Estonian PM, a staunch Ukraine ally, under fire over husband’s Russian business – IOTW Report

Estonian PM, a staunch Ukraine ally, under fire over husband’s Russian business

FOX: Estonia’s strongly pro-Ukrainian Prime Minister, Kaja Kallas, came under increasing pressure Friday to resign, after Estonian media revealed her husband’s role in a company that indirectly did business in Russia after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine last year.

Kallas, 46, one of Europe’s most outspoken supporters of Ukraine, had urged all EU companies to stop doing business with Russia after the war in Ukraine began in February 2022.

Her husband, Arvo Hallik, said Friday he would sell his 25% stake in Stark Logistics, a trucking company that worked with an Estonian company involved in Russia. He also said he would resign as the company’s chief financial officer and step down from the board. more here

3 Comments on Estonian PM, a staunch Ukraine ally, under fire over husband’s Russian business

  1. Wow!
    Estonia has a “media” that actually does some investigations?!?!

    Maybe we could trade some of our sickening media propagandists for a few reporters?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Geography was easier when it was the USSR.

    Really, Who gave a shit about what happened inside of it?

    Plus it kept the FBI & CIA focusing more outside on the USA.

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