Col. Angus Asks…. – IOTW Report

Col. Angus Asks….

…Am I the only one that’s been here long enough to remember sidebar, or did everybody else mature? 

You set up the perfect sidebar game.


The Colonel is referring to what happens in the sidebar when someone comments on a post. For instance, when someone comments on this post it will say “Person’s Name on Col. Angus Asks…”

Earlier today I had a post titled MTG’s Snatch. It was not intentional, but perfect for “the game.”

I invented it long ago (when Pamela Geller used to call me the Ernie Kovacs of blogging) where I would put up a post that made use of this format. See the post below. If it’s anything like the old days, you should see some inventive screen names commenting on the post.

14 Comments on Col. Angus Asks….

  1. Loco, I suspect the reason Fur got surly was that you called this “a blog” when he thinks of it as “The blog”. Our creations are our babies, it’s natural to flex a little bit.


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