Find the Fed – IOTW Report

Find the Fed

GatewayPundit: Find the Fed: Here’s Hoping Someone Can Identify the Tattooed “Nazis” at Gathering in Florida …UPDATE: One Nazi Identified – Says He Was Backed by CIA.
The “Nazis” were marching in Florida on Saturday.

They had a large following for their rally with every member in new red shirts and face masks.

Most of the protesters hid their faces. But a couple of tattooed Nazis left their masks in the car. MORE

40 Comments on Find the Fed

  1. Actually Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray on Twitter/X) showed evidence that at least one of them fought in Ukraine with the Nazi Azov battalion. So while they were clearly pulling a publicity stunt it appears that they really believe that stuff.
    And they like Biden over Trump – in particular because he supports sending money to Ukraine (minus his 10% of course).

  2. “Ask Rich”

    R* T*, I will help you out, you clearly need it.

    Yammering to the press is the biggest tell for being a fed. In fact, I would bet all those yahoos are either feds or paid informants.

    A true believer would not be caught dead at these rallies. They know who the enemy is, the press and the government, they want their anonymity, away from prying eyes and possible retaliation from the FBI brown shirts. They don’t text or jibber jabber on their cell phones. They meet in private and only with folks who have been adequately vetted. They know the game, they know that their very existence and the cause survive only when their circle of trust is contained.

    Hope that helps.

  3. Kind of like what we play here but we don’t get video or photos.

    I wonder if the feds would keep instigating if liberals started sniping Nazis at protests. Same with the Izod clad actors arriving in Uhauls.

    BTW, how come no one follows those trucks when they leave to record the license plates and stuff where they have their personal vehicles?

  4. There is a fairly simple test as to whether they are feds are not. If AntiFa doesn’t show up to start shit with them, then they are either feds, fed contractors, or AntiFa themselves.

  5. ^^^ so you carry a gun because you believe the election was stolen. You never carried one before the election? And you carrying is somehow going to prevent the next one from being stolen?

    What does one have to do with the other?

  6. “^^^ so you carry a gun because you believe the election was stolen. ”

    Wow, you are a FED aren’t you. Typical reading comprehension. You want to keep going with this? I have the post saved, Ya wanna see it?

  7. Brad’s short-term memory loss kicking in again. No, my concern with you carrying had nothing to do with the election, it was all about your mental psychosis, your lack of common sense, and your inability to govern your emotional outbreaks.

    Flying into rages at the drop of hat and casually threatening those who cross you with violence, this is what I worry about, instances where restraint flys right out the window because you can’t control yourself.

  8. And yet again, you turn a thread about something we can all agree on into a personal attack against me. I just don’t get it. I make overtures to you that I would like things more amicable, but you are always the aggressor. This is what I mean by a lack of restraint.

  9. ^^^^

    No No No, and I knew what your response was going to be, Brad’s a psycho. That’s not what you said at the time is it?
    If there’s a person I know that shouldn’t be carrying a gun it would be you. Piss poor lack of common sense and judgement. Anybody that calls themselves a conservative that thinks 92% VOTER turn out is reasonable is dumber than a box of rocks. Any conservative that doesn’t think 2020 was heavily manipulated and stolen is dumber than a box of rocks and again, shows piss poor judgement. Understandable form you being LE most of your life. It’s the way to survive in a bureaucracy. Your a faux conservative. You live in the perfect zip code.

  10. One last thing Rich, if you ever find yourself in a precarious situation with bad guys and guns, you’re gonna wish like hell some aggressive guy like me that can handle a gun was there to save your ass.

  11. “Brad’s a psycho”……………..QED (quod erat demonstrandum)

    Please show me where I said 92% voter turnout is reasonable. Please show me where I said the 2020 election was not heavily manipulated. Take your time, I’ll wait.

  12. “Your a faux conservative”

    And therein lies the rub, real conservatives must believe everything I believe or they are “faux”.

    If anything, you are the phony, given your knee-jerk fall back of all the lame prog tactics; the pejoratives, the inability to back up claims with receipts, and trying to “cancel” someone that disagrees with you. These have all been your stock in trade.

  13. “Please show me where I said 92% voter turnout is reasonable. Please show me where I said the 2020 election was not heavily manipulated. Take your time, I’ll wait”

    You posted a stat, a PDF from the census bureau, from 2022 that revised the total number of registered votersto in inflated number, and quantified turn out in raw numbers. I did the math for you. Go figure. Your reply was, “Seems reasonable, Trump was a polarizing figure”. Remember that sparky? Mean while the best turn out ever was 59%. Again, according to you, a 92% IS REASONABLE, because Trump is polarizing. Rich, was the election manipulated and stolen? Yes or no.

  14. “How’s that for receipts bitch:

    Well, on a Brad scale it was typical, but on any objective reasonable probative scale, it was ridiculously thin to the point of meaningless.

    The only thing right you got in that comment was that I said Trump was polarizing, everything else was wrong. Again, go back and find it, where did I say 92% turnout is reasonable?

  15. “The only thing right you got in that comment was that I said Trump was polarizing, everything else was wrong. Again, go back and find it, where did I say 92% turnout is reasonable”

    You said it. You know it. It was on the very same post you made calling Trump polarizing. Was the 2020 election manipulated and stolen? Yes or no.

  16. I didn’t say it because 92% is NOT reasonable, by any objective standards, so yes, I’m calling you a liar.

    I remember the thread very well. You were trying to prove that the election was stolen based on “historical averages” and all I said was that historical averages are good for context but not categorical proof because Trump was a polarizing figure and provides motivation for the other side, that’s it.

  17. You started this thread with a lie, that I somehow worry about you carrying because of your belief the election was stolen, and ended it the same way, with a lie, well done there, Sparky.

  18. So in other words you think jumping from best ever turn out of 59% to 92% is reasonable as reported from a Biden census bureau on a PDF format two years after the fact containing an extremely inflated registered voter number compared to their same data, until recently, published on their web sight. Funny thing is, their numbers are still short if you back into them.
    Rich, you must have been one hell of a cop. Was the 2020 election manipulated or stolen. Oh hell. I know he won’t answer, He wouldn’t BFH or Willy when asked. And I’ve been asking him before them. Evade, move goal posts. He’s a toll.

  19. “So in other words you think jumping from best ever turn out of 59% to 92% is reasonable”

    No, Cathy Newman, I did not say that, I did not infer that, I did not even hint at that, quit lying, be honest for once in your life.

    “Rich, you must have been one hell of a cop.”

    Brad’s tactics are in full bloom. When losing an argument he attacks my profession, ex-profession. Well, at least he kept my wife out of it.

  20. ^^^^^ Squirming like a mother fucker.

    If someone asks me, Was the election manipulated or stolen. I have no issues answering that question. And the only people that would evade answering that question, are libtard trolls. If you claim to be a conservative and don’t think the election was stolen, state your position and tell us why like a full grown man. That’s not what’s happening here.

    Evade, move goal posts.

    I know a ton of retire LE. I don’t know one that doesn’ legally carry a gun via CCW. It’s a rubber stamp. If you’re retired LE, here’s you’re permit. Except Rich. Not only does he not have a carry permit, he doesn’t own a gun he could carry. That’s all per Rich. Weird. Troll? Fed Poster? I dunno.

  21. ^^^ All that nonsense (and lies) and yet you still can’t provide proof that I said 92% is reasonable.

    You had your chance, but sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, you make claims you can back up, this theme repeats itself over and over.

    As for guns, your short-term memory strikes again. We have talked about this many times. I own several guns. And besides, what does any of this have to do with your tendencies to habitual lie?

  22. You can have the last word, of course, It will be something monumentally stupid, not on point, and more deflecting than illuminating, but your bar is pretty low.

    I’m calling it a night.

  23. Just so you know, any group with just the slightest opposition to the cabal is infiltrated by the Alphabets.

    Including every single Republican/Conservative/Religious group. The NSA monitors every keystroke, text, and phone call of every citizen, as well as tracks your movements.

    Meanwhile the blue city Demons run rampant and the cartels flood hordes of non monitored illegals across our borders.

    All by design.

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