Gender Reveal Party Death – IOTW Report

Gender Reveal Party Death

The revelers were so giddy about a completely arbitrary “girl or boy” AMAZING MOMENT (yawn.. as if one is better than another, or anyone screaming with delight really GAS) the dopes didn’t even realize a guy was killed.

16 Comments on Gender Reveal Party Death

  1. The Ag pilot should have known what he was doing, and pulling up after he dumped the water load should have reduced the load on the wing. It looks like he misjudged the height of the palm trees and tried to pull too hard.

    Another possibility is corrosion has weakened the left wing structure and his number came up on an otherwise normal maneuver.

    I wonder if the NTSB will blame it on pilot error or maintenance issues for the corrosion.

  2. Rick T that was a cracked spar that had grown large enough to fail catastrophically. Could’ve been corrosion if it was in a corrosive environment. Regardless, spar failure and possible out of inspection.
    In aircraft structural analysis there is fatigue analysis that occurs and then damage tolerance analysis that occurs. We assume there are flaws present or will occur. Then inspection intervals are based on results of these analyses.

    There was a C-130 years ago where the wings folded at the root just like this. It was captured on video.

  3. Why have a “gender reveal” party when the LibTards keep telling us that there is no such thing as “binary”, and let the child decide for themself if they’re a boy/girl/heinz 57? (that is, if they’re not aborted first)

  4. That was a big time structural failure. To bad it cost the pilot his life. I’m not sure the FAA’s protocol for private civilian aircraft, but that would have been caught with several different non-destructive tests. They’re relatively cheap.
    Also, an amazing amount of people get harmed or killed during gender reveals. It’s crazy.


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