Black Surfer Has Surfboard Nailed to a Tree – He Calls is a “Symbolic Lynching” – IOTW Report

Black Surfer Has Surfboard Nailed to a Tree – He Calls is a “Symbolic Lynching”


A black surfer found his board nailed high on a tree ‘like a lynching’, after an angry exchange with others in the waters off a Florida beach.

Andrew Sherlock Mills said he was assaulted and told he was ‘not welcome’ during the clash on a Jupiter beach, and found his board gone when he left the water.

He eventually discovered it nailed to a palm tree, roughly 10 feet off the ground in a grisly echo of nooses hung to symbolize hate.

This is how real the racism and hate is in Jupiter, Florida,’ he told Instagram account ‘black.surfers.

‘They can’t stand to see a Black man in their waters. I was told I’m not welcome. Stole my board when I turned my back and they did this. Said it was a message.


The surfers said it had nothing to do with him being black, it had everything to do with he was a douchebag and didn’t know surfing etiquette rules. I am imagine they would have nailed anyone’s surfboard to a tree.

41 Comments on Black Surfer Has Surfboard Nailed to a Tree – He Calls is a “Symbolic Lynching”

  1. Fuck him. He probably rides his dirt bike on golf courses and will scream bloody racism when some pissed off golfers take a sledgehammer to it.

    A lot of black guys have a grossly swollen sense of entitlement and go self-righteously apeshit when they’re called out on their assholery. I’d be willing to bet that is the case in this incident.

  2. I’m having a flashback to the NASCAR Noose.
    How many boards have been nailed to trees in the history of surfing?
    Where do you keep nails in swim trunks, or better yet, a hammer?

  3. My husband is a surfer and nearly got into a fist fight in Hawaii, the aloha state, because he was not a local and they were trying to intimidate him off their waves. 🙄 He told them eff you and continued to surf. He abides by all the surf etiquette; been surfing since he was a grom in Huntington Beach. They backed off. Possibly because he was tall, muscular and not intimidated.

  4. I know nothing about surfers or surfer culture, but I think I recognize a bullshit story when I see one. BTW, did you notice the comments this dude attributes to the other surfers? Not one of them mentions race in any way, and yet he immediately pivots to race as the motivation.

  5. They hung it in a tree. Unless they had a 10 inch long nail.

    All that happened is some kook got embarrassed.

    On the West Coast and Hawaii, he would have gotten in a fight on the beach.

    And the rules are the same as on dry land. Don’t cut people off, don’t steal waves, be polite. If you paddle out into the line up and start grabbing waves….yeah, it pisses off the people who’ve been waiting.

    10 bucks says this goofball is gonna’ try to Bubba Wallace this as a path to stardom.

  6. @ Cowgirl
    Hawaiians are some of the worst douchebags and racists to inhabit our planet. They constantly use derogatory words for white people. Just like many native American people, they believe they are somehow above non-native people and entitled to be rude to them. I did meet a Choctaw dude once who really had his head on straight, though. The English used to be like that until their society crashed and burned due to turning away from God.

  7. @Dr. Hambone, agreed! I never wanted to go back after that! He and his surf buddies surfed in many different countries and never were treated like that anywhere else! Even the French surfers in Biarritz were not rude! The French!! 😂

  8. Conservative Cowgirl

    I’m no surfer. But on our honeymoon the wife and I experience the same treatment from local on Sunset beach Oahu. Just because we were on their beach. A bunch of 120 pound little yipping dawgs. I chose discretion over valor. We left. I need to say, we’ve been visiting Maui since the mid 80’s. We always have a good time with the locals. We were even invited and did attend a local cook out for Cinco De Mayo. Go figure. Had an awesome time. I dunno.

  9. I have been to all the Hawaiian Islands, most multiple times except Molokai. The 2 weeks on Molokai were about the most unpleasant vava I’ve ever had(let me tell you sometime about sailing into St Croix). The natives, whether on the beach or in town, made it clear they hated your guts. Slights like making you wait at restaurants or dirty looks in lines. Maybe it’s my no BS look but never an outright shove, a lot of pussy whispering so to speak. Man, who would want to live in that kind of community?

    OTOH, my fav is still Maui, the locals all over most of the island were great.


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