Elon Musk Blames College For Indoctrinating Messed Up Kid – IOTW Report

Elon Musk Blames College For Indoctrinating Messed Up Kid


Elon Musk believes his “communist” transgender daughter severed ties with her billionaire father because she was brainwashed into “thinking that anyone rich is evil” at the ritzy California school he sent her to.

The CEO of X, formerly known as Twitter, washed his hands of any responsibility for the recent rift between himself and 19-year-old Vivian Jenna Wilson — instead blaming the Crossroads School for Arts & Sciences in Santa Monica for infecting her with the “woke mind virus.”

Wilson’s transition was part of a domino effect that led to Musk buying the social media app as part of his mission to stomp out wokeness, according to an excerpt of the upcoming biography “Elon Musk” that was published in the Wall Street Journal Thursday.

The SpaceX founder told author Walter Isaacson that he was initially “generally sanguine” with his child’s decision until in April 2022 when Wilson “became a fervent Marxist and broke off all relations with him,” the excerpt reveals.

That year, Wilson was granted a petition to change her gender, as well as her name, which she hoped would demolish any connection between herself and her biological father.


12 Comments on Elon Musk Blames College For Indoctrinating Messed Up Kid

  1. Communists love you until they come for the good little communist that you are if it lives that long without suiciding.
    Stupid all around. The Schools are not your friend.

  2. I made a Facebook friend a couple of years ago – her son went to preschool at my former Santa Monica church, she has good conservative values and we have many friends in common. She sends me a lot of links. Her son is 4th or 5th grade at the local elementary school – the best one in the district and many of the homes there are pushing $10M. They got a new principal this year, an outspoken BLM advocate. Because that’s what is important in school these days. Anyhow, he was excited for his new teacher because in communications leading up to the start of school she seemed great. Now, a few days in, his teacher has told him she doesn’t believe in God. And she insisted that he state his gender, and was upset when he said he knows he is a boy.
    I keep telling her to get out. She is close, I think this may finish it.

  3. She’ll be the first in line when the will and trust is read. He needs to have one that clearly keeps her from getting anything from his estate. That’s how I roll. You don’t owe your children anything, especially the ones who act out against you.

  4. Since it’s Crossroads, in my former hometown…
    I have mentioned in the past that Ed O’Neill was a good coffee shop friend (haven’t seen him since covid – and I moved away). He is good friends with David Mamet (and ignores his conversion to conservatism), and I knew David for a short while when his son was in scouts. Anyway, 10+ years ago Ed told me this story:
    A friend of David’s was moving from NY to CA, had a couple of kids high-school age, and as David’s 2 daughters were in HS at Crossroads asked if he could see about getting his kids in. It was early in the semester. David contacted the school. The response was ‘Well, there would need to be some con$ideration.’ David expected this, asked what they wanted. A new library. ‘So, like a quarter-million?’ ‘We are thinking more like a million.’ David then said ‘This is me, pulling my daughters out of your school.’ And he did. Sent them to Santa Monica High, which wasn’t too horrible at the time.
    The upshot is that Mamet wrote a script called Aztec Blood as a response, in which a gifted girl who has the misfortune of being white can’t get into the universities she wants, so they chase the possibility of her having some small native heritage. But it’s also an attack on woke private schools. Ed had a script with him one day at a coffee shop, and struck up a conversation with a couple, telling them David’s entire Crossroads story. Only to find out that they FOUNDED Crossroads! A bit embarrassed – but not so much that he didn’t enjoy telling us the story later!

  5. I’ve said this a few times in the past, but libtards will keep pushing Elon’s buttons to the point where he will find a way to make sure Trump gets in. I’d love to see him beat them at their own game.

  6. TIP:

    If you pick a Private school, pick one that teaches MATH, SCIENCE, ENGLISH, HISTORY & Physical Fitness.


    Maff, Scoience, Feelings, Woke & FISTING!

    The whole point of private education is to AVOID the Commi Teachers Unions.

  7. Kcir — The problem with (what seems like) a majority of private schools is they tend to hire minimally qualified people who have no real education or experience in their subject areas. They are usually failed “studies” majors whose fallback is a teaching certificate. And we all know what they’re emphasizing in *those* schools. The old adage holds especially tight: “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.” Those poor little rich kids can usually count on a double dose of ill-informed opinion passing as “fact” from 20-somethings “teaching” their classes.

    And if that’s not bad enough, a lot (majority) of private schools have Planned Parenthood under contract to come in and teach the kids as young as beginning middle school to put condoms on various vegetables and how to pleasure themselves and have “safe sex” that won’t cause a pregnancy. Don’t ask me how I know this. Boy, was I a naive private school parent. What a rip-off.

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