When You Get The Most Presidential Votes in History… – IOTW Report

When You Get The Most Presidential Votes in History…

15 Comments on When You Get The Most Presidential Votes in History…

  1. If you follow the guidance of the Founders after your government turns illegitimate and tyrannical, you don’t have to be a slave.

    If you do nothing but trust a managed opposition to save you from them, you pretty much have to.

  2. If you don’t commit crime after crime from corruption to treason while in office, you don’t have to cheat to stay in office until your body and mind fall apart to remain in a position to cover them up.

    If you do commit crime after crime while in office, you pretty much have to.

  3. If you don’t rape children provided for you by the Deep State as soon as you get in office, you don’t have to worry about the Deep State using the pictures they took to blackmail you into doing their will while in office.

    If you do rape children, you pretty much have to.

  4. Conservatives all now Jo stole the election; with significant help from UNIPARTY.Conservatives have not been a majority for at least 30 years.

    Many UNIPARTY know Jo Stole the election; they helped him steal it. Which is why they fight sot hard to protect him. Naming some of very many UNIPARTY names”: Bush(entire clan),Cheney(both), Mitch, Thune.

    translation. Vastt majority know Uniparty stole the election. But many of them lie and say (GWB 11/2020) “we won “fair and square!”!
    Ok I fudged.
    GWB did not say WE he said he.

    But I knew what he meant!

  5. where are the biteme hats, flags, tshirts, yard signs, & car/boat parades

    the whole world knows biteme is not a duly elected president

    it is our DUTY as US citizens to throw off this illegitimate regime and handle them accordingly

  6. It really isn’t the Democrats anyone should be pointing their bony finger at, it is the Republican establishment who enabled this. It is absolutely ludicrous to suggest that without the Republican establishment part in this fiasco that it would have even got to first base. I can absolutely, with 100% certitude, guarantee you that Paul Ryan was every bit as involved in the planning of what went down as was Nancy Pelosi.

    The Democrats are what they are and proudly so. They have absolutely no compunction stealing an election in broad daylight. It is the Republican establishment, operating in the shadows that if anything is going to be done about it need to be exposed for what they are.

    Your biggest enemy is never a stranger…Its your closest ones!! -Nazra Nishat

  7. JD: You mean you weren’t enthralled with such great Presidential candidates as Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney — all members of the “It’s My Turn” club?

    Although, in hindsight, Dole and Romney may have been sacrificial lambs going against popular Presidents running for their second terms. That is not to say I agree with their being popular — I’m just acknowledging the fact.

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