Biden’s Handlers Insist Impeachment Inquiry “Extreme,” Expect MSM to Discredit Investigation – IOTW Report

Biden’s Handlers Insist Impeachment Inquiry “Extreme,” Expect MSM to Discredit Investigation


The White House condemned the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden as “extreme” and unwarranted on Tuesday.

“House Republicans have been investigating the President for 9 months, and they’ve turned up no evidence of wrongdoing,” White House spokesman Ian Sams posted on X. “His own GOP members have said so.” More

The Biden administration has been blasted over plans to send out a letter to major news organizations demanding they probe the ‘lies’ of the House GOP’s impeachment inquiry. More

8 Comments on Biden’s Handlers Insist Impeachment Inquiry “Extreme,” Expect MSM to Discredit Investigation

  1. Will any of us be surprised?
    They’ll just yell “Orange man bad” a bit louder.
    And did you see that new “evidence” of aliens came out?
    Boy, they’re really reaching for diversions now.

  2. With the evidence that is already known, the fact that they are having an impeachment enquiry instead of an actual impeachment tells us all we need to know.

    Rumor has it that “Blowing Smoke Up the Electorate’s Ass for Dummies” is a best seller in DC.

  3. Give Hunter a drug test right now,
    Let’s see what illegal shit is pumping around in his system.

    Then Do Joey ShitPants.
    I would love to know what “LEGAL PHARMA” is giving that turnip to keep him almost sentient.

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