That Was The Point, Eric – IOTW Report

That Was The Point, Eric

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Says Illegal Immigration Will Destroy The City

AND: “Let me tell you something New Yorkers, never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to — I don’t see an ending to this,” New York Mayor Eric Adams said Wednesday night in his opening remarks at a town hall-style gathering in Manhattan. “This issue will destroy New York City.”

The Mayor is right. What he does not seem to comprehend, however, is that that is the entire point of this administration’s immigration policies. It is to destroy America as we know it. This government is not run by individuals looking to serve the population of the United States and safeguard its citizens. It is, at the upper levels, run by radicals who despise this country and everything it stands for and are looking to radically restructure it along clearly Marxist lines.

This government’s official policy is not to control the border or the flow of migrants into this country. The official policy of this government is to guarantee “safe and orderly migration.” more here

19 Comments on That Was The Point, Eric

  1. There was a recent video of some very upset black residents of Chicago, complaining about migrants being brought in, being taken care of, safety issues, resources, etc. Maybe between the residents of Chicago and New York, there will be a whole new crop of former Democrats. One can hope.

  2. When the commies were conspiring to flood red states with illegals, likely to vota communista, this affirmative action dip shit was in favor of budget-busting, illegal immigration. Too bad so much shit wound up in his nest. Adams is in way over his head. Instead of dealing with the problem, he’s all over town blaming others for his problem.

  3. oh no’s! is poor widdle Erroric beginning to understand his place in the globalist pecking order?

    Shut up already Mayor Nobody, stop being so uppity, we will give you some helpful White House suggestions, you got your 120 million and suggestions is all we have left.

    Accept your fate, we have a country to destroy, your city is collateral damage dioshit…

  4. “It’s only a mistake if you don’t learn from it.”

    Hizzoner can still rot in Hell for an eternity, unless he renounces Shitpants and his Satanic minions.

    May I suggest he endorse someone who used to love and do well by NYC: PRESIDENT TRUMP !

  5. Those cities that called themselves “Sanctuary Cities” need to suck it up & quit blaming everyone else for them calling themselves sanctuary cities.
    Dude, everyone below the equator evidently breeds like rabbits, so it’s going to be a never ending stream if it’s not stopped.

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