John MellenHEAD May Be the Stupidest SOB in Rock – IOTW Report

John MellenHEAD May Be the Stupidest SOB in Rock

I am not calling MellenHEAD stupid because of his politics. I am calling him stupid because it’s clear he is stupid — just in general.

Even Bill Maher has to educate him on blacks and slavery.

If you watch a bit more of this Club Random episode you will be shocked by how vacant this dunderhead is.

42 Comments on John MellenHEAD May Be the Stupidest SOB in Rock

  1. Oof. Another case of, “shut up and sing!” I’d happily remain a fan because I was. Now, like this host, I won’t be spending any money on a show or anything ever again.

    He fancies himself a painter now too. Maybe the fumes from his oil paints and turpentine have killed off too many brain cells. This genius was engaged to actress Meg Ryan recently. She broke up with him and in interviews he admitted to being “a bad boyfriend.”

    Great guy. <—-sarcasm 😑

  2. Went through a huge Mellencamp phase around ’83 when the “Uh-Huh” album came out, then the fantastic “Scarecrow” album in ’85. It added to the coolness that he was an Indiana boy like me. I can’t join in with those who are saying “his music sucks.” Sure.

    However, I recently watched the episode of Sammy Hagar’s Rock-n-Roll Road Trip with his interview/visit with Mellencamp. Mellencamp seems like a dour, unappreciative jerk off. Even Hagar seemed stunned at Mellencamp saying he was never really into his music career, like none of it even mattered.

  3. Ted Nougat, I agree.
    I liked many of his songs, “Check It Out” and Scarecrow live versions are fantastic IMHO.
    I generally try not to learn anything about musicians and actors anymore.
    Almost always disappointed.

    He gave an interview with CBS Jane Pauley years back and he chain-smoked the entire time.
    He was an aloof and an asshole.
    He had health problems and she questioned his smoking.
    I doubt the idiot ever quit.

  4. @Ted @Rich
    I know. I can’t say I hate his music blah blah. His appeal to me was the Midwest connection too (I’m from Ohio). I have most of his albums and have seen him in concert many times.

    I’m stumped regarding his disinterest and put downs of his music career. I just don’t get it.

    I guess his music masked his a**hole ways.

  5. “Minutes to Memories” is a good song.

    When I’ve traveled back home from Florida to NW Indiana, I’ve stopped in Seymour, IN where he’s from a couple times. Great little downtown area and place for breakfast before heading out for another long drive. I stopped in to the record store downtown (yes, a nice throwback place, lots of vinyl) and spoke with the owner. He said “ya, everyone goes through a Mellencamp phase. Everyone here either knows him or has fought him.” Had to laugh at that.

  6. It looks like all that money I spent on a really Great Audio & Theatre System for my basement was wasted.
    The more these actors & musicians speak, the less i can watch them.

  7. @Kcir

    It’s only wasted if you let it be. I’ve made it easy on myself. If I liked the work that a particular artist has done in the past, I still like the work regardless of what is done in the present. For example, I can’t stand Alec Baldwin anymore, but I srill love and watch The Hunt for Red October.

  8. JB, CHEERS!

    I try, but the ONLY recent thing i Bought was Top Gun Maverick which was very entertaining & Fun but also COMPLETE HORSE SHIT from a reality point of view.

    also, I think you misspelled Ass-lick Baldwin

    My Roger Waters concert HAD TO BE KILLED earlier this year with a Compound bow.
    The rest of the band’s discs survived.

  9. John Mellencamp is from very near where I abode in Indiana. Kinda know him, being a contractor. Anyhoo, he art an jagoff & asshole. Holier than thou liberal fuckwad. This happened quite a few years back in the people’s republic of Monroe County, home of Indiana University. Said Mellencamp bought 100 or so acres across the Lake Monroe causeway, approx. 26,000 square foot house, yes, 26,000 to be built. Big deal, one might say. But, Monroe County is hardcore Democrat, always has been, always will be. Cutting of trees or timbering is uber verboten. The fucker did basically have his land clear cut to make room for his gigantic mansion, eyesore, by the way. I, too, don’t despise him for being a liberal. Or for being utterly vacuous. I despise him for being a hypocrite.


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