McCarthy has the power to arrest anyone who defies a congressional subpoena – IOTW Report

McCarthy has the power to arrest anyone who defies a congressional subpoena

But will he?

19 Comments on McCarthy has the power to arrest anyone who defies a congressional subpoena

  1. Of course he will. A conservative standing up for the constitution is someone that needs to taught a lesson. You see those J6 guys? Do you want to join them? Then shut the fuck up!

  2. don’t expect anything from the recucklicans
    McCarthy is a cheap Chinese knock-off of Paul Ryan

    at least w/ the D’cRats I know they want my demise … w/ the recucks they’ll tell us they’re on our side, while gladly opening the gates to those that wish us harm.

    yeah … they’d sell their own mother for a dollar … that’s how low they go

  3. You are forgetting to compare him to the West Chester Weeper, John Boehner himself, who surrendered to Obama then buddied up to him, trashed Trump, handpicked Ryan at a brokered convention, pushed legalizing pot, and set the standard for selling out to Chyna…

    …I can’t put more links but there’s a ton and thats just on iOTW. McCarthy comes from a lineage of GOPe traitors and is really doing little more than carrying on a proud tradition of toadying and orchestrated surrender while trying to maintain the fiction of a nonexistant opposition, providing bread and circuses for the hoi polli using their own money to distract them from their sellout into serfdom…

  4. McCarthy and McCONnell are not leaders.

    Qualities and Characteristics missing from both;
    McCarthy and McCONnell have shown they lack the ability and skills to lead.

    The establishment Democrat dog’s tail wags them both.

  5. All I hear is the Incredible Hulk theme music and over it the narrator… “McCarthy has the power to arrest anyone who defies a congressional subpoena”…..”but will he?” DAH DAH DUH DAAAAH!!!

    :cut to McCarthy huddled over, walking in the rain at night:


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