Why the Radical Left Only Make Donald Trump More Popular – IOTW Report

Why the Radical Left Only Make Donald Trump More Popular

UK Daily Mail

His mugshot is the stuff of Warhol: Instantly iconic Americana that will be reproduced and repurposed for decades to come.

In the immediate, his enemies have handed him the greatest gift imaginable.

This image has turned a multi-billionaire former president into a folk hero, a renegade, an outlaw.

And America loves nothing more than an outlaw, as Trump well knows. More

20 Comments on Why the Radical Left Only Make Donald Trump More Popular

  1. This man gets what my heart sings about what I want my country to be. He isn’t perfect and I don’t want him to be. I just want him to know the art of the deal.

  2. There’s one Lib that I lurk, but don’t officially follow, on TwitX. It’s a “6 degrees of Kevin Bacon” kind of situation. I have met him and he would know me. He’s a superstar doctor, has accomplished many things and has saved many lives. He knows and has worked with Fauci. Now, semi retired.

    With all of his brilliance the guy has yet to find a cure for TDS. He’s unhinged when it comes to DJT. And now the masks and shots are back. His mean elitist snark about people who won’t comply to every shot or mandate is very undoctor like.. He thinks we are all Neanderthals.

    He’s got his wish with Trump’s mugshot. Yet, the dude is even more unhappy than before.

    Beauty, eh? 😄

  3. The most significant defect the elite left in America has, echoed in degrees by the minion class and on down to the dependent class, is that they genuinely believe they are intrinsically better than non-leftists.

    If you are an ardent and up to date follower of the ever changing leftist narrative they will grant you some grudging acceptance, on good behavior. If not, or if one is not adequately credentialed to the moment, they will happily step on one’s head… repeatedly.

    This creates a self regulating ostracism based culture that eliminates all deviations from current orthodoxy, a rapidly changing one. Within the culture this rewards the avant and punishes the laggards while barring original thought altogether.

    An original thinker might suggest that a mugshot of a former president arraigned in a political persecution might become a powerful symbol to the deplorables, the irredeemable Neanderthal knuckle draggers who are not currently credentialed members of the leftist cult.

    That original thinker likely was ostracized long ago. Smell your own farts long enough and you go nose blind.

  4. The broad is right about the trial.

    Remember what Hitler did in his trial after the Beer Hall Putsch? Watch The Donald rewrite the book. They will rue the day they stole that election.

  5. The anti-civil rights promoter/advocator and KKK ‘exalted cyclops’ admirer-associate-eulogizer JOE BIDEN is using every trick in the KKK book, having covertly altered their vicious methods not only against the blak-brown-minority populations by using them as human shields but against President Trump as well.

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