Jimmy Buffett, Wasted Away at Age 76 – IOTW Report

Jimmy Buffett, Wasted Away at Age 76


American singer-songwriter Jimmy Buffett, best known for his “Margaritaville” escapist tribute to the tropical life, has died at the age of 76, according to his website on Saturday.

“Jimmy passed away peacefully on the night of September 1st surrounded by his family, friends, music and dogs. He lived his life like a song till the very last breath and will be missed beyond measure by so many,” a statement on the website said. More

LA Times has a nice overview of Buffett’s life. Here

33 Comments on Jimmy Buffett, Wasted Away at Age 76

  1. …I still remember being at a Margaritaville once 20 odd years ago and looking in the gift shop at his book, “A Pirate Looks At 50”, a riff on a song by him about being 40, and thinking, “That’s pretty old for still doing all those shows”. Living in the Cincinnati area, it was impossible to NOT be aware of him.

    I didn’t buy it, or think much of his prices or his politics, but I did enjoy the venue, the food, and his mellow sountrack underneath it all.

    RIP Jimmy B.

    May you finally find out how that tattoo got there.

  2. I think it was the article in the NYPost where I read that he made a LOT of money with his music, restaurants, etc. and kept investing it well enough that Forbes recently put him on their Billionaires list.

    It’s a good thing he figured out early that he truly wasn’t meant for glitter rock and roll.

  3. Uncle Al at 11:34 am

    kept investing it well enough that Forbes recently put him on their Billionaires list.

    So he’s a de3asd billionaire who will never see the light of day again, never sip another margarita, put on another concert, or enjoy sitting under a palm tree. What good is his billion to him now? I’m sure his estate will continue to support liberals. He was a died in the wool Catholic.


  4. I heard it on the coconut telegraph. 😥 We had so many good times with his music in the background. Many concerts and one memorable Meeting of the Minds Convention in Key West 1999–okay, I mostly remember it.

    Fair winds and following seas, Jimmy. 🍹🍹

  5. Jimmy Buffett was HUGE back in the day and the place I work at would have big Jimmy Buffett Parrothead Parties. They were well attended and it was just a fun time for all. Plus, there was another outdoor venue that hosted the man himself, and all my friends and I would attend. We had a LOT of fun.

    RIP Jimmy.

  6. Jimmy is royalty where I’m from. His home is my home. Hell, my dad was runnin’ buddies with him back in their high school days. He used to regail me with stories of beach parties with him and all their friends and listening to Jimmy sing (dad never cared for his singing BTW…even then). Dad would always have a cryptic smile when telling those stories.

    Anyway, Jimmy’s music was always an anchor to my home for me. In my mind, it painted a perfect picture of what life is like in this area (Baldwin/Mobile Counties in AL)…albeit somewhat idealistic. Think of it as your favorite comfort food. I only got to see him one time, but I think it was the coolest setting. It was a surprise performance. He showed up in town and decided/agreed to play at his sister’s restaurant down on Fish River. It was him, another guitarist, a conga/bongo player and a keyboardist. Their backdrop was a sunset over Week’s Bay. A perfect memory of him as an artist.

    RIP, Jimmy. You will be missed.


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