Belly Up – IOTW Report

Belly Up

Images from:

1) Old Guy (Violet) Belly UP.
2) Agatha Kakalogical (Ranger) showing his belly.
3) Michael (Diva) A puppy mill rescue that loves nothing better than a belly rub.
4) Conservative Cowgirl (Oliver) I take care of a lot of animals for people when they go on vacation. Oliver is one of my favorites. Scottish Border Terrier snuggling against me.
5) Conservative Cowgirl (Snow) the Persian cat. Looks passed out from catnip.
6) Conservative Cowgirl (King) Another dog I take care of.
7) Bo Diddley (Rupert) Nap time.

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:


  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

9-17 Here Comes the Sun – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON. – Critters enjoying the sunshine – Theme idea from Bayouwulf.
9-24 First Day of Fall – Critters playing in leaves, posing with fall decorations, etc.
10-1 You Better Look Out – You never know who is going to pounce on you! Or your critters that like to tussle.

A wonderful thanks to all who contribute their photos!

12 Comments on Belly Up

  1. Our oldest Lab started sleeping feet in the air several years ago. I think because it feels good on his hips. The younger Lab copies everything the old guy does. And now the damn cats doing it too. I got out of bed last week and all three were laying next to each other feet in the air with the cat sandwiched in the middle.


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