Hawaii Electric Shouldering the Blame Alone – IOTW Report

Hawaii Electric Shouldering the Blame Alone

Courthouse News

The County of Maui is the latest to file a lawsuit against Hawaiian Electric for the power utility’s role in the devastating wildfires in West Maui that consumed nearly all of the historic town of Lahaina and claimed the lives of at least 100 people.

Maui County claimed in a lawsuit filed Thursday in Maui Circuit Court that Hawaiian Electric and its subsidiaries, the Maui Electric Company, Hawaii Electric Light Company and Hawaiian Electric Industries, negligently maintained its power lines, allowing the Aug. 8 wildfires to grow to consume over 3000 acres of land on Maui. More

No one is holding the climate extremist, environmental luddites and their allies among the political left for this disaster.

12 Comments on Hawaii Electric Shouldering the Blame Alone

  1. All part of the plan. Blame the electric company sue them into bankruptcy, so they either go out of business and the state takes over the electric grid or force them to double or triple rates so people can’t afford to run their air conditioners.

  2. I am so tired of stupid people, who do not run their lives well and then blame others for their misfortunes.
    I am a retired interior designer, who was able to design homes up to 5,000 sq.ft. by the building codes in British Columbia. I have done 7 major home renovations. In most of Canada there are zoning bylaws which require 1.2 meters (4′-0″) side yard setbacks to prevent the spread of fire between residences. Doubled side yard setbacks equal 8′-0″ between houses. In Toronto, the homes were semi-detached and made of brick with brick common walls – again to prevent the spread of fire.
    When I viewed the drone footage, the only homes left standing had metal roofs and had cleared the undergrowth around the homes. Common sense, but again not so common.

  3. Shareholders and consumers will bare the brunt of the cost for years and years to come, and litigation will take years as well. There’s still people waiting on their money here. Some of them were bragging in the beginning of the Paradise fire how they were going to get rich off of PG&E. I tell them that they have pipe dreams, and so far that’s panned out. Their lifestyle isn’t coming back in their lifetime.

  4. @Big Momma: Since the Paradise fire, Cal Fire comes around each year and checks to make sure debris/brush/trees aren’t encroaching on your house. They give you a certain amount of time to clear it or they will hire someone to do it and charge you. People here have taken heed, fire is here to stay.

  5. Did Hawaii Electric turn the FUCKING WATER OFF???!? Did they send kids home from school? Did they try to force people to stay home?


  6. ^^^^^ You forgot block the escape routes. I read yesterday that the local school district is reporting over 2,000 kids are missing. School was out that day.

    Big Momma
    A lot of those buildings were built at the turn of the century.

  7. All those cars in front street that were burned, along with the people in them, were the result of one stupid cop blocking them from evacuating. He said he was just following orders. Matt Walsh has a good video on this. The people who survived were those disobeying orders of the authorities.

  8. Replying to Brad – yes, I know the buildings are 100-120 years old. I still stand by my comments of installing metal roofs and building concrete block fire walls between properties and clearing out the undergrowth. But this costs money. I personally am deathly afraid of fire.
    Heck – Hawaii is a tropical paradise. I bet that in 5 years, all the flora will be back with a vengance.

  9. Big Momma

    Also, specific to the shops and building on Front Street, just the way the structure were built were ideal for a hot fire. They all had overhangs in front and many had stair on the outside of the building two a second story. Lot’s of surface area to burn. As I remember some of them even had wood planking in front of their store fronts. I remember thinking more then once while visiting that if one of the building caught fire the whole place would go up.

  10. Having lived in the outskirts of Honolulu for some months, I can tell you these crazed leftists can share the blame. I dared to trim some dead leaves hanging over our house from the neighbor. They called the police and the cops came! I was the bad guy. When I called the cops for some homeless puke starting a fire in front of our house, they did NOT come. “No one was being hurt”.

    And why this constant fake 100 dead number? WE all know it is more like 1000, and mostly kids. Plenty of sympathy for those kids. None for the moron parents.
    Now tell me; if you had kids in the car and the fire was racing toward you; would you stop for ANYthing? Apparently being a leftist moron means you do.

  11. LasVegasBrad

    It’s my understanding school was canceled that day. A whole shit load of children burned to death while their parent were stuck on the highway trying to get home to save them.
    The locals are saying the body counts north of 900 right now. I got that from locals on Insatgram.


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