just in case DJT gets derailed.

    RDS, Vivec and Nikki did fine. Pence ticked me off a bit. Yes, him acting all pitbull just makes him look silly, but I get put off by someone who keeps reminding us what a good Christian he is.

  11. Soro Loco, I’m not banging on RDS but what Joe6 mentions is the same thing I see. Reactionary questions but no vision. Tim Scott actually did well. Fucking Pence road Trumps coat tails and probably scored some points tonight. The Indian has a chance to end Pence and was to stupid to take it. Christie’s an angry little bitch. And Nicki has a Vajayjay and will defend that smelly old thing. I’m thinking Trump won this debate. And oh yea, Hutchinson still has no testicles. RDS should not attend the next one.

  12. “I don’t see any of these guys laying out their vision to Make America Great Again.”

    Sure they did, they all did. It may not be your vision, although I would welcome examples put forth that you disagree with.

    How would you define MAGA?

  13. “Sure they did, they all did. It may not be your vision”

    I don’t see it that way at all. They reacted to questions with very little expanding into the issues.

    What’s MAGA? Take some time and read agenda 47.

  14. Being a fiscal guy, I would have preferred more time (OK, any time) on monetary policy, the national debt, and the lack of any fiduciary duty on Congress. Yes, the moral rot will probably do us in sooner, but spending money you don’t have is just as lethal.

  15. Loco, you’re making my point. The only candidate that has proven his desire and intent to Make America Great Again is Donald Trump. The fact that there are people that hold that against him should make it absolutely clear that those TRAITOROUS BASTARDS have no business in government! This shouldn’t even be debated!

  16. How about one of these no good bastards declare I’M HERE TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! These guys don’t have it in their blood. They are no good portfolio building, TRAITOROUS BASTARD politicians!

  17. “read agenda 47”

    I have. I was hoping for something more personal and heartfelt.

    Here’s a question for both Brad and joe6;

    Both you guys know where I stand, I consider myself MAGA by my definition of it, am I?

    I would like DJT to be the next president, I think these indictments are bullshit, I believe he deserves a second term, and believe that if elected he would do great things. Is this all that is required to be part of your club, to share your foxhole? Or does the notion that no man gets coronated in this country, all must enter the arena and do battle to convince the voters why they deserve the job, and no, the other candidates are not disloyal bums for daring to run against him, does this disqualify me?

  18. “Being a fiscal guy”

    I’m a fiscal guy too. So is Joe6 but in a totally different way then you are. We manage cash flow and sales. So when Pence went after Vivek on fiscal achievements it should have been open season on Pence. Leaves me wondering who Vivek really is. That sequence actually left my mouth hanging open. Bottom line the private biz guy does not enjoy baseline budgeting. Bottom line is if Pence goes down in flame there’s always someone there to pick up the pieces. Bottom line a small biz guy goes down in flames he’s fucked. Viviek should have ended Pences political career on that question. He just giggled. This guys not who he says he is.

  19. “I’m a fiscal guy too. So is Joe6 but in a totally different way then you are.”

    You need to flesh that out a bit. Are you saying that because I don’t run a business I have no understanding of money?

    Going from fairly extreme poverty growing up, raised by a single mom to part of the one percent, done on my own initiative, hard work, and my understanding of profits and losses, I’d say I got a pretty good handle on wealth and its applications.

  20. BTW, I love a great slogan.
    “Build the wall and make Mexico pay for it”
    That my friends is a CLASSIC!

    You know though, in hindsight I don’t think Tony Fauci bought into the “Make America Grat Again” design.
    Seems like turning over the final year of a presidency to the little bastard was a mistake.
    Just spitballin’ here…

  21. “You need to flesh that out a bit. Are you saying that because I don’t run a business I have no understanding of money?”

    That’s not what I said at all. You seem to have some weird guilt complex going on.
    You manage investment, Joe6 and I manage Sale, cash flow and WIP.
    No mystery. That’s it.

  22. Asa, Crispy, Pence, Nikki, Burgum all standing up for J6 prosecution, RINOSSSSS. Nikki calls Trump most disliked politician. Vivek comes around and calls for a pardon!! They all gasp. DeSantis SILENT.

  23. Loco, you are a simpleton not me! I don’t see these miserable candidates rallying around the most significant person in politics today. Everyone out there is more of the same. If we don’t unite as a movement to turn things around we are fucked. Oh yeah, DeSantis stuck it up Disneys ass. That’s great! You need to wake up and smell the coffee. I believe DeSantis has potential as a national leader, after he finishes his term as governor.

  24. Here’s what really has me a bit pissed off. So many so called republican voters are willing to watch Trump and all his team get railroaded into court and arrests, and accept that, oh well, let’s take the next guy up. We need to be pissed off as hell and let everybody know it. This can’t stand! We are too close to losing our country!

  25. MAGA by Trump would be no more without Trump. Correct.

    The movement behind MAGA exists, and should be adopted by everyone, with or without Trump.

    2 different things.

    Loco, so all the people screaming MAGA during Trump presidency just fade to black without Trump? It’s OVER? Should never be uttered again because Trump is no more? TF u talkin about homie?

    That’s like all of the sudden everyone fears fear itself because JFK was killed.

  26. “DeSantis said he will send troops to our southern border.”

    He also said he would send US Special Forces into Mexico. Why would you do that when you can be more efficient with a network of drones and not put American lives at risk. Don’t get me wrong. I thought the guy did a good job tonight. but he clearly doesn’t understand current US military Tech. ..

    Now I’m quoting fuckers. LOL

  27. joe6, DeSantis figuratively stuck it up many asses, asses that got too big for their britches, BLM, 1619 Project, the biden* admin, defund police, the teachers unions, Soros DAs, LGBTQ mafia, taxes, tolls, illegal immigration, drag queen story hour, teaching children how to blowjob, Fauci, WEF, CDC, DOJ, EPA, etc as well as Disney and their Vatican status.

    Man of the conservative people.
    Won by 20 points.
    Has 8 years of presidential eligibility.

  28. “OK, fair enough, so why did you feel the need to differentiate? ”

    You don’t think there’s a difference between managing interest bearing investments vs sales WIP Cashflow? Really?

    Well if you don’t let me help you out. Not even the same ball park. I’d rather be in your shoes. I’m not. Understand, I’m not complaining. Lifes been good.

  29. Re: Ukraine, RDS and Vivek were the only ones to say,”Hey, let’s pump the brakes, Is the juice worth the squeeze? A blank check issued to a dictator who imprisons his enemies and has corrupt ties to the Biden’s is NOT in our best interest”.

  30. joe6 wrote: “Here’s what really has me a bit pissed off. So many so called republican voters are willing to watch Trump and all his team get railroaded…”

    What exactly would you have people do?
    If we don’t have a plan B then plan be is taking up arms, right?

  31. “You don’t think there’s a difference between managing interest bearing investments vs sales WIP Cashflow? Really?”

    No, I do. Never mind. I think we both have a bad habit of reading the worst motivations into each other’s comments, and I would like that to end.

  32. Willy’s

    It is absolutely adorable that you think all you have to do is snap your fingers or threaten “a loss of all credibility” if I don’t answer your question………yet again. It has been asked and answered, twice. If you can’t remember, that is on you.

  33. ecp:
    “Loco, so all the people screaming MAGA during Trump presidency just fade to black without Trump? It’s OVER? Should never be uttered again because Trump is no more? TF u talkin about homie?”

    Did I say or allude to this?
    Good LORD!
    All I said was that MAGA is the Trump brand.
    Why the hell would any other OPPONENT adopt that phrase?
    Do you think the MSM would simply SHRUG?
    OMG, it would be a landslide of derision for someone to steal that brand.
    Please, ask a spouse if they think some Trump OPPONENT should use the MAGA slogan?
    They will ask you “are you insane?”

  34. I might expect Ron DeSantis to part the waters here in everywhere America except we’re in a drought…..Perfect time for Ron DeSantis to let the skies fill with a Noah style rain….105 today, 110 heat index and he’s fucking around at debate?….LET HIM PART THE SEAS!….Let it be written, let it be said…..

  35. Fuck off Loco! I have pretty thick skin but being called a simpleton by someone over whether or nor Make America Great Again is worth articulating is worth while or not isn’t easily shrugged off. As far as I’m concerned a candidate doesn’t have to say those exact words, but they damn sure better make it understood that is their intention! And I don’t sense a sincere belief from this group that this is what they believe and are committed to.

  36. I can’t remember, did anyone say,”I will finish building the wall?”

    I want the wall finished, more border guards hired, a complete revision of our asylum policies, deportations to start immediately, and Mayorakas in prison.

  37. Loco missed the prolong the inevitable part. He’s having flash backs about how mom use to feed him with a sling shot. And how when he was born he was so ugly they slapped his mom. About how they use to tie pork chops on his legs just to get the dogs to play with him.
    You should try and be friends with Willy. It’s a sign of maturity.

  38. joe6 do you actually think they didn’t propose plans to improve the country and it’s direction?
    Twilight Zone!
    Sure, they just went up there and talked about the weather.
    Your talking point is ignorant as fuck, you aren’t but it is!

  39. Fuck I was just about to split BUT
    “I can’t remember, did anyone say,”I will finish building the wall?”

    I noticed the same thing. WTF? What are we suppose to do with all these invaders that are here. A very legit question That FOX would not dare touch. However the wall is.

  40. Let’s see, Trump promised the border wall, had 4 years to do so but didn’t get it done, and DeSantis, who IS NOT PRESIDENT YET has already failed at building a wall…

    You guys CRACK ME UP!
    Don’t stop, I’m gonna pee meme!

  41. Loco, proposing plans as a politician is not the same thing as articulating a commitment to making your country great. These no good bastards are trying to say the right things in order to get donations and then votes. If you trust them then you are the simpleton. Sorry, but that’s the term you used.

  42. joe6, you are splitting hairs, which you usually don’t do.

    Securing the border, treating China as an adversary, energy independence, reducing the size of government, giving parents more access to education, and making education more accountable, are ALL MAGA concepts, all designed to make America great again.

    Just my opinion but this is a silly argument you are having with loco.

  43. Brad, show me where DeSantis is still not governor of Florida?
    Won’t be governor until January 2027? (Only if elected President)
    Show me where DeSantis said he “wouldn’t run for president” and I will buy you a new truck.
    You are full of shit…
    Receipts suck when you try to lie don’t they?

  44. Did joe6 say he wasn’t a simpleton?
    I asked? Not a declaration.
    Surely by now you must know by now I am a MASTER of the English language.
    Saying that you must say MAGA or you don’t want to improve the country are the words of a simpleton.
    Don’t be a simpleton!

  45. “Mr Speaker, I said the honorable member was a liar it is true and I am sorry for it. The honorable member may place the punctuation where he pleases.”

    R.B. Sheridan

  46. Maybe you. A Gov is on duty 365 24-7.Do you want to argue that? Especially in Florida with all those natural disasters, Your all reved up on crack. You need to get sober. How would RDS handle being Pres if he needs all this time off.

  47. Nice try Brad.
    You say this from a state that was just hit with Hillary and Newsom was likely dining at the French Laundry.
    Trump golfed how many times between 2016-2020?
    187? More?

    No storms hitting Florida, but you are being disingenuous as always…

  48. With all the fighting here I just want to make it worse by saying loco is a rhino, rich a queer, brad a beta, Willy a loser and anonymous a pussy.

    Also how do I get an avatar like the homos above?

  49. All of my friends are sharing this clip. What a freaking clown show. Also not cool that everyone but the Indian guy hesitated. I don’t give two cents if you hate Trump or don’t really trust him as I don’t really trust him because of covid Trump, if you hesitate over if he’s found guilty in these kangaroo courts, you’re not fit to be President of anything.
    That pretty much said all I needed to know.

  50. Brad I can tell by how you post that you’re a good dad so if you got an unmarried daughter in her twenties I’ll marry her but only on 3 conditions:
    Pre marital chastity
    Homeschooling the kids
    Family farm lifestyle
    I offer a dowry of 3000 rounds of 556 a glock 19 and 20 (10mm) and a 2002 f150

  51. ORWW, DeSantis already said over a month ago he would pardon Trump and case by case Jan 6th protestors.
    The real question is why didn’t Trump pardon Jan 6 protestors before he left office January 20th?

    Once again, reality is but a slap in the face…

  52. Old Racist White Woman

    Foregive my language, but if your fing stupid eought to hold COVID over Trumps head, I really don’t want you n my side. COVID was a deep state sponsored attack on the American population staged by China and Fauci. How many times has that happened n the past. I guess Trump should have figured it out. Bull shit. It’s not like there’s a protocol. You guys are pissed at the wrong people.

  53. George, you are correct, Brad is Dr. Jeckyl & Mr. Hyde.
    Can be reasonable and rational.
    Can be on the lunatic fringe or beyond.

    Calling me a rhino (sic) shows me you know not what the term means.
    Anyway, I am not a republican per se, I am a conservative to the bone.

    I am trying to figure you out.
    You said the other day that Trumps opponents should act as cheerleaders.
    Sorry but that is fucking ridiculous!
    Funny though, BFH praised this?
    Perhaps he was putting you on?

  54. Brad, I will gladly put the past behind and forgive Trump if we can do away with the ridiculous DeSantis bashing.
    If not, I will continue to hang his mistakes around his neck.

    This debate had two assholes bashing Trump.
    The others were trying to tell the country how they would make America great again… Sorry joe6, they did indeed…

  55. George Waters

    Hey asshole, review this entire thread and tell me where I went psycho. Oh I know, when you showed up you ball less little bitch. If you spoke that way about my daughter in front of me you’d wake up in the hospital you classless bitch. If you want to prove that theory I’m available.
    Loco, you’re really going to play with this POS?

  56. Brad you’re a tough negotiator: I’ll throw in 200 9mm rounds.

    LBS look I don’t really know what I’m talking about ok but my political spidey tingly senses tell me it’s Trump or bust.

  57. George, I suppose you are joking around but it is very uncool to bring up someone’s daughter.
    Even though you didn’t even know he had one.
    You should apologize.

    We should all refrain from bringing up family members.
    Hell, we need to quit attacking each other but who am I to say it?

  58. Yes Brad I will hold that over his head and I’m not f…ing stupid as you say. Crap like this is why sometimes it’s really hard to take you seriously. Now before you go farther into the gutter, I will repeat again for those in the back who can’t hear, I will vote for him.
    However, supporting Trump should not make anyone ignore what he did wrong. Putting Pence in charge and allowing him to keep Fauci in charge was stupid. Fast tracking a shot that it took literally minutes to find out how good mrna worked on animals was stupid and killed a lot of people. To keep on praising said shot again and again after the evidence was there it wasn’t great was stupid.

    As for your side I truly get sick of hearing such crap, all I ever hear is men saying crap and nobody does a darn thing, but bitch and moan and say you’ll take it from cold dead hands. Then how many of these same men pulled that mask on and got that jab in their arm?
    You know how many times I talked to such men during the entire made up shit who whined they had to wear a mask because their governor, their mayor, their county commissioner mandated it?
    So yeah covid made me see that most in this country aren’t anything but a bunch of blowhards who will do what their government tells them to do.

    Now finally my own mother was killed by the jab. So yeah I take that personally and when Trump kept going on and on about it was great, that ended any trust I had in him. You don’t like that I could honestly care less. I use my own head and my own judgment and have always done so and I don’t give two cents what anyone thinks about it.
    As for on my side, there are a very few number of people I would trust to be on my side and that’s mainly my immediate family and a few close friends.

  59. What amazes me is the supposed unbiased, fair minded opinions of clowns on this site.
    Give me a fucking break!
    Good God, own it.
    I try and be fair, and I am.
    Yet admittedly I am biased.
    I don’t lie and I don’t misquote, parse words with intent to mislead, fabricate, prevaricate, discriminate, exacerbate.
    Well, OK, I do exacerbate…

  60. Sometimes the Brad/Loco back ‘n forth is entertaining, and sometimes just tedious.

    RDS most certainly worked very hard at weaving the narrative tale of not running in 2024:
    30 Sep 2021, Insider – Ron DeSantis says he’s not considering a presidential run because he’s busy “trying to make sure people are not supporting critical race theory”.
    01 Oct 2021, 10 Tampa Bay – DeSantis doubles down on 2024 presidency stance, “It’s not anything that I’m planning for”.
    01 Oct 2021, Yahoo!News – Gov. Ron DeSantis says he won’t run for president because he’s busy “trying to make sure people are not supporting critical race theory”.
    There is another instance from back when he was running for re-election, but I couldn’t locate it.

    This is just a sampling, there are more, but it’s late, and my day starts at daylight. Go look it up yourself…it is not hard to do.

    The bottom line is that DeSantis was completely dishonest concerning 2024. He fostered the falsehood that he was focused on serving as FL governor to exclusion of all else. I don’t trust him and will neither support nor vote for him.


  61. When the Dollar collapses and the Democrat throngs are pouring out of the cities and coming for your money, food, fuel, guns, and women, you all will forget your differences here – and the only thing that will matter is how many can you kill before they get you and your family.

  62. After seeing how hopeless it is for the GOP to be able to pull off a win in a general election ever again. I’ve decided to switch teams and join the cult. Fuck it. I’m all in, baby. From now on I will color my hair a new shade of pastel every month, my handle will be TheCISMule, I’ll only bathe once per week, and I will dedicate myself politically to enforcing universal mask mandates the world over in order to protect pregnant men in Ukraine from climate change. And if you disagree, then, of course, you’re a racist.

  63. Trump NEVER MANDATED the jab. He recommended it but left it up to individuals to FREELY DECIDE to take it.
    No other candidate would have handled the pandemic better when it comes to the jab, etc…
    As for the political landscape, Trump knows better, knows thy enemies and is the BIGGEST THREAT to the deep state if/when he gets back to the White House.
    All other candidates are just the same ol’ political hacks that sing a great tune but can be easily bought off. DeSantis included.
    #Trump2024 or BUST!
    #Trump2024 to save America
    #Trump2024 The Only Choice

  64. The clown show coming to Fulton county, fingerprints & mugshot for the WHOLE world to see. Maybe the Don should try his luck at the roulette wheel for a change of venue. Federal judge, nope your going to trial in Georgia.
    23 inmates have died in custody, lets make it 24.

  65. “The real question is why didn’t Trump pardon Jan 6 protestors before he left office January 20th?”

    ??? They weren’t jailed/sentenced until after Trump got screwed out of the White House.

    Why is the cocaine in the White House blunder old news that is not an issue anymore?

    Why are Republicans so stupid, disloyal and don’t fight like Dems do? Trump is the only one with balls and you got idiots that are supposedly on “our side” that want to take down the one guy that has the courage, fortitude, love of country to literally put his life on the line for America and ALL of our people (including the assholes that want to take him down).
    Quite frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if one day Trump says “F*ck it, you’re on your own”. Any other person would’ve done it a long time ago.
    #Trump2024 or BUST!

  66. “I don’t see these miserable candidates rallying around the most significant person in politics today. Everyone out there is more of the same. If we don’t unite as a movement to turn things around, we are fucked.”

    “Here’s what really has me a bit pissed off. So many so called republican voters are willing to watch Trump and all his team get railroaded into court and arrests, and accept that, oh well, let’s take the next guy up. We need to be pissed off as hell and let everybody know it. This can’t stand! We are too close to losing our country!”

    “For evil men to accomplish their purpose, it is only necessary that good men do nothing.”

  67. mr pinko, your last comment I agree with, all of my circle whether they’re for or against Trump feel the same way. Republicans though didn’t care about the stolen election and they don’t care about these indictments or the J6 protesters locked in jail.
    We are officially a Banana Republic and I agree with Tucker, they will probably have him and the people close to him killed and then they will continue coming after all of us who have told them to take their lockdowns, masks, jabs up their ass and who have fought to change the laws in our own states to secure elections.

  68. “No other candidate would have handled the pandemic better when it comes to the jab, etc…”

    DeSantis DID handle it better.
    He did what all the others did at first and locked shit down.
    He then looked at the data and said, fuck you Fauci and opened up.
    Much to the consternation and hand-wringing from the White House.

    Other governors opened up as well and quit taking orders from Fauci, Birx and the CDC.

    DeSantis also took heat for focusing on the elderly getting the jab but he did it anyway.

    So yes, others DID indeed handle it FAR better!


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