San Fran Bakery Asinine Policy – IOTW Report

San Fran Bakery Asinine Policy


Reem’s in San Francisco, an Arabic restaurant, refuses to serve cops in uniform or those carrying a gun

  • An Arabic bakery in San Francisco has warned cops they will not be served 
  • The company said it has a policy ‘to not serve anyone that is armed in a uniform’ 
  • Founder Reem Assil said all officers are welcome when they are off-duty 

Reem’s California, a local bakery chain, was called out online by the San Francisco Police Officers’ Association on August 24 for not serving uniformed officers.

‘NO COPS ALLOWED. That’s the confirmed policy of the bakery chain Reem’s,’ the association wrote on X, with a screenshot of an email. 

The bakery’s founder Reem Assil has defendant the policy saying they do not serve anyone in uniform. In a social-media post the restaurant stated the move was to foster ‘an environment of safety for our staff and customers.’

The decision was met with outrage online with one social-media poster noting, ‘SF native here I will not be returning here ever this city has gone to crap and its things like this that perpetuate it, I feel 10,000% safer when any law enforcement officer is nearby.. plenty of better bakeries in the area, I will be telling friends and family not to come here’


23 Comments on San Fran Bakery Asinine Policy

  1. Based on the way it’s worded, a person in uniform will be served and a person that is armed will be served. Only a person both armed and in uniform will not be served.

    Reem Assil is a dumbass.

  2. Yesterday while perusing the frozen food section with my wife, an all black niqab wearing 5’2″ terrorist wedged her way in between the both of us. My wife went right, I went left. We met the next aisle over.

    I think bakery banned the wrong costume.

  3. I assume the bakery sells donuts. But then, cops never eat donuts, do they? More get woke, go broke. I guess an “Arabic” bakery would be Islamic. I think it is a stoning offense to be woke if you’re a Muslim.

  4. Not a problem. Your house; your rules.
    Reem probably wipes his ass with his bare hand while baking, as most moslems do.

    I wouldn’t eat anything from a moslem bakery for love or money.

    But that’s just me …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I have mixed feelings over this story.
    #1 The place has a “GUN FREE” policy that the police WILL enforce (for the owner & employees) against a LAWFULLY armed Concealed Carry Permit holder.
    #2 The police are complaining when this same policy is enforced by the owner & employees (by denial of service) against the LAWFULLY armed police.
    The difference is that a citizen is denied not only service, but also their Constitutional right to self-defense. The cops are denied a coffee and a doughnut.
    I’m sorry, off-setting penalties…no loss of down.
    I will say that I DO agree with a police boycott, along with a boycott by ALL CCP holders in the area. I also do not condone, but would understand a slower than normal response. After all, it would be an armed response.

  6. Any place that won’t serve cops DESERVES to be robbed. Wait until the lunch rushs, and rob the customers, too. If anyone called 911, the operator should laugh out loud.

  7. Reem’s Bakery, “Help, I’m being robbed!”
    Dispatch, “The police will be there as soon as they can find a safe and secure place to store their gunz”.


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