Proud Boy Sobs at Sentencing – IOTW Report

Proud Boy Sobs at Sentencing


A second former leader of the Proud Boys was sentenced on Thursday for his role in the Capitol riot. Zachary Rehl received a 15-year sentence, hours after Joseph Biggs got 17 years. The AP reports that Rehl sobbed as he told US District Judge Timothy Kelly he regretted his actions. “I’m done with all of it, done peddling lies for other people who don’t care about me,” said Rehl, for whom prosecutors recommended a 30-year term. “Politicians started spreading lies about the election, and I fell for it hook, line, and sinker.” Former Proud Boys Ethan Nordean and Dominic Pezzola will be sentenced Friday, and former top leader Enrique Tarrio is to be sentenced on Tuesday.


9 Comments on Proud Boy Sobs at Sentencing

  1. In England this week, a man was sentenced to thirteen years in prison because he was found to have hateful material on his computer. Although he had not committed any criminal acts, the judge said that he was convinced that the guy might commit hate crimes in the future if he was not imprisoned. This is what our own government is doing and it should scare the crap out of everyone.

  2. We are so far off the rails, I can hardly believe I’m living in America.

    If you get a chance, there’s a back and forth between the Judge and a defense attorney. The Judge’s “reasoning” is astounding-it should scare the crap out of you-


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