Cart Narc – Is He an A-hole? – IOTW Report

Cart Narc – Is He an A-hole?

62 Comments on Cart Narc – Is He an A-hole?

  1. Lazy pukes who leave carts laying about are, uhh, lazy pukes.

    That guy, or group of cart noids, is a different sort of puke. Sooner or later he is going to be killed for being an obnoxious cart noid.

  2. I often return other people’s carts as well as my own.
    As far as Hawaii, and native Hawaiians, it’s a very similar situation to the mainland native population. They want their land back! Yet, their areas are littered with used appliances, rusted out cars and, yes, shopping carts!

  3. A cart left in the lot that can easily roll into someone’s car is a pet peeve of mine. If we ” were all in this together” then the simple courtesy of putting your cart away would be done. I can not understand how so many won’t do this. It just isn’t to much to ask.

  4. Out here in the middle of everywhere the grocery stores won’t let you take the carts to your car. They have an attendant that wheels your groceries out to your car…….They also use a lot of plastic bags for your groceries, so many that I have to put them in the landfill via the trash…..It’s civilized here…..

  5. I only watched the first five minutes, can someone tell me if he got his ass kicked at any time during the video?

    If he wants to be a youtube star he would be better served giving dating advice, make-up lessons, or pet care. Given the level of psychopathy in our society, I see extreme violence in his future.

  6. It’s common courtesy to put the cart in the cart space. But sadly, common courtesy is a dying character trait.

    With regard to whether the kart karen was an a-hole, I didn’t watch enough of it to make that call. But from what I saw, he was a bit of a jack-wad, looking for confrontation.

  7. I used to keep cards in my car that said “did you have to park this way or are you just a selfish asshole?” and put them under the wipers of cars parked illegally.
    I ran out of them….

  8. I din’t expect to ever meet the guy, if I borrow the store cart to take purchases to my vehicle then I leave it where the cart boy can easily get the stack of carts back inside for the next customer. Am sure they would also be pissed if the carts were all scattered over the parking lot and not lined up in the store to borrow for shopping. And how do you feel when the close parking spots are jammed with carts? Also he better have backup nearby

  9. “…Pretty sure supermarkets have people they pay to collect carts…”

    Yes they do, from the designated return spaces, not scattered all over the parking lot.

  10. “It’s common courtesy to put the cart in the cart space. But sadly, common courtesy is a dying character trait.”

    That’s not what’s going on here. This clowns not alone. They demand you take your cart all the way back to the store front. It’s a desperate attempt by some whack jobs to try and make money on social media.

  11. im surprised by the violent reactions. it does not appear to be very civilized. i see people leaving carts all over the place. never thought to ask or take note. looks like nation of narcissism. no wonder obama and biden got the vote. animals.

  12. “Yes they do, from the designated return spaces, not scattered all over the parking lot.”

    Again, read my above quote. How many carts do yo seen strewn across the parking lot of your local super market. I see very few.

  13. “im surprised by the violent reactions. it does not appear to be very civilized.”

    Really? You put a magnetic sticker on the hood of my nice shiny truck and I will hurt you.

  14. The magnet guy still is an asshole.
    Even if I were ready to put the cart where it belongs, I’d change my mind and leave it where I could pi’s that idiot off the most.

  15. You guys can’t be serious! My very first job was at a grocery store. I carried or rolled out groceries all day. It was my job to keep the parking lot clear of obstructions. I made $2.12 per hour. I was happy to have a job! What a crock of shit that this is an issue!

  16. joe6pak – Me too. Nowadays they just return carts. This was before Walmart, and we worked our butts off. Nothing makes me madder than see an elderly person struggling with cart while they stand around, and I let them know about it.

  17. As a Boy Scout they always taught us to leave a place better than when you found it. That still stays with me from the standpoint of basic responsibility, so returning a cart comes naturally. That said, Magnet Guy is a supreme Asshole!

  18. This guy is annoying for sure, but tossing stuff on top of people’s cars kind of crosses a line and a lot of people will blow up at it.
    Some day he might be rethinking his life choices and maybe he’ll have some different stickers?

  19. i remember when we did not have cart return stalls. car dealers sold bumpers for the doors and fenders to prevent damage in parking lots (may still). Are we going back to the ugly moldings on our cars and trucks. i guess its better than the door dent and paint scratch from carts. and yes, i see carts all over the parking lots. probably from guys with shiny trucks who park in bfe so no one parks next to them and dont want to walk the half mile to the cart return. like the pregnant black gal in the vid.

  20. The guys who comply with the masks all the way out to their car, but who are daring iconoclasts when it comes to shopping carts…maybe it’s a passive-aggressive pushback on the store for making them wear masks. I bet there was some of that going on back then. Assuming that the video is old and they’re not pathetic freaks masking up in 2023.

  21. Back when I was young and carrying and rolling out groceries many of our customers needed the help. Nowadays that help isn’t always available, some of these people are doing all they can to get their cart to their car. There are days I am not concerned about taking my cart back to it’s appropriate slot.

  22. Total Asshole Par Excellence!

    I’d call the cops on him for defacing my vehicle … he has no right to put anything on my vehicle … can I spray him w/ water-soluble paint or silly-string? … no

    I usually return my cart, except @ wal-mart, where there are only cart returns at the front of the store … ever been to a wally-world parking lot? yeah, acres & acres
    I always put the cart in the nearest grass island as to not have my cart somehow hit a car

    guy’s name must be Richard … ’cause he’s such a Dick

    btw, my biggest peeve is these asshole w/ these big, new pickups that can’t even park them in a normal space …. just park them in the back of the parking lot where there’s enough room for you to dock your land yacht, for God’s sake! do you see any service trucks, dump trucks, rec vehicles in a single spot? NO! …. park it where it fits

  23. I lived right across from a grocery store for a few years in the 80s. Loose carts can work up a head of steam on windy days. Saw all sorts of fender benders, more than you would think. I also scored a lot of free beer when people would forget it on the bottom of the cart.

  24. I grab a buggy or two on the way in. When my kids are with me I tell each to grab one as well if they are left where they don’t belong. I’ve suggested to Costco that since they are a membership warehouse and already have security cameras on their entire lot that they run the plate and tack on a five dollar cart return fee to members who are too Goddamn lazy to clean up after themselves and put the buggy where it goes. It’s usually some big fat tub of shit who could use the exercise. No surprise there.

    If we pull in and someone else is just finishing loading out their buggy either i or one of the kids will walk over an offer to take it back up to the store. Hell, we are going there anyway.

  25. The grocery store I like best used to have cart guys and gals. They followed you to the car, helped unload the cart and then took the cart back. When several of the seasoned cart guys retired the store stopped the practice. I have seen only 2 cart corrals in the lot. I guess that has gone the way of bathroom attendants who handed you towels and had a basket with sample toiletries.

    The guy in the video is highly annoying.

    Today was a bad air day so I had a lot of trouble breathing in spite of 2 hits on the inhaler. There is no way I would leave a cart in a parking space. I hate that laziness. The side of the store was closer than the corral so that’s where I took it and some damn Karen had to complain about it. I felt like taking the cart and ramming her vehicle a few times but decided to go drink tea and breath in an air conditioned eatery instead. Of course she also ranted at a Mom with 3 active youngsters when she could have spent less energy taking the cart herself.

  26. I put carts back. Having said that, this guy is an asshole. The people are overreacting, and why throw the magnet back at him? Throw it in the opposite direction, at least he has to work a bit to retrieve it. Or just take the magnet with you. Those type of magnets rip fairly easy also.

  27. Not worth a fight. The cart Ken would have accomplished more by taking the cart while the guy was still there and returning it.
    There are always going to be people who don’t return carts.
    If the cart corral is at the other end of the lot I don’t. I put it out of the way where it won’t damage vehicles.

  28. he should go after the handicap parking scammers instead, or the stores that put “reserved for pick up” spots closest to the front doors. it seems that I’m the only one who doesn’t qualify for preferential parking.

  29. When someone pays 10’s of thousands of dollars for a vehicle only to have it dented or the paint scratched by some fat asshole to lazy to return their cart to the coral they have the right to be pissed off. As far as I am concerned, the guy putting signs on cars is “on a mission from God.” Did you notice nearly every one of the loud mouthed pricks were nearly morbidly obese. A little public shaming goes a long way. The guy better watch himself. Some psycho will pull a gun on him eventually.

  30. I put my carts back but…

    I hope he gets the living shit kicked out of himself. I watched a few of his videos years ago hoping someone from the HOOD beat him like a Dog.

    One guy pulled a gun on him and the local cops did nothing since he was instigating & his approach could have been interpreted as a threat (cops words)
    He has also been told MANY TIMES by the actual STORE STAFF, ” Leave sir, it’s OK, we have people for collecting carts.”
    He’s NOT SHOPPING and therefore he has been trespassed in a video years ago. (seems to have disappeared)
    No Doubt, he has discouraged some return business.

    Touching other peoples property is a NO NO in today’s age of THEFT & VANDALISM.

    Finally, If it was me and I was in a fighting mood, I would put MORE MAGNETS on my vehicle and drive away with as many as possible stuck to my car. Then possible try & call the cops to see if i could file a complaint just to create a hashle for him.

  31. In the Age of Me, it seems more and more people just don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves. OK, fine – the Cart Narc guy is a bit over the top. But leaving carts in the middle of the parking lot because you’re too damn lazy to waddle the extra thirty feet to put the cart where it belongs is a perfect example of why our country is so screwed up. These are the same trashy people I see every day who don’t think twice about tossing their empty bag of fast-food garbage out their car windows. These are disgusting people who, in my opinion, should remove themselves from society and make it a better place. Pro Tip: if you want to enhance your tough guy facade, at least remove your face diaper. This way your stream of obscenities over being busted as the lazy, inconsiderate bastard you are can be heard more clearly.

  32. Burr, now determined to throw your cart on the roof AT 9:14 PM
    “Pretty sure supermarkets have people they pay to collect carts.”

    …they do, and one time I had my truck tail light demolished by being hit by ALL the carts at a Sam’s.

    The kid had strapped a literal ton of carts together with a cart caddy pushing them, and ran them ALL into my LR quarter from behind. We were fortunately sitting in the truck at the time, because he was trying to extract them and act like it never happened. I stopped him and took pictures, then went to the service desk where THEY didn’t want to cooperate, even lying about how their DOZENS of parking lot cameras weren’t working.

    I showed them that MINE was, and after some insurance company frog-walking, they did grudgingly pay for their simpleton employees misfeasance.

    And I say that advisedly. “Lot Boy” isn’t exactly a coveted position, and many chains like Sam’s and Krogers hire mentally challenged individuals for the shit jobs like carts and bagging and whatnot, because they can play them for cheap and because no one else wants to do it.

    This kid was no exception.

    …I park as far away from the cart corrals and and as uphill as possible.

    I’ll explain “uphill” below.

  33. …one time at a Krogers, I REALLY wished I had a dash cam.

    This place had a parking lot that went uphill from the front, so you drove slightly downgrade to leave. Me and the wife were sitting in the truck facing to the front, when a gal in the space two rows over loaded her car and left her cart right next to it. She nudged it slightly when leaving, didn’t seem to notice it, and it started rolling straight down the mostly unoccupied hill as she wended her way between wows on the path to the exit.

    She was sideways in collected traffic waiting for the light when she was hit broadside.


    …see, it had a nice, straight line and she didn’t and had to stop. It picked up speed on the grade so it punked her pretty good. She was pissed but couldn’t see anyone who could have launched it, so she slammed it over and peeled out in a huff.


    And I had no camera.

    I’ve added a dash cam since then, but lighting doesn’t strike twice. All I can do is pray that somewhere, somehow, God spends some of his leisure moments setting things up like this and will one day serve another one up for me to record and share as a testament to His abiding sense of humor.

  34. Although I return carts and believe others should also, confronting others over their behavior isn’t a good idea. One never knows who they’re fucking with these days. This is also an example of the problems we have today – people finding the need to be involved in others’ business. And, this guy is being intentionally confrontational inviting trouble for himself. He really needs a life.

  35. “I hope he gets the living shit kicked out of himself.”

    And I felt the urge to kick the living crap out of everyone who threatened him with assault. Totally disproportionate.

  36. @mystaclean,here in the northeast the lazy twats will even leave carts in the Aldi parking lot. One day, I was feeling ornery and told a broad to ” put your cart back.” Her response ” that is were I found it” I just drove away, once again realizing how much I dislike human beings.

  37. VeedonFleece AT 10:00 AM
    “@mystaclean,here in the northeast the lazy twats will even leave carts in the Aldi parking lot. ”

    That seems weird at an Aldi because, at least at the ones here, you have to use a quarter to release them and have to dock them to get the quarter back. Usually someone will return strays just to collect the quarters. Maybe they don’t do that everywhere, or maybe a quarter just isn’t worth the effort any more. .

  38. Worse than the regular carts are the battery operated tubby movers. Those can block a couple of spaces and there’s no way to get rid of them without driving them back to the store yourself, sitting in God knows what on the seat only to find they killed the battery too…

  39. lifelong observation: some people have a character trait I call ratchet. the inability to back down even when proven wrong.

    lifelong observation: a very large percentage of the male population believe they can “open a can of whup ass” and the other guy will fold up. a very small percentage of the male population really can, and if you come up against one of them you will truly be in a world of hurt.

    so don’t stir up stuff with any stranger. brain damage, a lifetime limp, a slashed up face – the prize is not a thing you want

    I drive a truck with a utility shell. I can’t see behind if I back out. I need a pull through space. the exact same people who shriek like harpies if you back out and make them stop will screech like harpies if you pull through.

    I am called Worf, wookie, Lurch, Gorilla, and Sasquatch by complete strangers. and complete strangers will confront me over trivia with precisely no clue regarding my abilities.

    I put carts away while walking to the store as a courtesy to other people who need to pull through. I don’t pretend that makes me virtuous.

  40. “I was just kidding about that last line. I always put my cart back where it belongs, because I’m not a piece of shit.”
    — Samson

    Frikin hilarious video. The guy is a douche but so are the others. How do you out-asshole and ass-hole? Comedy gold.

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