The GOP must adopt the tactics of the opposition to secure power – IOTW Report

The GOP must adopt the tactics of the opposition to secure power

Human Events:

The American left and the Democratic Party are riding high with the fourth and latest indictment of Donald Trump. Federal and state authorities are bombarding the 45th president with criminal charges, with the latest alleging Trump and more than a dozen co-conspirators engaged in election fraud and racketeering in Georgia in an effort to “overturn” the 2020 election.

Trump’s enemies have every reason to gloat. They know they don’t need to win elections to vanquish their enemies and win real victories. Republicans, meanwhile, find most of their wins these days in the increasingly embattled Supreme Court. Outside of certain states, such as Texas and Florida, real political victories are few and far between.

The only way for Republicans and conservatives to counter left-wing political action is to adopt the left-wing understanding of power, and act.

For decades, the Republican doctrine has been characterized by a reliance on “limited government” as their governing principle. It’s an honorable and noble position to take and would be practical under different circumstances. Unfortunately, the left doesn’t abide by the same “limited government” principles as their right-wing counterparts. They use power regularly and often to achieve their ends, and they’re smart to do so. more here

19 Comments on The GOP must adopt the tactics of the opposition to secure power

  1. It’s too bad the “Republican” Party is infused with power-hungry jackasses.
    They’re championing the hits against Trump as much as the leftist wackos are.

    Both want to maintain they’re current power and wealth – all generated from our pseudo-votes and taxpayer dollars.

    Solution? No fucking idea, except…

  2. This is why attacking DeSantis is so ridiculous.
    He has demonstrated time & again how to hand the dems their asses in Florida.

    If Trump gets back in the White House I hope they bury the hatchet because they both will need each other to make America great again.

    PS, not looking for a 100 post thread.
    Just my two cents…

  3. This assumes “securing power” is their goal, I’ve seen no evidence of this.

    This party, the one funded by the Koch Brothers, run by Ronna, and bought and paid for by the industrial military complex and big pharma, likes things just the way they are and has no intention of upsetting the Apple cart.

    Actually governing takes work and a vision, they would prefer to just cash their checks and carp from the outside.

  4. Loco, we got a long way to go to get to 100, but the quickest way there I can think of is to list all the ways the party of Lincoln has lost its way, turned JV, and can’t even scare up a pickup game at the local city park.

  5. Agreed Rich.
    One of the main issues is to recognize friend or foe.
    Who is in it to get rich- is fine as the beta party, and who legitimately wants a better country for their children and grandchildren?

    That said, calling DeSantis a RINO, deep-state, NWO, Bushie, or even a “Manchurian candidate” tells me you’re an ignorant dumbass stupid fuck who deserves to lose and will forever be governed by the democrat party.

    The man has a stellar record and although words are fine, actions speak way the fuck louder…
    Oops, may get to 100 now.

  6. The same Uniparty RINOs who are in rueful admiration of the lawless power of the left, and who wish to emulate that ruthless, brazen mob, are aghast at the mild protestations which came from conservatives on January 6th and do not wish to upset the table from which their scraps of power fall.

    The armchair agitators at Human Events and elsewhere, piling on Trump, are the last people I want to hear from with their tough-guy, street fightin’ man battle plans. We know what needs to be done, but if we did it, they would shit themselves and run crying to their Democrat/Deep State masters, saying “This is mot who we are!”

  7. First step the GOP must NOT have Rinos as the Speaker of the house (if they can maintain the Majority). McCarthy will support more Rinos for the house through the House Campaign Committee to keep the speakership.

    or Opposition leader of the Senate.
    With McCONnell doling out the Senate Campaign funds, we are assured the GOP will not have the majority in the Senate.

    McCarthy and McCONnell should be pushed (thrown) aside if the GOP is to return to their principles of honest, debt reducing, smaller Government.

  8. try not
    Anglos have a saying goes back to “Dark Ages’, “All is fair in …war!”! I totally agree. A guy kicks my nuts I “I’ll either knee his or gouge his eyes out! Bite him !

    UNIPARTY has made war on “working Americans” for 63 years.

    We either “fight fire with fire” or become their: serfs, subjects, slaves!

    Their attacks on Don should have made this very clear to everyone! Liberals lie and say “not so’. The same libs protecting Hunter’s long time partner with Billions of our tax$!
    UNIPARTY started the war 60 years ago; and UNIPAARTY has escalated it the last 22years! AskAshley Babbitt!

    as Ronny said many times, “better to die a free man; than two live as a subject!”!

  9. It was decided after Ronald the Great to cement the GOP as the “loyal” opposition and only allow an occasional globalist Uniparty ass clown like Bush to be a token President for appearance sake.

    The cabal makes the selections not America. That’s why PDJT must be stopped at all costs.

    Hillezelbub lost her damn mind because they only marginally cheated, thinking the nasty cunt had it in the bag.

    They want a civil war so they can use the federal behemoth to crush us once and for all.

    They will probably assassinate PDJT and try lock us down to get it…

  10. “They want a civil war so they can use the federal behemoth to crush us once and for all.” -Cisco Kid

    Then, by all means let’s give them what they want.

    “Live free or die” is true once again.

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