Trump Interview: More Views Than Total Votes in Last Presidential Election – IOTW Report

Trump Interview: More Views Than Total Votes in Last Presidential Election

180 million views and counting-

27 Comments on Trump Interview: More Views Than Total Votes in Last Presidential Election

  1. Ha! Made you look!

    That’s a over hundred million more views last night than votes in 2020. Which means either the left was watching too… or Trump got a lot more votes than were tallied for him. Of course, both can be true.

  2. Surely Trump knows how Carlson hates him. Carlson makes no mistake about talking about Trump in the past. Carlson is like all the others, looking for the clicks and viewers. Trump helps his enemies all the time. Trump is his own worse enemy.

    5 Times Tucker Carlson Privately Reviled Trump: ‘I Hate Him’

    The Fox host’s private comments, revealed recently in court documents, contrast sharply with his support of conservatives on his show.

  3. Rich, if Trump chose not to debate why should they allow his surrogates the chance to make his case in the “Spin Room?”
    If Trump showed they wouldn’t have been excluded.
    They were warned a couple days ago that they couldn’t have their cake and eat it to.
    I even mentioned it on iotw the other day.
    Brad said “so what?”

  4. Why was Jr. even there? FOX has been boycotting his ass for a couple years now. It was FOX’s and the RNC’s party. If you chose not to attend why attend the spin room. Trump, Tucker and Twitter were the big winners last night. Vivek one the debate. RDS seemed like he was laying back a bit which might be a good strategy. Although that slow hand raise was REALLY BAD. Everyone else should quit now.
    Having said all that Trump’s the only guy that can salvage this mess. Like Tucker said last night, it looks like they’ll have to kill you now. Frightening shit.

  5. Loco, I get what you are saying, but it is so petulant and smarmy ,”Trump spurned us so in retaliation we won’t let anyone with that same name anywhere near our building, because, you know, free speech”.

    A better approach would have been to show regret and disappointment that the front-runner decided not to participate, then run the debate as is without excluding anyone. So now, Don Jr. and his squeeze foment even more Fox News hate with the MAGA adherents, not exactly the best way to boost ratings.

  6. “Vivek won the debates”

    He has been in the grease all week over his flirtations with the 9-11 Truthers, even outright lying about being misquoted. He needs to tirage this gaffe immediately, and I’m surprised they did not go after him on this last night.

  7. Rich,
    Where did you hear this? “we won’t let anyone with that same name anywhere near our building.”
    He was let in, just not the spin room. Larry Elder’s surrogates weren’t allowed.
    DeSantis surrogates wouldn’t be allowed if he didn’t show.

    “They were warned before the debate that surrogates for candidates, not on the stage would not be allowed into the spin room. It was a fair decision if you ask me. Why should a candidate who doesn’t participate in the debate get media attention by way of surrogates? Why should Trump be allowed to have surrogates in the spin room if he isn’t going to bother participating in the process? So, Don, Jr. and Kimberley “lingered” outside the room with members of the press.”

  8. Again, I understand why they did it, participating candidates and staff only, but how much more fun would it have been to have MTG and Matt Gaetz in there asking them questions? Right now all the pups are fighting around the food bowl, but eventually, they will need to push the big dog off of the porch, get some practice in now, even if it is with the surrogates.

  9. Rich, it was just Don Jr. bitching about nothing.
    They were able to do their thing, they even went to a local steakhouse with a bunch of MSM people.
    Another Trump whining about bullshit is not news…
    Methinks his daddy going to jail today is more of a bigger deal, but hey?

  10. Rich, I might agree with that.
    Would the SS be in the same cell?
    I read that the jail is a shithole so I don’t think Trump would want to hang around…

    He needs to be seen tonight dining at a posh restaurant with Melania & Baron.
    Jail? Those niggas can’t jail me!


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