Trump Ahead of the Curve – Revealed Chris Wallace To Be a DNC Stooge – IOTW Report

Trump Ahead of the Curve – Revealed Chris Wallace To Be a DNC Stooge

7 Comments on Trump Ahead of the Curve – Revealed Chris Wallace To Be a DNC Stooge

  1. Trump needs lots and lots of independents. I fear he stays focused on 2020 and how the Dems attacked him constantly and it keeps independents away. Policy, inflation, addressing debt, taxes, etc is what he needs to stay focused on to win over the independents. I would even venture and say I screwed up on COVID.

  2. Jimbo at 12:32 pm

    Shit, I’ve known that about the little weasel for years! ;^)

    Me too! There really never was a conservative journalist on Fox. Just a ruse to get conservatives to watch and make believe Fox is one of them.


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