Big Labor Needs Big Gov to Survive – IOTW Report

Big Labor Needs Big Gov to Survive

The Hill

Big Labor bosses have a problem: Despite their vitriolic rhetoric and a small number of loud online activists, most workers want nothing to do with unions.

A Gallup poll released last Labor Day spotlighted the issue: A strong majority of nonunion workers in the U.S. (58 percent) say they are “not interested at all” in joining a union, whereas just 11 percent say they are “extremely interested.” More

11 Comments on Big Labor Needs Big Gov to Survive

  1. Unions were necessary to consolidate worker power in opposition to large money businesses that took advantage of the low skill work force. What really created our modern -say pre 2010- working conditions was the very real threat of communism in the early twentieth century. Even with broadly abundant labor the owners saw the writing on the wall when Russia fell to the communists and Europe was inundated with revolutionary activity.

    Unions are now just catspaws of the developing fascist regime here in America. Their interests align perfectly with the big money and government and they act as a means to force large units of labor to accept what is offered. SEIU is a perfect example of a predatory union organization working hand in glove with capital and government to maintain the oppression of the workers ‘represented’ by the union.

  2. Is dat so? Nope, a bucket of rocks will back u up, though. Big unions were started to fight big gummerment. Wighout unions your MOFO corps would of walked all over America, dipstick. God your a idiot & of course a numnut Trump supporter who hates unions, why because they came after his stinkin, cheatin ass ,boy!

  3. ^^^^unions keep stupid people working therefore stupid people are willing to give up part of their earnings to have job security.
    My ability to follow instructions and put in a hard days work makes me a valuable employee who can stand or fall on my own two feet.

  4. The Dems love Unions. Dues are collected, the leaders become fat cats, part of the dues are somehow legally sent back to the Dem candidate who is “pro Union”. He’s actually pro grift. This is why Gov’t unions are so bad. My taxes pay their salary and it eventually winds up in the coffers of a Dem reelection campaign, which I would never support.

  5. Unions are vestiges of fascism, socialism, communism, and nihilistic totalitarianism.
    They had a raison d’être at one time but have outlived their usefulness. They are now just a tool of oppression and extortion by the Big Gov’t maggots and their toadies and stooges who comprise the Union leaderships. Unions exist simply to funnel money from the taxpayers to the coffers of Organized Crime festering in the heart of the Legislative and Executive Branches of the Government (with Judiciary approval, I might add).

    Another Leviathan that needs to be slain.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. We have a teacher’s strike. I’d like to remind them that they want a pay raise, from taxpayers who’ve lost ground, because of the disastrous president they helped elect. They owe us a refund.


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